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irelam posted Jun 21 '20 at 2:50 am

I agree with your point on vertical scrolling halted when at the bottom of the editing screen. I try to scroll down before the editing cursor reaches the bottom of the window.

I have not seen the overlaying screen issue as I keep all my screens visible. I use Tile to show all the windows.


Brian Fluet posted Jun 18 '20 at 4:27 am

Pane resizing has stuck between sessions in my test.  If you running the main Pegasus Mail window maximized try windowing it stretched full screen and see if the new sizing will stick.  Check the "Save the Pegasus Mail desktop state between sessions" option as well.  The help file doesn't reference pane size it's worth consideration during troubleshooting.


All fair statements below, I'd say.  

Right, the only price which suits anyone's convenience for an email client these days is "free".  Although a PMail user since 1990, I do recall paying US$50 for Eudora back some years ago, as an experiment.  That seemed quite within the frame at the time, but that was then and this is now.   

I know that Pegasus & Mercury have been a mission and a calling for David H., long since.  And I also remember at least some of the struggles over the years.  Some time ago -- funny that, how so much nowadays seems "some time ago" to me -- apparently there was some backstage shuffling around to fund an update to TER, and on a different occasion to assist David in his rebuild from what I took to be an abrupt hardware failure of his production server.  

David has tried, he really has.  As have some number of you who keep this forum going.  Yet the headwinds against what David is trying to continue doing blow incessantly and relentlessly, punctuated from time to time by eruptions of discontented entitlement over this, that, and the other.  (Not from you, Joerg, please understand, but from your users, who, as you say, "are not interested in any explanations".)  

I also recall -- from better times -- Thomas Stephenson's (R.I.P.) excursion to visit David in Dunedin, and the lovely photos he posted on his website.  

As for Michael's "we absolutely must know about them":  oh, I have continuing annoyances with TER in text mode, but I just live with them, since I do understand the situation when it comes to funding updates, and I infer that you're referring to "fancy", not text.   

I hope that development can continue to go on, and on, and that we won't be looking at turning down the lights and putting the cat out anytime soon.  Yet I also know that our numbers do dwindle, and that the appeal of some 10-15 years ago for committed annual subscribers did not meet the hoped-for yield.  

Perhaps we will yet endure.  


Well, the problem seems to have resolved itself, possibly after another update from MS.

I don't have Pegasus installed in anything like what was just suggested. I have separate partitions set up on my PC for the OS, my applications, and our home directories. Pegasus is installed with my other applications, in the D: drive. My Pegasus mailbox is installed in my home directory: E:\<My Name>\PMail. This has worked perfectly for me for over 20 years, but Windows 10 is clearly making it for difficult for the applications.

The problem yesterday seems to have been that non-MS applications, that wanted to check on their licenses when starting, were having trouble getting an internet connection. This affected HR Block and Quicken. It also seems to have affected GlobalProtect, which needs to make a VPN connection to the university where I worked to give the OK on the license for the Windows 10 Enterprise that I'm using. Normally that needs a refresh about every 6 months, so it's not something that I get really familiar with. Yesterday GP would not connect. This has never happened before.

Everything seems to be working this morning, but I noticed one change: When I brought up GlobalProtect today, I got a login page that I didn't get yesterday. Yesterday, when I brought up GP, I didn't get the login page, so GP didn't get my password. When I ran the troubleshooting logging for GP, I saw it complain about no password, but I wasn't sure if that was normal or not, having never watched the logging before. Today, I got a completely different GP first screen which came up with my username and asked for my password. After that, it connected and now everything seems to work correctly.

Pegasus now connects to my POP3 and SMTP servers within 1-2 seconds, just as it always has, so things are back to normal. Frankly, I don't know what fixed it: the MS update, the change in GP behavior, or the simple fact that there was another reboot in there.


irelam posted Jun 8 '20 at 11:22 pm

A minor update to FolderPmmRep to enable saving of the displayed report to either default printer or file (default: CSV). The utility reports on all PMM files by name, title and size. The intention, partly to warn of folder sizes closing in on maximum folder size. An additional program FolderPmiRep will report on message sizes within a folder by name, title, size, and original CNM filename. This will aid in identifying attachments that either unwanted or obsolete. FolderPmiRep will be posted shortly with similar functions 

FoldrPmmRep is available at Community downloads area as 

euler posted Jun 8 '20 at 11:39 pm

[quote user="RichU"]

I've been using Pegasus for years - very happy with it! Only "flaw" is maybe forwarding HTML emails from others, usually "commercial" - formats get lost.


