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mailto link not working correctly like it used to

I have thought about doing this and I'm sure I could make this work, but it would just be double duty everytime I need to email a customer a system message ( IE I also use this for cc declined messages, auto renewal messages, etc, etc)....   I do that a lot during the course of a day ( I'd guess on average 25-30 times ).

It would be much simpler of course if Pegasus just did it.  David, I'd be willing to Donate to get this fixed, would that help?  I'm getting a bit desperate here, please help?

<p>I have thought about doing this and I'm sure I could make this work, but it would just be double duty everytime I need to email a customer a system message ( IE I also use this for cc declined messages, auto renewal messages, etc, etc)....   I do that a lot during the course of a day ( I'd guess on average 25-30 times ).</p><p>It would be much simpler of course if Pegasus just did it.  David, I'd be willing to Donate to get this fixed, would that help?  I'm getting a bit desperate here, please help? </p>

First off let me say how much I love Pegasus, been using it for 10+ years, thank you so much for it.

I am on Pegasus Version 4.41 ( just recently upgraded from 4.31 I believe ) on windows XP SP2 and use Firefox V2.0.0.6.

I use a mailto link when I setup a new customer to send them their login information, etc. Now I know I could use a server generated email that is sent automatically, but I like having a record of the email in my Pegasus' COPYSELF folder for future reference in case I need to resend it to them or just so I can easily prove I did send it.

Anyway, the email address TO part is formated like so:  Firstname Lastname <email@address>

Now it's been working great for 5+ years and just all of the sudden ( past week or so ) it's starting to do this:   Firstname%20Lastname%20 <email@address>.  I realize the %20 is the ascii for a space, but doesn't look good when Pegasus actually keeps it as %20 instead of just a space.

At first I suspected an add on for Firefox that I was using, the "noscript" add-on, so I disabled this plug-in and viola everything seemed great, but alas this only lasted a couple hours.  The next morning I came in and it was doing the same thing.  Now like I said before I've recently upgraded Pegasus and I've updated Firefox constantly to the newest version.

I've double checked my mailto code and as stated that has been working great for 5+ years so I see nothing wrong with it.  Now here's whats wierd and maybe I shouldn't even be posting here because I tried in Internet Explorer and it works just fine.  Maybe I need to post this in a Firefox forum?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much in advance, I love this new community!

&lt;p&gt;First off let me say how much I love Pegasus, been using it for 10+ years, thank you so much for it.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I am on Pegasus Version 4.41 ( just recently upgraded from 4.31 I believe ) on windows XP SP2 and use Firefox V2.0.0.6. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I use a mailto link when I setup a new customer to send them their login information, etc. Now I know I could use a server generated email that is sent automatically, but I like having a record of the email in my Pegasus&#039; COPYSELF folder for future reference in case I need to resend it to them or just so I can easily prove I did send it. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Anyway, the email address TO part is formated like so:&amp;nbsp; Firstname Lastname &amp;lt;email@address&amp;gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Now it&#039;s been working great for 5+ years and just all of the sudden ( past week or so ) it&#039;s starting to do this: &amp;nbsp; Firstname%20Lastname%20 &amp;lt;email@address&amp;gt;.&amp;nbsp; I realize the %20 is the ascii for a space, but doesn&#039;t look good when Pegasus actually keeps it as %20 instead of just a space.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;At first I suspected an add on for Firefox that I was using, the &quot;noscript&quot; add-on, so I disabled this plug-in and viola everything seemed great, but alas this only lasted a couple hours.&amp;nbsp; The next morning I came in and it was doing the same thing.&amp;nbsp; Now like I said before I&#039;ve recently upgraded Pegasus and I&#039;ve updated Firefox constantly to the newest version.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I&#039;ve double checked my mailto code and as stated that has been working great for 5+ years so I see nothing wrong with it.&amp;nbsp; Now here&#039;s whats wierd and maybe I shouldn&#039;t even be posting here because I tried in Internet Explorer and it works just fine.&amp;nbsp; Maybe I need to post this in a Firefox forum?&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much in advance, I love this new community! &lt;/p&gt;

I do not believe this has anything to do with Pegasus Mail. I rather believe the Firefox add-on "Noscript" is doing something.  I went to its website and found an article that states that NoScript must be re-installed every time Firefox is upgraded. Maybe in your case the de-install did nothing, I noted at the website they moan about the lack of a Extension Manager, and the inability to remove an extension without brute force.

