> I know that past installation instructions suggest new versions can be installed into a different folder and the link to messages made, then > one can try the new version before committing (I assume still true for 4.61/2?), but does this over writing approach work with other versions > of PM if one has a problem, I wonder, or is it just specific to over writing the Updater file?
It works for all versions, at least the Pegasus Mail v3.x and later. You just select the update option.
Since I would like IERenderer to be available to newer users but not the ancient ones, un-installing is not a good option as that would kill it for everyone. What would help me the most would in the simplest case be a way make the default option to be not used for first time users of Pmail 4.62. At least that way it could be enabled for those who have the wherewithal to run it without problems and left disabled for those using the old stuff. In the perfect world, or at least that which would work for our company the way we are running now, the ideal option would be a way to globally allow or disallow use of IERenderer based on which underlying version of Windows is running. I see hints of a way to do this in regards to your unpublished version.
I did do a lot more testing this morning to try to get more information. I wiped the current install and started over from scratch just to be sure. Whatever was graying out the configure option for IERenderer is not doing so now. I could swear that I did everything the same, however that problem is not occurring any more so that one is a moot point. All the testing I did this morning was done with WinXPSP3. In the case of a workstation with the default browser set to something other than IE and with IE's proxy settings set to something invalid and the default browser set to the proper proxy settings, navigating around in an email with lots of lazy html will still cause something, presumable IERenderer or possibly parts or IE to attempt to contact whois.iana.org:nicname directly as well as some web sites by IP address which will in this situation time out and fail. Pmail is pretty much hung during this timeout, but eventually displays a dialog about "An error occurred while attempting to verify the file type of .....". This will be the case for a large number of old workstations in our situation, giving rise to the need to control the defaults on first run.
I will send a private email to the address you suggested if you are still interested in testing on the setup that this is happening on.
Before anything from the old machine is placed on the new machine download the 4.62 installer and run it on the new win7 machine and accept the default location if offers c:\pmail and leave all blocks checked in the installer. A new default user Admin will be created and the home mail box will be c:\pmail\mail\admin
Later old messages and messages folders and address book can be restored by copy from the old setup to the \admin location on the new machine.
http://www.vandenbogaerde.net/pegasusmail/pf_pmfiles.html Will show you the old files and their names if necessary. The object is to restore old data but no old configuration or settings or anything that involves paths in settings as most/all will be different on the new machine.
[quote user="Doc16743"]just seems like extra steps to go through[/quote]
Without opening the Junk folder one would not have the opportunity to review for SpamHalter false positives.
If you know what is in the folder there will be no need to do this. Similarly, you may wish to delete the contents of folders other than Spamhalter's Junk folder.
I agree. A right-click > Delete Folder Contents command would be welcome.
I think this violates RFC2047 which says: "IMPORTANT: 'encoded-word's are designed to be recognized as 'atom's by an RFC 822 parser". Since this is the case here, Pegasus should not split up the encoded word.
P.S. Sorry for not providing screenshots, but I can't publish someone else's email address in a public forum.
[quote user="caisson"]Edit the file winpmfua.pm in your mailbox using a text editor.[/quote]
Aside from this - just in case you didn't know: You can select entries one by one or multiple ones (<Shift> + click) and delete them using the <Del> key ...
Thanks. I wasn't aware of that. I closed mine off to new addresses some time back, but periodically update the list by direct edit.
> We will do so. But could you agree that this is a bug which should be forwarded to David Harris > to be solved within the next Pmail release?
This has been passed to David Harris weeks ago, but if it will get in the cleanup v4.63 or the next major version is unknown. Obviously the fix is not as simple as it looks.
This is my problem. I had already done this, and as I say, if I send direct from Gmail all is good, but from Pmail it still sends with my Gmail address.
As a check I deleted my alternative address and re-entered as by your link. Still the same.
Any other suggestions? [:^)]
It appears that I don't understand your problem. When I send a message from a Gmail account using Pegasus Mail (PM) I can configure Gmail and PM such that the From address in the message is a non-Gmail address; in the message header the Gmail address is included in both the Return-path and Sender entries.
> Please... can someone supply me with an example command line (or batch file) using the -J option for submitting mail to PM..., alternatively, > submitting from the command line so that the message text, as well as an attached (.pdf) file can be sent.. I also do not want PM to encode > this attached file...how to suppress this??
I never use this since sending a message via the Pegasus Mail command line is like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. Either have you application create a *.PMX file (Message in final form in glue headers format ready for sending) or use something like Blat!.
BLAT http://sourceforge.net/projects/blat
Blat is a Public Domain Windows NT console utility that sends the contents of a file in an e- mail message using the SMTP protocol. Blat is useful for creating scripts where mail has to be sent automatically (CGI, backups, etc.) To use Blat you must have access to a SMTP server via TCP-IP. Blat uses the a DLL ("gensock" or "gwinsock") from WinVN, the public domain usenet newsreader for windows. Blat can store a default SMTP server address and a default "From:" field in the registry. The server's address can be overriden using the -server flag, and the "From:" address using the -f flag. Input from the console (stdin) can be used instead of a disk file (if the special filename '-' is specified). Blat can also "carbon copy" and "blind carbon copy" the message. Impersonation can be done with the -i flag which puts the value specified in the "From:" line, however when this is done the real senders address is stamped in the "Reply-To:" and "Sender:" lines. This feature can be useful when using the program to send messages from NT users that are not registered on the SMTP host.
Optionally, blat can also attach multiple binary files to your message.
[quote user="idw"]I was assuming you knew what applications are running on your machine, no?[/quote]
regarding the applications I like to say "yes", but it's hard to see behind the curtain...
IIRC I didn't defined any macros. But now I remember month ago I installed and tried to use "Textbausteine" without success. I will uninstall this and try again.
[quote user="idw"]BTW: I also wonder why you need to open this particular folder if you can just open the found message from the search results folder as well?[/quote]
There may be several reasons: - I remember the topic and want to recall the correspondence, - I recieved a new mail to this seldom used topic and want to move it there, - I feel the need for a reorder of folder hierarchy.