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When checking my provider's mailbox, I get this error: "Too many login attempts, try again later."

Dear Thomas,

Problem has been solved after changing the mailbox password (at the provider's side). Thanks for your help - I can happily continue working with Pegasus Mail.....

Kind greetings,


<p>Dear Thomas, </p><p>Problem has been solved after changing the mailbox password (at the provider's side). Thanks for your help - I can happily continue working with Pegasus Mail.....</p><p>Kind greetings,</p><p>Pieter </p>

Dear all,

When I start Pegasus Mail - latest version, I use Pegasus Mail since 1998 - the e-mails from my provider's mailserver are collected. Every 900 seconds (but that period doesn't matter) my mailbox is

checked. Since I have changed my provider's e-mail POP3 password, I get errormessages like the one below. Sometimes it gives no error, but most of the times it does. I use AVG 8.0, but that was from before the password change.

Does anybody know what is going wrong?

[*] Connection established to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
>> 0058 +OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server 8.0.159/8.0.173 [270.7.6/1712]
<< 0022 USER [me]
>> 0063 +OK [me] nice to hear from you - password required
>> 0128 -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh

An extract from the system messages:

Wed, 20:36:28    Message sent to .....
    POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh
Wed, 20:45:17    Newmail rule processing: No messages triggered any rules.
    POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=jjj.kkk.lll.mmm

It seems to me that it happens when the mailbox is empty.

Kind regards,


&lt;p&gt;Dear all,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;When I start Pegasus Mail - latest version, I use Pegasus Mail since 1998 - the e-mails from my provider&#039;s mailserver are collected.&amp;nbsp;Every 900 seconds (but that period doesn&#039;t matter) my mailbox is checked. Since I have changed my provider&#039;s e-mail POP3 password, I get errormessages like the one below. Sometimes it gives no error, but most of the times it does. I use AVG 8.0, but that was from before the password change.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Does anybody know what is going wrong? &lt;/p&gt;&lt;blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;[*] Connection established to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd &amp;gt;&amp;gt; 0058 +OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server 8.0.159/8.0.173 [270.7.6/1712] &amp;lt;&amp;lt; 0022 USER [me] &amp;gt;&amp;gt; 0063 +OK [me] nice to hear from you - password required &amp;lt;&amp;lt; 0013 PASS XXXXXX &amp;gt;&amp;gt; 0128 -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh &lt;/p&gt;&lt;/blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;An extract from the system messages: &lt;/p&gt;&lt;blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;Wed, 20:36:28&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; Message sent to ..... &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh Wed, 20:45:17&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; Newmail rule processing: No messages triggered any rules. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; POP3 error: -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=jjj.kkk.lll.mmm &lt;/p&gt;&lt;/blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;It seems to me that it happens when the mailbox is empty.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Kind regards,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Pieter &lt;/p&gt;

Connection established to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
>> 0058 +OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server 8.0.159/8.0.173 [270.7.6/1712]
<< 0022 USER [me]
>> 0063 +OK [me] nice to hear from you - password required

0128 -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts,

try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh

 Looks like a POP3 mailbox problem to me.  It's pretty much saying there have been too many failed logins.  I'd go to the people providing the POP3 mailbox and ask them what is going on. I'd have a complete session log in had when I made the call though.  Go to File | Network configuration | General and turn on "Create Internet session logs (advanced diagnostic use only)"  

Checking this control tells Pegasus Mail to create special log files that show the entire exchange of information between it and the servers it connects to. Each session will be created in a file called TCPxxxx.WPM in your home mailbox directory (the "xxxx" is replaced by four digits). Creating session logs will slow down the performance of your system somewhat, and you should be aware that any username and password information exchanged between Pegasus Mail and the server will be shown in the log, *even* if you use SSL to secure the connection. Session logs are primarily useful if you need to debug a problem between Pegasus Mail and one of the servers it connects to - you should enable the option only on instructions from a system administrator or from Pegasus Mail technical support. [ Technical note: this control has the same effect as using a "-Z 32" commandline switch when you run Pegasus Mail ]

You can now try again to send/receive the mail and then look at the resulting TCP/IP debug file.  Review of this file will tell you exactly what is going on between WinPMail and the server.