Still I am confused as to what is happening here. I think I hear you are using Pegasus Mail to mail out to clients, ie using its internal SMTP engine.    If the user clicks a Mailto: link in a browser (Firefox) that is configured to use Pegasus Mail, then the Mailto: Url is passed to Pegasus Mail, who then produces a standard Compose Message.  If that Url is altered before it is passed to Pegasus Mail, there is nothing that can be done in Pegasus Mail. It sounds like the Url is being fixed up to cope with special characters such as blanks.


&lt;p&gt;I do not believe this has anything to do with Pegasus Mail. I rather believe the Firefox add-on &quot;Noscript&quot; is doing something.&amp;nbsp; I went to its website and found an article that states that NoScript must be re-installed every time Firefox is upgraded. Maybe in your case the de-install did nothing, I noted at the website they moan about the lack of a Extension Manager, and the inability to remove an extension without brute force. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Still I am confused as to what is happening here. I think I hear you are using Pegasus Mail to mail out to clients, ie using its internal SMTP engine.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; If the user clicks a Mailto: link in a browser (Firefox) that is configured to use Pegasus Mail, then the Mailto: Url is passed to Pegasus Mail, who then produces a standard Compose Message.&amp;nbsp; If that Url is altered before it is passed to Pegasus Mail, there is nothing that can be done in Pegasus Mail. It sounds like the Url is being fixed up to cope with special characters such as blanks.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Martin&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

Ok I posted this in a firefox forum also and here is what one user said that makes a lot of sense:

>>>>> Start <<<<<
I think this is related to the escaping problem noticed in MFSA-2007-23

and -27, thus the escaping is more strict now with, including

spaces. Your problem appears to be on Pegasus' side since it doesn't

un-escape the %20 back to a space. Firefox is doing it correctly in

terms of the standard. I'd assume that - now that this issue is

commonly known - all browsers and e-mail clients will have to deal more

carefully with escape sequences. The fact that it still works for MSIE

comes from a lack of a security patch for this issue. Be certain that

it will show up there as well as soon as MS fixes it.

>>>>> END <<<<<

Also to hopefully end your confusion as to what I am doing with this:  I am simply creating a mailto link in one of my backend user management pages that only I ever see.  When I setup a users account, I click the mailto link and it forms a message in my Pegasus to the user.  I simply send it as I would any other normal email, make sense?

&lt;p&gt;Ok I posted this in a firefox forum also and here is what one user said that makes a lot of sense:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt; Start &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; I think this is related to the escaping problem noticed in MFSA-2007-23 and -27, thus the escaping is more strict now with, including spaces. Your problem appears to be on Pegasus&#039; side since it doesn&#039;t un-escape the %20 back to a space. Firefox is doing it correctly in terms of the standard. I&#039;d assume that - now that this issue is commonly known - all browsers and e-mail clients will have to deal more carefully with escape sequences. The fact that it still works for MSIE comes from a lack of a security patch for this issue. Be certain that it will show up there as well as soon as MS fixes it. &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt; END &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Also to hopefully end your confusion as to what I am doing with this:&amp;nbsp; I am simply creating a mailto link in one of my backend user management pages that only I ever see.&amp;nbsp; When I setup a users account, I click the mailto link and it forms a message in my Pegasus to the user.&amp;nbsp; I simply send it as I would any other normal email, make sense? &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

Could you describe exactly what you're doing, and what you're seeing? I can't quite follow your description. At what point does FireFox become involved? It sounds as though you're clicking on a link in your copyself folder, but that wouldn't invoke FireFox...

Sorry if I'm being thick here, but if you can give me a step-by-step description of what you're doing and seeing, I'll look into it.


