Mercury/32 v4.80 sneaky release

I've released Mercury/32 v4.80 publicly, but I won't be updating the web site or other public sources other than the community until Sunday (my time). The idea is to give the loyal folk on the community a little head-start in getting the new release. Get the release file at

As another bonus for the community... Starting with v4.80, I've been forced to increase the price of the entry-level license (1-15 users) from $75 to $95, but if you get in and place your order before I update the web pages on Sunday, you'll still only pay the old price.

Version 4.8 is probably the most heavily-tested build of Mercury we've ever brought out, and has a huge amount of version 5 technology already in place. The next stage will be an initial release of version 5 where the user interface is completely separated from the mail engine, which means you'll be able to run the UI and consoles even on systems where Mercury is running as a service that cannot normally interact with the desktop: because this part of the conversion is already largely complete, you can expect to see this initial v5 release before the end of the year.

In the (I sincerely hope) unlikely event that you encounter a problem in v4.80, please post it in the forums here and I or one of my test team will get onto it as quickly as we can.

All my very best regards to you all,

-- David --
David Harris, Author, Mercury and Pegasus Mail.

I've released Mercury/32 v4.80 publicly, but I won't be updating the web site or other public sources other than the community until Sunday (my time). The idea is to give the loyal folk on the community a little head-start in getting the new release. Get the release file at <a href="" title="Mercury/32 v4.80 release archive" target="_blank" mce_href=""></a>. As another bonus for the community... Starting with v4.80, I've been forced to increase the price of the entry-level license (1-15 users) from $75 to $95, but if you get in and place your order before I update the web pages on Sunday, you'll still only pay the old price. Version 4.8 is probably the most heavily-tested build of Mercury we've ever brought out, and has a huge amount of version 5 technology already in place. The next stage will be an initial release of version 5 where the user interface is completely separated from the mail engine, which means you'll be able to run the UI and consoles even on systems where Mercury is running as a service that cannot normally interact with the desktop: because this part of the conversion is already largely complete, you can expect to see this initial v5 release before the end of the year. In the (I sincerely hope) unlikely event that you encounter a problem in v4.80, please post it in the forums here and I or one of my test team will get onto it as quickly as we can. All my very best regards to you all, -- David -- David Harris, Author, Mercury and Pegasus Mail.
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