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mchaney posted May 18 '11 at 8:08 pm

Would be nice to get this long standing bug fixed:

When you perform a search and the search finishes and takes you to the search results folder, the date column in the string grid is always about 10 or 20  pixels too narrow so you can't see the day of the month.  Every time I search, I have to click and drag the date column to make it wider.  Worse, you can only drag a few pixels to the right at a time when widening the date column so you have to drag several times.  While dragging the column widths in existing folders sticks, each new search creates a new search results folder and it appears you need to update your default column widths in your stringgrid so that the entire date can be seen: either that or remember the last user setting and use it for the default in future searches (better).




Michael posted May 20 '11 at 8:24 pm

[quote user="Neil Fraser"]mailto: stopped working properly on upgrading to pmail 4.61.[/quote]

There's now an which enables handling of CC and BCC parameters, but it also introduces an optional warning if BCC addresses are included since they aren't immediately visible on Pegasus Mail's editor front page and thus might create a privacy/data leak issue (French and Italian translations incomplete, but released anyway as it provides another crash fix).

Michael posted May 17 '11 at 10:47 pm

[quote user="bfluet"]You can only do the best you can do with what you have to work with so no need for the "sorry".  I hope the amazing job you have done in addressing the niggles is recognized by the Pegasus Mail community.[/quote]

Thanks, but in some cases I can


convince David Harris from adjusting his interfaces to new challenges ... [;)]

[quote user="bfluet"]I am curious about something that I can't test.  I know that the Pegasus winsock setting is identity specific and appears to be stored in the pmail.ini file.  Have you noticed whether the Pegasus winsock setting changes for all identities when you toggle it in IERenderer?[/quote]

I remember it came up before on the beta-testers mailing list, but I don't remember the exact reply (I'm not even sure whether David Harris replied himself): IIRC this is not ID specific and the default ID rules over the other ones here. But aside from this IERendere's options are definitely not ID specific.

sebas posted May 16 '11 at 8:30 pm

Hi, and tx for all the answers.

[quote]If the png folder is not available should he not be seeing the old icons?[/quote]

Anyway, as I said in my original post, the folder _is_ present, with its 200 icons.

I've red the thread about acceleration, but I don't think it's the case here.

There is very few possibilities of tweaking the graphic part of Wine, but I've tested all and the result is the same.

I've tried a fresh install of Peg with all default settings in a freshly created user space, same result.

I've suspected the fact that the foldername PNG is in capital (PNG is different from png in unix filesystems), but wine is handling filenames as windows does, so it not the pb (I've tried to change it to lower-case anyway, but the pb is still here, of course)

I've tried to change Wine setting from mimicating w2k to XP, same result.

My PC is a lenovo G550 with an inboard intel GMA 4500M graphic chipset, but I think the graphic engine of wine isolates the MS-Windows programs from the linux' graphical drivers. Anyway, the aspect of ny Peg's window is quite different from the Bburg's one, it doesn't seems to be the same porblem

Greetings,   Sebas


> I need to search older Pegasus Mail email and I am currently not a Pegasus Mail user.  I am not sure what version I was using when the
> files were created.  I am able to retrieve these files from where they currenetly reside (stored on removed drives from an older computer).

Just install the latest version of the software to the default c:\pmail location as a single user and the mail directory will then be c:\pmail\mail\admin.

Now you can do one of two things to read the mail.

1.    Copy the old mail folders (PMM.PMI file pairs) to the c:\pmail\mail\admin directory.  

2.    Use Folders | Add mailbox to list to point at the directory containing the old PMM and PMI folder files.

Papa posted May 22 '11 at 5:20 pm

Sorry for the duplicate questions in my recent post.   Looks like I didn't read all the responses to my queries!  Thanks for your answer.  I will work on that today.

jss1941 posted May 17 '11 at 12:45 am

Can't see the forest for all those darn trees! 

I didn't see that line in the message box; I went straight in to edit the spambust.dat file -- that's where I expected the command and parameter to be.   Good thing I have an appointment to get my eyeglasses prescription updated this week.  I'll blame this on the need for new lenses, rather than straight stupidity!  :-)))

Thanks for your patience in replying to my multiple posts on this subject.


[quote user="Spencer7"]Whenever I move a new email into an autofiltering folder it causes an error and I get a message that says that the error is in buf2. [...] I need to stop the error so that Pegasus will stop turning off autofiltering for my folders.[/quote]

This requires David Harris to recompile Pegasus Mail but before asking him you might try whether my can help: It might prevent these crashes from happening when either clicking "Ignore" or "Retry" - the latter will create a bug report (we don't need multiple ones, of course), for details read MiniDump's ReadMe file.

