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rocket posted Aug 6 '22 at 3:10 am

I recently upgraded IER from to

After sending a reply and returning to Pegasus in preview mode, the window with message text drops to a 1/4 of it's full size, complete with scroll bars horizontally and vertically.

It seems to only happen if the message that you are returning to after a reply, has html in it. All is ok if the message you are returning to is plain text.

When I select a different message or folder the message text window draws properly again.

When I downgrade IER to, the problem doesn't appear. So certainly seems to be an issue.


recent by Michael  ·  Aug 6 '22 at 4:37 am
Mal posted Jul 16 '22 at 11:09 pm

I enlarged the DPI settings of my computer but somehow it seems that the userface in Pegasus became tiny. How do you make the size of the font from the words highlighted in yellow to the size of the words highlighted in green?62d33654c7323

I also have this problem with Draft Messages and other stuff.

Martin Davies posted Aug 1 '22 at 4:15 pm

I've been a Pegasus Mail user for approaching 25years and for the past several years I've been a Gmail user, with several different email accounts, who has now become seriously inconvenienced by Google's recent introduction of OAuth2.0.

To date I haven't gone down the route of setting up an App Password on each of my Gmail accounts to enable me to continue to use Pegasus Mail; instead for the last couple of months I've relied on being able to access my Gmail mailboxes using a variety of solutions including the Gmail app on my iPhone, accessing the Gmail accounts using a web browser, and using Thunderbird Mail (with OAuth2.0) to access the Gmail accounts, but it's becoming increasingly inconvenient to continue to use these solutions so I'm reconsidering going down the App Password route so that I can revert to using Pegasus Mail. However, there are several unknowns with this approach that hopefully people on here will be able to help with...

If I set up 2FA and an App Password on one of my Gmail accounts, will the same App Password work with the other accounts?

If I set up 2FA and an App Password on my Gmail accounts so that I can revert to using Pegasus Mail, what effect will this have on my abilities to access the Gmail accounts using other means such as the Gmail app on my iPhone - will they still function as at present?

If I set up 2FA and an App Password on my Gmail accounts so that I can revert to using Pegasus Mail, will I be able to cease using 2FA and App Passwords on the accounts when (or if!) Pegasus Mail is eventually approved by Google to use OAuth2.0 for accessing the accounts?

Hopefully someone can help with answers to the above...!

Regards to all, and thanks in advance.

Martin Davies


Hello All. The sending function (SMTP) function on my pegasus mail programme is disabled. Every time I attempt to send a message the programme crashes. When I go back in to the programme have done a re-install the problem re-occurs. The programme generates to two usual "ready to send" indicators. In the "admin" file a locked file appears (.lck) and another one I cannot identify tagged as follows : (.pmx). I use two-factor authentication as I am a GMAIL User.

Any help would be most welcome.

The receiving function (.Pop) works fine.


John Meehan


I have received the following message in my "New Mail" folder in Pegasus, although the recipient has shown me a copy of the email they were sent.

In other words, the email was sent and it was received, but Pegasus has advised that "Delivery has failed"!

Why is Pegasus making this false judgement?

Is there anything that a user can do to stop Pegasus issuing this kind of false report?

From: Mail Delivery System <>
To: Self
Subject: Mail Delivery Failure.
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:14:39 +0100
X-PMFLAGS: 16512 0 65537 GSBFW55L.CNM

Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following
reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail
relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:

554 6.6.0 Error sending message for delivery.


Send a message to me ( ) with subject line containing send_index to receive an html file containing links to my extensions. I will then mail the required extension to you as a zip file.
Any problems with the zip file, let me know.

RichU posted Jun 7 '22 at 10:26 pm

As of June 7, Pegasus no longer downloads my gmail. Is this the authentication change? OAUTH2?

Worked fine as of yesterday. Help, please!

Tried it hours ago and then a few minutes ago at two different email addresses - similar messages result.

Here is what Pegasus shows:
14:45:22.944: --- 7 Jun 2022, 14:45:22.944 ---
14:45:22.944: Connect to '', timeout 30 seconds.
14:45:24.021: [] SSL/TLS session established
14:45:24.021: [
] ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, TLSv1.2, Kx=ECDH, Au=RSA, Enc=AESGCM(256), Mac=AEAD
14:45:24.021: [*] Peer's certificate name is '/'.
14:45:24.021: >> +OK Gpop ready for requests from y11mb135455670jat
14:45:24.021: << USER mrurban3
14:45:24.021: >> +OK send PASS
14:45:25.160: >> -ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted.


recent by Orpheus  ·  Jul 20 '22 at 4:53 pm
George uses Wine posted Jul 16 '22 at 8:58 pm

I was happily using Pegasus Mail 4.73 on Wine on Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia without any problems at all.

