Not sure how to read a session log, but here are several snippets from session logs showing errors:
13:47:21.171: << * STATUS Templates (MESSAGES 0 RECENT 0 UIDNEXT 2 UNSEEN 0)<cr><lf>
13:47:21.171: << 18 OK STATUS completed.<cr><lf>
13:47:22.593: >> 19 STATUS "Trash" (UIDNEXT MESSAGES UNSEEN RECENT)<cr><lf>
13:47:22.593: << * STATUS Trash (MESSAGES 2 RECENT 0 UIDNEXT 834 UNSEEN 0)<cr><lf>
13:47:22.593: << 19 OK STATUS completed.<cr><lf>
13:53:44.453: >> 20 append "Sent" (\Seen) {16482}<cr><lf>
13:53:44.453: << + Ready to receive 16482 bytes<cr><lf>
13:53:44.468: >> <cr><lf>
13:53:44.468: << 20 OK APPEND complete.<cr><lf>
13:53:57.218: >> 21 append "Sent" (\Seen) {22760}<cr><lf>
13:53:57.218: << + Ready to receive 22760 bytes<cr><lf>
13:55:57.218: 8: NB Socket read timeout
13:55:57.218: --- Connection closed normally at Tue Oct 29 13:55:57 2013. ---
and from another log file:
13:52:30.890: >> 167 UID fetch 9089:* (FLAGS)<cr><lf>
13:52:30.890: << 167 OK UID FETCH complete.<cr><lf>
13:53:30.859: >> 168 noop<cr><lf>
13:53:30.859: << 168 OK NOOP complete.<cr><lf>
13:53:30.859: >> 169 UID fetch 9089:* (FLAGS)<cr><lf>
13:53:30.859: << 169 OK UID FETCH complete.<cr><lf>
13:53:57.218: >> 170 uid store 9088 +Flags (\Answered)<cr><lf>
13:53:57.218: << * 71 FETCH (UID 9088 FLAGS (\SEEN \ANSWERED))<cr><lf>
13:53:57.218: << 170 OK UID STORE complete.<cr><lf>
13:54:30.843: >> 171 noop<cr><lf>
13:56:55.062: << 171 OK NOOP complete.<cr><lf>
13:56:55.062: 9: Socket write error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.062: 7: NB Socket read error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.062: --- Connection closed normally at Tue Oct 29 13:56:55 2013. -
and from another log file:
13:56:14.750: << 2 OK AUTHENTICATE completed.<cr><lf>
13:56:14.750: >> 3 select "INBOX"<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: << * 71 EXISTS<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: << * 0 RECENT<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: << * FLAGS (\Deleted \Draft \Seen \Answered)<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: << * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1264018394] UID Validity<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: << * OK [UIDNEXT 9089] Predicted next UID<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: << * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Deleted \Draft \Seen \Answered)] Settable message flags<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: << 3 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed.<cr><lf>
13:56:55.093: 9: Socket write error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.093: 7: NB Socket read error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.093: --- Connection closed normally at Tue Oct 29 13:56:55 2013. ---
and from another log file:
13:54:17.281: << 2 OK AUTHENTICATE completed.<cr><lf>
13:54:17.281: >> 3 append "Sent" (\Seen) {22760}<cr><lf>
13:55:57.218: << + Ready to receive 22760 bytes<cr><lf>
13:56:55.062: 7: NB Socket read error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.062: --- Connection closed normally at Tue Oct 29 13:56:55 2013. ---
and from another log file:
13:54:47.984: << 2 OK AUTHENTICATE completed.<cr><lf>
13:54:47.984: >> 3 append "Sent" (\Seen) {10302}<cr><lf>
13:56:55.062: << + Ready to receive 10302 bytes<cr><lf>
13:56:55.062: 9: Socket write error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.062: 7: NB Socket read error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.078: --- Connection closed normally at Tue Oct 29 13:56:55 2013. ---
and from another log file:
13:55:07.031: << 2 OK AUTHENTICATE completed.<cr><lf>
13:55:07.046: >> 3 append "Sent" (\Seen) {10302}<cr><lf>
13:56:55.062: << + Ready to receive 10302 bytes<cr><lf>
13:56:55.062: 9: Socket write error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.078: 7: NB Socket read error 10054 (connection aborted by remote host)
13:56:55.109: --- Connection closed normally at Tue Oct 29 13:56:55 2013. ---
I have several more logs showing this error...
So, which error is the one and what could be the reason? I can see
8: NB Socket read timeout
NB Socket read error 10054
The mail we are talking about was processed by the SMTP server at 13:53:57.