Michael posted May 12 '11 at 10:19 pm

[quote user="Greenman"]Just wanted to say that the way HTML messages are now displayed in Pegasus is much better than it used to be. Everything now looks so much better. It makes a huge difference.[/quote]

Thanks for feedback, especially since we just had a very pronounced opposite opinion in ...

Michael posted May 13 '11 at 3:50 pm

[quote user="Greenman"]I don't want to 'test' this as I don't want to break anything. I don't want to risk importing a registry key and something unexpected happening - for example, I don't know if there are other registry entries that Pegasus Mail writes/references to support the generation of the alerts. Some programs hang when entries are missing.[/quote]

Rest assured that HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pegasus Mail is the only place Pegasus Mail writes its values to, and these are not required for Pegasus Mail to run properly: In fact it recreates them whenever it's relaunched or changes any of them (like the global identity or the user name - in previous versions). They are mainly used for installation purposes and extensions which cannot access any of these data via the internal interface (BearHtml being one of these to date, but this is about to change since David Harris just extended the renderer interface for providing this information: It affects caching of remote image files. IERenderer works around this limitation thanks to my long-standing experiences with doing so in my encryption extensions). Pegasus Mail still keeps its settings in INI-files despite of Microsoft's long-standing recommendations ...

Michael posted May 11 '11 at 4:34 pm

[quote user="WHITELIONX"]I have a webpage using and hosting with localhost and basically I just want people to receive confirmation emails [/quote]

Doesn't your website administration software (PHP?) provide such a service (I'm not into such things, just wondering whether it wouldn't be easier this way)?

Michael posted May 8 '11 at 1:39 am

[quote user="denniss"]X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: LEVEL= *************************

I believe this is a spam flag set by my ISP mail server. I used this as an expression filter rule in my POP3 filter set. Things seem to have simmered down for the past few hours at least. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to hit a very fast moving target![/quote]

It would probably be a good idea to verify who is adding the spam level header based on what criteria and what the "cut-off level" (at which to delete messages with a neglectable chance of getting false positives) should be.

Michael posted May 6 '11 at 1:01 pm

[quote user="Karen A Hill"]I am trying out Pegasus and use Win 7.  I configured it to send and receive messages using pop-server and smtp-server connections, etc.  I get an error message saying that there was a 15: peer connect failure and that the host has refused connection.  What gives?  Many thanks. [/quote]

I have no idea regarding this issue, but if you've got IE 9 already installed please make sure to update IERenderer, for reference see . What's your provider? Did you enable the proper authentication or security settings?

Steffan posted May 19 '11 at 12:59 pm

I think Mozilla Thunderbird does what you're trying to accomplish. In fact, that was precisely a feature that I didn't quite like when I tried out the program. If I reply to all, I don't want my email client to 'demote' addresses from the To: line to the Cc: line. Apparently, you don't agree, which is fair enough :-)


bfluet posted May 13 '11 at 10:54 pm

Just to throw my two cents worth in here...

 I found the

copying of the root \mail folder or individual mailbox folders to be a

tried and true method of moving configurations and mail between machines

or just locations on a hard drive.  At least until the release of

v4.61.  I don't blame v4.61 as I suspect an in place upgrade would have

worked fine but problems came up on two occasions when doing a clean

install of v4.61 then trying to use existing mailboxes.  The one thing

both problem installs had in common is that the existing Pegasus Mail

installation had been around for many years so had gone through many

upgrades, ISP changes, numerous identities, etc.  I assume that the long

history resulted in residual stuff left behind that v4.61 didn't like. 

In both instances I ended up deleting the existing pmail.ini and state.pmj files from

each mailbox folder then reconfiguring Pegasus Mail for each pmail

users.  I saved a copy of the files for backup purposes

and used the old pmail.ini file for reference during the reconfiguration.

 Let me make two things clear.  First, I am not advocating

not upgrading to v4.61.  It has been great since I worked out the kinks

(although keeping up with the HTML renderer updates has been a bit of a

challenge).  Second, I recommend the method of copying the

\mail folder from old to new.  It's not fail safe however so be aware of that, especially if you have a long history with Pegasus Mail

and the old to new includes upgrading to v4.61.  It's also easy enough to

undo which makes it worth a try.

One other note:  If you use a CD to transfer the \mail folder make sure the files are not flagged read only after copying them off of the CD.

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