SendDoc.mac is a VBA macro that once installed into MS Word can be used to invoke Pegasus Mail as the mailer. The macro communicates with Pegasus Mail via DDE protocol. To make it user friendly, associate the macro with a button on the toolbar in MS Word. The document is sent as a regular attachment, and all the facilities of a Pegasus Mail message composition are available. A similar macro for MS Excel spreadsheets is available by request only.
<p>SendDoc.mac&nbsp;&nbsp; is a VBA macro that once installed into MS Word can be used to invoke Pegasus Mail as the mailer. The macro communicates with Pegasus Mail via DDE protocol. To make it user friendly, associate the macro with a button on the toolbar in MS Word. The document is sent as a regular attachment, and all the facilities of a Pegasus Mail message composition are available. A similar macro for MS Excel spreadsheets is available by request only.</p><p>Martin&nbsp;</p>