-- David --

Could you describe exactly what you&#039;re doing, and what you&#039;re seeing? I can&#039;t quite follow your description. At what point does FireFox become involved? It sounds as though you&#039;re clicking on a link in your copyself folder, but that wouldn&#039;t invoke FireFox... Sorry if I&#039;m being thick here, but if you can give me a step-by-step description of what you&#039;re doing and seeing, I&#039;ll look into it. Cheers! -- David --

Ok, here's exactly what I am doing:

I have a backend website that I use to manage my customers accounts. I use Firefox as my browser, so I use it to browse the backend website and do my normal daily business of adding customers, changing Database options, etc, etc.

When I add a new customer, the web page generates a mailto link that I click on in Firefox.  This is the mailto link that generates a message for me in Pegasus and that I send to the customer, here is an exact example of the mailto link generated ( I of course changed the sensitive data ):

Email Account Activated Message

You'll notice when you click it, the spaces and even the '<' are not un-escaped correctly, they still show as their ascii characters in Pegasus.  If you try it, with say "Thunderbird" as your email client it is un-escaped right.

&lt;p&gt;Ok, here&#039;s exactly what I am doing:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;I have a backend website that I use to manage my customers accounts. I use Firefox as my browser, so I use it to browse the backend website and do my normal daily business of adding customers, changing Database options, etc, etc.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;When I add a new customer, the web page generates a mailto link that I click on in Firefox.&amp;nbsp; This is the mailto link that generates a message for me in Pegasus and that I send to the customer, here is an exact example of the mailto link generated ( I of course changed the sensitive data ): &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;;amp;Body=Your%20Extreme%20Lead%20Program%20membership%20has%20been%20activated%2C%20thank%20you%0D%0Afor%20your%20business%2E%0D%0A%0D%0AYou%20can%20login%20and%20check%20your%20stats%20anytime%20at%3A%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww%2mytestdomain%2Ecom%2Flogin%2Ehtml%0D%0A%0D%0ASimply%20login%20with%3A%20%0D%0AUsername%3A%20%20test%0D%0APassword%3A%20%20test%0D%0A%0D%0AIf%20you%20have%20any%20questions%2C%20email%20us%20by%20simply%20replying%20to%20this%0D%0Amessage%2E%20%20Be%20sure%20to%20include%20your%20Order%20Number%20in%20any%0D%0Acorrespondence%20to%20us%2C%20it%20is%3A%20%2092552B%0D%0A%0D%0ARemember%20this%20is%20a%20re%2Doccurring%20service%20unless%20cancelled%20via%20email%2E%0D%0APlease%20make%20sure%20to%20re%2Dread%20the%20TOS%2FAUP%20at%3A%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmytestdomain%2Ecom%2Ftos%2Ehtml%0D%0Afor%20details%20of%20the%20Terms%20of%20Service%2E&quot; mce_href=&quot;;amp;Body=Your%20Extreme%20Lead%20Program%20membership%20has%20been%20activated%2C%20thank%20you%0D%0Afor%20your%20business%2E%0D%0A%0D%0AYou%20can%20login%20and%20check%20your%20stats%20anytime%20at%3A%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww%2mytestdomain%2Ecom%2Flogin%2Ehtml%0D%0A%0D%0ASimply%20login%20with%3A%20%0D%0AUsername%3A%20%20test%0D%0APassword%3A%20%20test%0D%0A%0D%0AIf%20you%20have%20any%20questions%2C%20email%20us%20by%20simply%20replying%20to%20this%0D%0Amessage%2E%20%20Be%20sure%20to%20include%20your%20Order%20Number%20in%20any%0D%0Acorrespondence%20to%20us%2C%20it%20is%3A%20%2092552B%0D%0A%0D%0ARemember%20this%20is%20a%20re%2Doccurring%20service%20unless%20cancelled%20via%20email%2E%0D%0APlease%20make%20sure%20to%20re%2Dread%20the%20TOS%2FAUP%20at%3A%0D%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmytestdomain%2Ecom%2Ftos%2Ehtml%0D%0Afor%20details%20of%20the%20Terms%20of%20Service%2E&quot;&gt; Email Account Activated Message&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;You&#039;ll notice when you click it, the spaces and even the &#039;&amp;lt;&#039; are not un-escaped correctly, they still show as their ascii characters in Pegasus.&amp;nbsp; If you try it, with say &quot;Thunderbird&quot; as your email client it is un-escaped right. &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

Just wondering if you had a chance to look at this escaping problem,

I use this a lot for customer notifications and really don't want to

have to switch email programs...

