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Server host name:

Server TCP/IP port:  587

SSL/TLS security:  via STARTTLS

Enable certificate tracking.  Leave certificate fingerprint field blank.   Pegasus will fill it in.  See help file for more info on this.

SMTP Authentication:  use second option and enter your gmail address and password as the credentials

Google support article on this topic is here:


bfluet posted Jul 25 '12 at 5:21 pm

If I were you I would leave Pegasus as is and backup the mailbox folder(s) to the external drive but if you really want to move them you can.

You can findwhere the Pegasus mailbox folders are located by going to Help > About Pegasus Mail then clicking the Info button.  The entries for the Home and New Mailbox Location should be the same and show the path to the mailbox folder of the current Pegasus Mail user.  You can change this location using the utility called PCONFIG.EXE which is located in the Windows folder where Pegasus Mail is installed.  Once in PCONFIG select the Standalone Configuration where you will find the setting to specify the path the home and new mailbox.  With Pegasus closed you would copy your Windows mailbox folders to the new location then run PCONFIG to change the paths.  Confirm via the Info button that Pegasus is now using the new mailbox location.  Once all is working you can delete the original mailbox folders.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The PCONFIG utility is a DOS application so will not run under Windows 7.  If you have Windows 7 you will either need to use a DOS emulator (like DOSBOX) or run PCONFIG on a WinXP machine and then copy the resulting file to your Pegasus install. 

Michael posted Jul 24 '12 at 8:59 pm

[quote user="irelam"]Go into Windows Task Manager (Key Alt+Ctrl+Del), and End Process: Winpm-32.exe[/quote]

And if trying to uninstall one of the latest versions of Pegasus Mail first uninstall IERenderer ("Pegasus Mail HTML Renderer") as its installer won't work properly anymore after uninstalling Pegasus Mail first.

rocket posted Dec 11 '15 at 4:19 am

[quote user="aderoy"]

You can set a default on a folder for recovery when xxx space of deleted messages is reached.


I am aware you can do that. By default it's set to around 20k.

However, for the folder concerned, I don't generally move or delete mail.

I'm just wondering why I was getting an insufficient disk space message while this folder was at around 130 MB with GB's of disk space free.

I'm running Pegasus 4.7. 


caisson posted Jul 22 '12 at 8:03 am

You can run one copy with multiple mailboxes/users or multiple copies as you have now.

The command line is relevant in both cases.

If right click on the original Pmail desktop icon and select properties you will see the "Target" line containing the command line that starts the program.

This will be something like C:\Pmail\Programs\winpm-32.exe.

There is a command line switch that enables two copies of Pmail or two mailboxes/users to run concurrently.  To add this switch amend the command line to:

C:\Pmail\Programs\winpm-32.exe -MS

If you had only one Pmail installation and two mailboxes/users the command line in each desktop icon would then need an additional switch.

If you had the default mailbox, Admin and added an additional mailbox/user, say Chess, the two command lines would look like the following: 

C:\Pmail\Programs\winpm-32.exe -MS -I Admin and

C:\Pmail\Programs\winpm-32.exe -MS I Chess





jstifel posted Aug 5 '12 at 10:37 pm

I received some very valuable information from an expert member who really gave me insight into what might have happened. I goofed up by answering him personally instead of in the post so his valuable information is lost to everyone but me, unless he would like to post it himself.

Here is what I learned from him:

1. I'm grateful to know that the Windows Registry does not rule Pegasus. That's a huge relief so I don't have to dig through it for lines to correct and I don't need to worry about one standalone program confusing Windows by the installation of another.

2. I may know now what happened to cause my problems in the first place, now. My computer was "crashing" right before the Pegasus copy folders got all mixed up and my Pegasus nightmare began.

As I have now been taught, loads the order of the folders into memory, which I will assume the file is all about. If the computer or Pegasus happen to shut down before this process has been completed, it can corrupt the file since the information in has not fully loaded. 

I keep my computer on all the time, especially so my virus patterns can update. And my Pegasus program is open all the time since most of what I do relates to using email. I keep my system on full power, with no power-downs, no hibernation, no energy savers... always just flat-out running at maximum. This may cost more, but I don't like anything taking over my system unless I command it thus.

I do have an APC UPS system on at all times, especially as I live in Florida, the "lightning capitol of the USA."   So, I figured that I was pretty safe from potential for corrupting files.

But, suddenly I was getting "insufficient resources" messages and the computer was either freezing up or shutting down.. Of course, Pegasus was usually always open. So, it was not being shut down properly and sometimes it was not allowed to load fully before the system froze and I actually had to power off since there was no other way to recover.

Now that I have been taught by a kind and generous expert member, I can easily see why my and my files may have contained inconsistent information. Once the files were corrupted, I was not able to track down the problem and correct it.

At first I thought I had a bad memory chip or that I was running low on hard drive space. But nothing I did helped. As it turned out there were some drivers on my computer which needed updating and once I updated, and removed some large graphic files, and adjusted virtual memory for the umteeth time, the resource insufficiency went away...but I was still stuck with the copy folders mess in Pegasus.

