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peggy posted Sep 10 '09 at 9:59 pm

In germany there are no problems between Pmail - SSL  and Yahoo. In the free Yahoo account there are other servers in germany.

E-Mail-Adress: Yahoo! Mail-Adress,  (

User accountname: only the
Mail-ID, (without: (SSL, Port: 995) (need Autentication; SSL, Port: 465)

in both cases server certificate check aktive.


Han vd Bogaerde posted Sep 8 '09 at 11:44 pm

[quote user="PSmart"]

The computer is XP v3. PMail had been running on it just fine, and connecting to mailboxes on our Netware 6.5 server. Now, pmail never starts up. The splash screen will flash, then nothing. I've uninstalled/reinstalled and that doesn't help. It began doing this when someone ran pmail and it didn't have a connection to the server at that time. I suspect some setting was changed, but can't find out what. Another thought was some file was left preventing it from starting, but unable to find anything of that sort either. Other computers are running pmail and connecting to mail boxes just fine.

Thanks for any assistance-


Probably a mal formatted message in the new mail directory. Move all *.cnm files out of the new mail folder and restart Pegasus Mail, now move each cnm file back into the new mail diractory. The one that crashes Pagasus Mail must be deleted (It's most likely spam anyway, but you can look at the content with notepad or such).


SvenH posted Sep 7 '09 at 9:28 pm

[quote user="ECourts"][quote user="SvenH"]

Works like a charm for me. What command line switches are you using exactly? Have you created separate desktop shortcuts for every user?


I'm not using any command switches. I actually have over 30 different email accounts/users to access and wanted Pmail to stay as a single icon on the task bar, such that I enter the user name when it starts up. This was how it worked under Vista - each time I clicked on the task bar icon a new PMail session started up, I entered the username and the application started. I could do this as many times as I needed. Having 30 or more icons, one for each user would make the taskbar a bit busy [:)]


I don't know *why* it worked under Vista if you do not use any special command line switch, at least it shouldn't. In order to open a *new* Pegasus Mail instance where you can enter the user name at the beginning you *must* use the command line switch -MS. 


strut posted Sep 8 '09 at 1:36 am

That has fixed the problem!

 Thank you very much for your help, it is greatly appreciated!



[quote user="idw"]

[quote user="phoenixart"]Another thing I'd like to

see is having emails marked as junk automatically moved to the junk

folder - dunno if it's already possible though.[/quote]

How about

creating a filter rule for doing so? Others may be able to provide the

details, I don't use Pegasus Mail's built-in capabilities for this -

and you should specify what you're referring to: Content control or

Spamhalter? [/quote]


Would you like to elaborate a bit? Which tools are

you using - SpamHalter, Content Control and/or filtering rules? Do you

have messages recognised as spam by SpamHalter that still remain in

your inbox? etc...

The reason I ask is that the filtering rule approach probably won't work as you would expect. Rules can move messages to your spam folder, but SpamHalter will NOT learn that they are spam and so will not get any better in catching similar spam in the future. This behaviour is the same, regardless if you use normal filtering rules or Content Control spam filtering rules.

See also my suggestion in this thread: and this somewhat confused thread about the problem with fighting spam using filtering rules, where my OP describes a work-around using Quick Actions. (I was told to use the work-around I wanted to get rid of... Sometimes it doesn't help to describe what you want [:(] )




[This issue was fetched from this thread in the suggestions section, because it initially seems more like a support question]


[quote user="jss1941"]

To be consistent, the tooltip associated with the 'Open or rescan your new mail folder' icon should be changed to "Check your POP3 host for new mail and open or rescan your new mail folder", and the text in the Options dialog should be changed to reflect the current actual behaviour.


I agree with the second part but not with the first part, as this would be too similar to the button designed for the purpose (the check your pop3 host for new mail), and, more importantly, does not reflect Pegasus's behaviour in cases where the 'Check whenever the New mail folder is opened' has not been selected.