I know you are probably super busy and appreciate everything, thanks!

&lt;p&gt;Just wondering if you had a chance to look at this escaping problem, I use this a lot for customer notifications and really don&#039;t want to have to switch email programs...&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I know you are probably super busy and appreciate everything, thanks! &lt;/p&gt;

[quote user="mikerogers"]

Just wondering if you had a chance to look at this escaping problem,

I use this a lot for customer notifications and really don't want to

have to switch email programs...

I know you are probably super busy and appreciate everything, thanks!


Well I noticed that it's not Firefox related, as clicking the link in Internet Explorer doesn't resolve it in Pegasus Mail either. It's reproducable, but I cannot find a way to get it changed, so I assume that David Harris might need to look at this.


[quote user=&quot;mikerogers&quot;]&lt;p&gt;Just wondering if you had a chance to look at this escaping problem, I use this a lot for customer notifications and really don&#039;t want to have to switch email programs...&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I know you are probably super busy and appreciate everything, thanks! &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;[/quote] Well I noticed that it&#039;s not Firefox related, as clicking the link in Internet Explorer doesn&#039;t resolve it in Pegasus Mail either. It&#039;s reproducable, but I cannot find a way to get it changed, so I assume that David Harris might need to look at this.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

-- Han van den Bogaerde - Member of Pegasus Mail Support Group. My own Pegasus Mail related web information:

[quote user="Han v.d. Bogaerde"]Well I noticed that it's not Firefox related, as clicking the link in Internet Explorer doesn't resolve it in Pegasus Mail either. It's reproducable, but I cannot find a way to get it changed, so I assume that David Harris might need to look at this. [/quote]

Yea I have pretty much figured it would be something David would have to look at and fix.

 I'm sure he is very busy on other things, but this is becoming more mission critical to me as I don't always remember to manually change the %20 to spaces so I know those emails look a bit unprofessional.

The longer I go with this the more I keep telling myself I may have to check out TB a bit more even though I really don't want to...

&lt;p&gt;[quote user=&quot;Han v.d. Bogaerde&quot;]Well I noticed that it&#039;s not Firefox related, as clicking the link in Internet Explorer doesn&#039;t resolve it in Pegasus Mail either. It&#039;s reproducable, but I cannot find a way to get it changed, so I assume that David Harris might need to look at this. [/quote]&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Yea I have pretty much figured it would be something David would have to look at and fix.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;I&#039;m sure he is very busy on other things, but this is becoming more mission critical to me as I don&#039;t always remember to manually change the %20 to spaces so I know those emails look a bit unprofessional.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The longer I go with this the more I keep telling myself I may have to check out TB a bit more even though I really don&#039;t want to... &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;

Hello again

   This suggestion is a bypass that should work if you want to put in a little work.  The solution involves sending a message to Pegasus mail in html format, containing the Mailto: url that you require.  What does this do? Well the alternative html renderer in Pegasus Mail (Bearhtml) does proper decoding of Urls before passing them onto Pegasus Mail by way of a click on the underlined Url, so any %20 etc will be properly translated back to a normal Ascii character

If you would like to pursue this, I can quite easily demonstrate it for you



&lt;p&gt;Hello again&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; This suggestion is a bypass that should work if you want to put in a little work.&amp;nbsp; The solution involves sending a message to Pegasus mail in html format, containing the Mailto: url that you require.&amp;nbsp; What does this do? Well the alternative html renderer in Pegasus Mail (Bearhtml) does proper decoding of Urls before passing them onto Pegasus Mail by way of a click on the underlined Url, so any %20 etc will be properly translated back to a normal Ascii character&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you would like to pursue this, I can quite easily demonstrate it for you&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp; Martin&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; &amp;nbsp; &lt;/p&gt;
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