Looks like someone has forgotten to include the square bracket at the end of the email address. If the email address start with a square bracket it *must* also end with a square bracket.
Incoming messages will be handled by MercuryS, the SMTP server module. You will need one of the SMTP client modules, MercuryE or MercuryC, if you want to be able to send out messages through Mercury. If it's only for receiving from the Lotus Notes client both those modules can be disabled.
Thanks. I have Posadis running now. The documentation I was using confused me regarding what the "listen" configuration was looking for - ie, interfaces to listen on - I thought it was about packet source.
Hi, i need send and email to all my customers because i do changes in antispam software and i need explain it.
For this I recommend using the PMail mail merge function. It's a bit difficult to setup the data file with the users email addresses and names but after this is done you can send personalized messages to all of the users without being seen as a spammer. ;-)
For now a good setup is all I need to have. For my programming I shouldn't need to know the internals of Mercury. A simple PHP-script should be enough to handle the mail when the configuration is right.
The problem is getting the SMTP host setup correctly is critical. The PHP part is a no brainer, you are simply sending a message via SMTP to port 25 of MercuryS. You can turn on session logging in MercuryS to see if it's properly received.
The problem is 99.99% of the time you do not have a fixed IP address and you cannot send mail using MercuryE since it will be bounced or simply deleted as spam by the receiving system. You need to setup MercuryC to do the sending.
If you would search on XAMPP in this forum you will see many many answers describing the problem and the process.
Time I don't have at the moment since I have to deliver the result of the final-asignment for my PHP course soon.
It's not really our job to tell you how to do your course work. ;-)
I am pretty sure this was a false alarm as although the server was down, no one seems to have sent any messages when this was the case, so I do not think that the lack of such messages in our archive account is surprising.
For some reason your client programs get out of sync with the server and mix up messages. This is most likely to happen if Mercury is restarted while the IMAP client is connected. If it happens in other circumstances check all the usual problem sources (disk errors, heavy fragmentation, other processes such as anti-virus programs interfering with Mercury's file access) on both client and server systems.
Note that in cases like this no data has been mixed up on the server, the mix up is in the client.
If mailboxes are only accessed via IMAP you could try switching on lingering mailboxes in Mercury core configuration / Files / Foldering subsystem settings and see if that makes any difference.
Mercury will simply use the available network resources, there are no bandwidth throttling settings. If you use MercuryE to deliver messages you can set the number of simultaneous deliveries in the configuration for that module, though.
Other than that I believe that certain firewalls and routers may allow you to limit the bandwidth used for individual protocols. To increase speed it's usually the Internet connection you should review, common connection methods like ADSL has rather limited speed for outgoing traffic.
Any one have any hints on how to configure NT Wrapper ?
Here's my mercury.ini Config file for NT Wrapper. You can put this into the NT Wrapper directory and then modify it to match your setup. Probably will have to delete a lot of the ENV_ lines or at least change them to match your systems environment.
I have tried updating to the latest version of Popfile, that does not seem to have made any different, emails with larger attachments of about 3 MB or bigger still come through as short messages from unknown if I run BOTH popfile and spamhalter.
I wondered if the order that Spamhalter and Popfile are defined in the ini file makes any difference or if I need to change the default ports for Popfile, but putting Popfile first instead of last does not seem to help either.
Currently I have spamhalter turned off and we are delivering spam, tagged as such, to our end users so if anyone has any other suggestions I would love to try them.