Dear all,
When I start Pegasus Mail - latest version, I use Pegasus Mail since 1998 - the e-mails from my provider's mailserver are collected. Every 900 seconds (but that period doesn't matter) my mailbox is
checked. Since I have changed my provider's e-mail POP3 password, I get errormessages like the one below. Sometimes it gives no error, but most of the times it does. I use AVG 8.0, but that was from before the password change.
Does anybody know what is going wrong?
[*] Connection established to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
>> 0058 +OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server 8.0.159/8.0.173 [270.7.6/1712]
<< 0022 USER [me]
>> 0063 +OK [me] nice to hear from you - password required
>> 0128 -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh
An extract from the system messages:
Wed, 20:36:28 Message sent to .....
POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh
Wed, 20:45:17 Newmail rule processing: No messages triggered any rules.
POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=jjj.kkk.lll.mmm
It seems to me that it happens when the mailbox is empty.
Kind regards,
<p>Dear all,</p><p>When I start Pegasus Mail - latest version, I use Pegasus Mail since 1998 - the e-mails from my provider's mailserver are collected.&nbsp;Every 900 seconds (but that period doesn't matter) my mailbox is
checked. Since I have changed my provider's e-mail POP3 password, I get errormessages like the one below. Sometimes it gives no error, but most of the times it does. I use AVG 8.0, but that was from before the password change.</p><p>Does anybody know what is going wrong?
</p><blockquote><p>[*] Connection established to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
&gt;&gt; 0058 +OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server 8.0.159/8.0.173 [270.7.6/1712]
&lt;&lt; 0022 USER [me]
&gt;&gt; 0063 +OK [me] nice to hear from you - password required
&lt;&lt; 0013 PASS XXXXXX
&gt;&gt; 0128 -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh
</p></blockquote><p>An extract from the system messages:
</p><blockquote><p>Wed, 20:36:28&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Message sent to .....
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh
Wed, 20:45:17&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Newmail rule processing: No messages triggered any rules.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=jjj.kkk.lll.mmm
</p></blockquote><p>It seems to me that it happens when the mailbox is empty.</p><p>Kind regards,</p><p>Pieter