Greetings from Texas, USofA,
Have reviewed the filters setup and cannot find any references to returned undeliverable mail to be placed in the SPAM Halter folder. Does not happen all of the time just when I least expect. Have also had some copies to self of sent mail being sent to SPAM Halter. I have read the "" and found no connections in those filters either for individual folders. Plus have a problem with some mail that should not be sent to SPAM Halter being sent there without a filter setting for that email addy nor the subject area. That also is not regular just every now and then.
What could I be missing as I have looked just about everywhere in the filters? Just learned about right clicking on individual folders and checking the filters which has been done on the SPAM Halter and Junk/Suspicious mail folders with no problems found. Will review all folders, for filters, including the In Box, had never known of filters there before now, just a little confused.
Thank you for reading my message . .
******************* Up Date on my above issue *****************
Just had an email from Microsoft AND SANS NEWSBITES being sent to SPAM Halter, checked the Filter for the InBox and did find one entry for Microsoft and removed same, but; there was not any for the SANS organization. Also noticed the same list is found for any of the folders. Do not know how Microsoft's addy managed to get there but it did, not there any more though.
Thank you for reading this part as well . .