Now I have cleaned out what seems to be the damaged folder and I'm hoping things will work the way they are supposed to.

Another thing I noticed, and I have no idea how this happened, but an email I sent from my Android phone and opened in Pegasus, as I normally do, somehow went from about 350 k to 5.2 megs... No idea how that happened but surely it was a corrupted file. I weeded it out with two others which somehow grew.. and I"m hoping now that I've had a good shot of Penicillin to fix all that has ailed my machine.

It still remains to be seen whether or not I've got this all fixed, but I may need to download a fresh program and reinstall to overwrite any program files which might have been corrupted in the interim. 

This has been a tremendously valuable learning experience for me and I sure hope that the generosity of the expert members who have been so kind to me will go on giving for a long time as others read this thread and find their way out of a similar mess.

I will report back when I have had my "shakedown cruise" and am sure this boat will now stay afloat.

Thanks again sooooo much.

Judi :-)

jstifel posted Jul 19 '12 at 9:39 pm

Thanks Brian...

I tried a couple of times to add Identities and it didn't work out for me. I decided that having them each totally independent was best since they each cover specific periods of time dating from 1999 to today..

Thanks for the suggestion..   I will definitely keep in mind that this is an option and I sure do appreciate the advanced education. I suppose we learn to use our programs based on our needs and this was a need I didn't know I had before.....  Now I know it's an option and I thank you for passing along the information.

 Judi :-)


So problem explained until V5.

I never have errors in my subject line and rarely in the body so will just turn it off.

There should have been two boxes to tick in Message Formatting and then the solution would have been obvious.



Maximise Pegasus Mail. If the Reader is at its maximum size, not 'full-screen' but has been resized so that it fits the limits within the Pegasus Mail Window, if I then drag the reader window off to the left, I am unable to increase its size. When I place the mouse pointer over the right edge the window refuses to increase in width when I drag the mouse to the right.

Thanks a lot for the other info - I could have done that myself if I had thought about it [:$]


Greenman posted Jul 17 '12 at 1:13 pm

Or, just use filtering rules to separate the messages from the different accounts. Create a Filing Tray under the top level and name it after each of your accounts. Next, create child-folders off each tray.

Note, that the child folders will need unique names. So, you cannot have > Inbox and > Inbox, but will need to name them 1-inbox and 2-inbox (or whatever you prefer). This is because of a limitation in Pegasus Mail. If you do not do this then all mail destined for 'Inbox' will always be placed in the first instance of Inbox, regardless of the number of 'Inbox' folders that exist.

Once you have the folders set up, use filtering rules to move the messages accordingly.

tomdriver posted Jul 19 '12 at 10:52 am

Thanks.  Using System Mailer did not help, but while looking for it I found that the web browser commandline setting was incorrect.  It pointed to the Program Files folder instead of Program Files (x86) that holds Mozilla Firefox.  I changed that and it fixed the hyperlink problem.

Béèm posted Jul 19 '12 at 11:15 pm

The problem is not clicking on a link in a message and opening it in a browser, but going from message to message in Pmail.

During 8-9 seconds nothing is happening when I select a next message from the tree. I see the cache-hits counting messages then in the status bar and finally this next message start to be rendering in the body window.  Sometimes this counting goes to 200, but mostly 20-30.

As stated, I have disabled cache also, but  I don't seem to see a difference.

So the sequence f.e. I do is:

  1. After reading a mail, I move it to a folder
  2. The next message is selected automatically
  3. There is a delay of 8-9 seconds during which I see the cache count going on in the status bar.
  4. Then only the message appears in the body window.

I don't seem to have had this in a previous release of Pmail, but I don't remember when it started.

I think earlier releases didn't have this cache system.

erchess posted Jul 16 '12 at 9:34 am

I found Pegasus and installed it on 7/14 and now as I approach my bedtime Sunday in the wee hours of 7/16 I have figured out how to do in Pegasus everything I wanted it for. I pay for a CRM/Email/project manager/calendar/billing system in one for my professional life and in some ways such as the ability to use different identities our free Pegasus does things my paid program won't.


The  \MAIL folder is the root mailbox folder.  Inside of the \MAIL folder is where the user mailbox folders reside.  In a default install you would see an \ADMIN folder inside the \MAIL folder.  This would be the default ADMIN user mailbox folder.  It is into a user mailbox folder that your .pmm, .pmi, and .cnm files would go. 

Béèm posted Jul 16 '12 at 1:21 pm



Thank you for your reply.

With the same wine and 4.61 I didn't have the issue, so I thought something has changed in 4.63.

I don't think I had that icon to turn of IErendering in 4.61, so I followed your suggestion.

And now it is like before.

Probably the IE in this wine is at too low a level. I never use it as I use SeaMonkey in linux.


So thanks for the suggestion.



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