Then a Wine upgrade (to 7.13) arrived. I haven't recently had problems with Wine upgrades so I happily let it do its business. Hindsight says different!

The scroll bars wouldn't work, any of them. No problem with the folders box as the mouse wheel still worked. Similarly with the list of emails. Problem with the message box, as for ages the mouse wheel hasn't worked for fancy formatted messages, so losing working scroll bars there is a bit of an issue. Sadly most people nowadays don't understand that email is intended to be a plain text system.

Knowing that I'd get short shrift on a Wine forum unless I was using entirely the latest of everything, I "upgraded" to Pegasus Mail 4.80. All within the new Wine. And now it won't start at all!

Am I alone, or is this a fault common to others?
If others have fought their way out of this, any tips to pass on?

Many thanks for your time and help.

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jul 17 '22 at 8:41 pm

Hi, I've used Pegasus Mail from its first introduction and thought knew all its quirks, particularly when changing PCs or moving mail folders to a laptop.

I'm running a fresh install v4.73 on Win7_64. but because i want my mail folders secure I've installed it on a Veracrypt encrypted drive. Pmail opens and runs to its default setup folders.

However, I have a working install with a large mailbox going back years which I want to migrate to the new installation, then prune the folders for only one year of previous mail.

I copied the MAIL folder to the new install and I'm met with a window:

User name, please "In order to access your mailbox you must enter your Pegasus mail username. Please type it below"

I'm assuming this is coming from pmail not Windows, but what is it? I've never encountered a mailbox security access message before and I don't know what Username it's looking for or where I can find it?

Help appreciated - Thanks

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jul 11 '22 at 8:51 pm
Melissa2022B posted Jun 23 '22 at 9:58 pm

A few months back, I switched PC's, from a Windows 8.1 to a Windows 10 machine, and downloaded the latest pmail. I set it to run maximized, and dragged a copy of that icon into my bottom tray.

Since then, it's been driving me mad, because it will not stay maximized, when I click another program and come back.

Dré64 posted Jun 30 '22 at 11:35 am

(PM v. 4.80) I have made a distribution list and I want to send an email but PM doesn't.
The To: field shows the correct distribution list: "@C:\Pmail\LIST2F5A.PML". After pressing Send the status bar shows "Message was sent successfully." The Queue Manager stays empty and the mail appears in the Copy-to-self folder immediately. Not anyone in the list receives the mail. It doesn't work for none of my accounts at different providers.
How can I solve this?

recent by Michael  ·  Jul 7 '22 at 10:40 am
ballistyx posted Jul 3 '22 at 3:54 am

Just upgraded to 4.80 from 4.73 and immediately encountered two issues.
Warning that mailbox is locked on launch - I continue.
Then it pops up the "Welcome to Pegasus Mail 4.80 ... detected that you have previously used an older version..." and I can not click out of that. The popup is dead, and I can not lick Continue.
Is there a way to avoid the popup?

Oh, and I got it working on a second install, but can't for the life of me get it to recognise the existing folders that I copied from the original. What .cfg or .ini do I need to throw in there to get all my original settings?

Riverside posted Jun 30 '22 at 1:04 am

One folder now appears at the bottom of my folder list with its name corrupted to a string of capital I with grave accent. I cannot rename or fix it. (It actually occurs twice) When I click on it I can see the list of contents, as with any folder, and a correct count, and when I right-click I can see the folder information and the actual filname (FOL...--both PMM and PMI are there). I tried to reindex it, but that emptied the folder (I restored it from the backup). How can I return it to safe use?

recent by Riverside  ·  Jun 30 '22 at 4:50 am
der_mick posted Mar 14 '22 at 6:40 pm


since the update to 4.8.1028 I have two problems with copying/pasting text:

  1. When I paste rich text into a mail (for example a simple table from excel), Pegasus Mail sometimes crashes. Not everytime and not reproducible with the same text.

  2. When I use IE renderer, copy some text out of a html styled mail and try to paste it into MS word or Outlook calendar, nothing is inserted at all. But it still works with notepad or in plain text form fields in outlook.

Thanks for having an eye on it!

recent by Michael  ·  Jun 28 '22 at 10:19 pm
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