&lt;blockquote&gt;Connection established to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd &amp;gt;&amp;gt; 0058 +OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server 8.0.159/8.0.173 [270.7.6/1712] &amp;lt;&amp;lt; 0022 USER [me] &amp;gt;&amp;gt; 0063 +OK [me] nice to hear from you - password required &amp;lt;&amp;lt; 0013 PASS XXXXXX &amp;gt;&amp;gt; 0128 -ERR User: [me] Domain:, Too many login attempts, try again later. Setting g_bad_login ip=eee.fff.ggg.hhh&lt;/blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;Looks like a POP3 mailbox problem to me.&amp;nbsp; It&#039;s pretty much saying there have been too many failed logins.&amp;nbsp; I&#039;d go to the people providing the POP3 mailbox and ask them what is going on. I&#039;d have a complete session log in had when I made the call though.&amp;nbsp; Go to File | Network configuration | General and turn on &quot;Create Internet session logs (advanced diagnostic use only)&quot; &amp;nbsp; Checking this control tells Pegasus Mail to create special log files that show the entire exchange of information between it and the servers it connects to. Each session will be created in a file called TCPxxxx.WPM in your home mailbox directory (the &quot;xxxx&quot; is replaced by four digits). Creating session logs will slow down the performance of your system somewhat, and you should be aware that any username and password information exchanged between Pegasus Mail and the server will be shown in the log, *even* if you use SSL to secure the connection. Session logs are primarily useful if you need to debug a problem between Pegasus Mail and one of the servers it connects to - you should enable the option only on instructions from a system administrator or from Pegasus Mail technical support. [ Technical note: this control has the same effect as using a &quot;-Z 32&quot; commandline switch when you run Pegasus Mail ] You can now try again to send/receive the mail and then look at the resulting TCP/IP debug file.&amp;nbsp; Review of this file will tell you exactly what is going on between WinPMail and the server.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;blockquote&gt;&lt;blockquote&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/blockquote&gt;&lt;/blockquote&gt;

Dear Thomas,

Thank you for your reply. What you have said I've done, and I have transfered the session log files to my provider - after replacing the password with XXXX :-). Hope it will help them, it must be a difficult case.

BTW - can it have something to do with the AVG mail scanner (version 8.0) ? On the (free) AVG forum I can't find anything about Pegasus, only Mercury is mentioned.


&lt;p&gt;Dear Thomas,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Thank you for your reply. What you have said I&#039;ve done, and I have transfered the session log files to my provider - after replacing the password with XXXX :-). Hope it will help them, it must be a difficult case.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;BTW - can it have something to do with the AVG mail scanner (version 8.0) ? On the (free) AVG forum I can&#039;t find anything about Pegasus, only Mercury is mentioned. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Pieter &lt;/p&gt;

BTW - can it have something to do with the AVG mail scanner (version

8.0) ? On the (free) AVG forum I can't find anything about Pegasus,

only Mercury is mentioned.

Absolutely, especially if you are using it between WinPmail and the server.  A proxy can fail and cause exactly this error.


&lt;blockquote&gt;BTW - can it have something to do with the AVG mail scanner (version 8.0) ? On the (free) AVG forum I can&#039;t find anything about Pegasus, only Mercury is mentioned.&lt;/blockquote&gt;&lt;p&gt;Absolutely, especially if you are using it between WinPmail and the server.&amp;nbsp; A proxy can fail and cause exactly this error.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

Alas, when I disable the mail scan option in AVG 8 free, the result is the same. When this error has occurred, I can't get my mails, even when there are waiting on the server.

Alas, when I disable the mail scan option in AVG 8 free, the result is the same. When this error has occurred, I can&#039;t get my mails, even when there are waiting on the server.
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