Greenman posted Sep 4 '09 at 4:23 pm

Hello, Paul

Thanks for your reply.

The messages have come from several internal accounts used by different people. When I changed my view to Preview, the message displayed properly. 



I edited the headers in my previous post so they are now consistent. Perhaps that may have caused the odd behaviour you saw.



When I changed back to single folder view, the message details displayed properly. I closed Pegasus Mail and opened it again and the message still displays properly. Weird?¿


PaulW posted Sep 6 '09 at 1:26 pm

[quote user="JonR"]I have figured out how I can get the emails down to my Inbox so that part is fixed but how do I create a second id and how do I determin which email id is going to be used when I send an emai ?? Can anyone help.[/quote]

Tools / Identities / Add, and then when you 'become' that identity you can alter the internet options for another address.

Han vd Bogaerde posted Sep 1 '09 at 11:12 pm

[quote user="bluefox"]

OK, I have an interesting glitch.

A number of users on our system are experiencing a delay of up to 30 seconds when Pegasus loads; the program pauses for a long time on "Preparing gateways and transports".

The behaviour started all of a sudden about three to four weeks ago, and not all users are affected.

So far I've discovered that:

It does have to do with the contents of the user directory. If I remap O:\PMAIL on the system of a user with the problem to the user directory of an unaffected user, the problem goes away.

It doesn't seem to be connected with the PMAIL.INI file. When I change an affected user's pmail.ini to match as closely as possible one belonging to an unaffected user, (apart from identity) the problem remains.

What I'd really like to know is, what is happening when Pegasus shows the message "Preparing gateways and transports"? I asume it always appears but just goes by rather quickly.

Our users do not all connect to SMTP/IMAP on the same server (a number of servers involved, not run by me) so it's possible that it is server specific, but I haven't narrowed that down yet.

Any thoughts on this little mystery would be very much appreciated.



Well check the printer settings in Windows.  On startup Pegasus Mail uses the printer driver to obtain the available fonts. At one of the delay-startup user set the printer to generic and see if the delay stops when you start WinPmail. If so you know where to start checking the difference in setup between the users.

Han vd Bogaerde posted Sep 1 '09 at 11:08 pm

[quote user="PHR"]

The configuration used is Pegasus Mail 4.51 (network installation) and Mercury/32. On each PC the user has access to its own mailbox and to a general one (Add Mailbox to List).

When a new mail arrives in the personal mailbox the new mail folder display is immediately refreshed. When a new mail arrives in the general mailbox no refresh is automatically performed and to display the new message the user has to select another folder and come back to the new mail folder.

Is this a bug or a specification of Pegasus Mail ?

Many thanks for your help.


It's currently the way it works..... I have asked about any future plans on this. I will post back to this formum.

peggy posted Aug 28 '09 at 11:42 pm

E-mail address field: Your email address

Username: Your full email address

Password: Your email account password


Server POP3:

Port without SSL  110

or port With SSL - 995


Server SMTP:

Ports without SSL - one of the following  25, 80, 3535

or port with SSL   465


NOTE: You must set password authentication for SMTP.


HolyHarp posted Sep 15 '11 at 2:32 am

My apologies for my misunderstanding and miscommunications.  A couple weeks ago I upgraded to 4.61 and I got nothing in "Details" when I saved a message.  I didn't realize that I had nothing in my "subject" or "to" fields and that it was actually my "title" that wasn't sticking.  When I upgraded to 4.62 I tried saving some messages and got the "subject" field (I don't usually save stationary with a "to" field) as the title which I was very happy to see and interpreted as success.  I've tested the problem as it is actually described in this thread and would like to confirm that "titles" still don't stick on saved stationary drafts in 4.62.[:(]   For me, I'm happy to have at least the "subject" field appear.  Actually, I'm satisfied with Pegasus as it is and I admire the developers efforts to improve it and make it better than it already is.  [:)]

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