Most "commercial" messages are very poorly formed. They abuse HTML and CSS codes and note rarely use scripts which are forbidden in Pegasus Mail for security reasons. In those cases forward them as attachments and your recipient will get it entirely.

[quote user="RichU"]

Current issue:  all of a sudden - today - one incoming email to one of my four email addresses seems stuck somewhere - it keeps downloading /new mail every few minutes. Never happened before.


I shut down and rebooted.  With that address open every few minutes I get the "new mail" notification, and the same email comes in, again and again. 

Suggestions? Thanks!


Win 7, Pegasus 4.73.  No recent changes made. My other "main" address seems just fine - normal.


You said you have it sorted but you could have also mentioned your mail provider along with your Windows and Pegasus Mail versions. Certain providers behave differently over POP3 (I'm assuming here) commands. To exemplify, a typical retrieve and delete a downloaded message translates as...

  • Gmail - Download message, mark it as read, and move it to account's archive (depending on settings it may be changed).
  • Yahoo! - Download message and move it to account's waste bin.
  • GMX - Download message, mark it as read, and leave it on account's root directory.
Back to your case, I'd suggest a session log to actually see what was happening at your mail server, no longer possible as you deleted the message. This could also help other users.
euler posted Jun 6 '20 at 3:00 am

[quote user="c.haslam"]

Thank you both. Problem solved.


YW [:)]

[quote user="c.haslam"]

Keep well. especially in Brazil.



Much obliged. We're doing very fine. I'm beginning to think all this itch is on media only. [;)]

Michael posted May 31 '20 at 3:01 pm

I got a new laptop and configured Pegasus the same way as on the older laptop I'm retiring. But Pegasus does not connect with Gmail on the newmachine. Sometimes the error message says "bad address" and sometimes it says things i don't understand.
I am using Pegasus 4.7 under Windows 10 Home, Version 10.0.18362 Build 18362.
I need help.


Jim Hodgson posted Jun 1 '20 at 5:34 pm

I'll check the antivirus.  It seems odd that they show up in the NMF with various sizes, just as if they had been moved into pegasus like normal.  Sounds like there is something up with IMAP so maybe this is all a moot point.  I've used and loved Pegasus for so long though.  So easy to find what I want.


Check the configuration options for icon behavior located in Tools | Options | User interface | Reporting/logging.

Also, I believe you can drag icons from hidden icons area of the system tray into the space between the caret and the date/time and they will stick.   I use this for two of my running instances with the third minimizing to the taskbar. 

MageMaster posted May 29 '20 at 6:54 pm

[quote user="Euler GERMAN"]

Queued messages are represented as a pair of files while they still editable. The content (body) part is a PNX file and it MUST have a counter part, either a PMX (headers, etc) or a PMO (ditto, but for saved, auto-saved or stationary). A queued message should appear like 12345678.PNX and 12345678.PMX (or PMO). After processing to its final form it will appear as 12345678.PMW only.

If you have broken file pairs you most likely will have a ghost queued message. Corrupted files also may be a cause, but I'd look after PNXs without PMXs (or PMOs), or vice-versa. Delete them if found.



Deleted 2 related PMX & PMW files in Mail directory, FIXED THE PROBLEM.


Brian Fluet posted May 30 '20 at 9:37 pm


Tests are done while there isn't an internet connection to force an instant failure whose popup notice contains the timeout setting of that attempt.

Please test it for additional confirmation that when a POP3 or SMTP host is configured with a timeout of zero the actual timeout used is 30 seconds regardless of the timeout specified in the General tab.

irelam posted May 26 '20 at 5:21 am


Norton automatically configures your email program for protection against viruses and other security threats. You can configure Email Antivirus Scan to scan all incoming email messages and outgoing email messages. ... This feature does not work if your SMTP or POP3 email port is an SSL-encrypted email port.

   From the Norton help file  "...


irelam posted May 25 '20 at 3:42 am

<p>Hi all,</p><p>When replying to certan sender, his original header appears as having lots of " " strings (non-breaking space in HTML, if I know it right) instead of simple space ( ) characters. How can I get rid of these?</p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Peter </span></p>


[quote user="kaspencer"]I find that after getting an error reporting that images in an email message could not be downloaded, the message "Loading of images has been cancelled"  (although actually the American spelling in used, for some reason, even though my localisation is UK).[/quote]

Interface languages are not user customizable in general, but if you would like to adjust the IERenderer UI, it's a simple plain text file with side effects. And you'll certainly find further inconsistencies because I'm not a native speaker of neither variant.

[quote user="kaspencer"]Can you please tell me how I can get rid of the message about cancelling images and have them downloaded ?[/quote]

You can't, you either wait until timeout or cancel. It's for convenience if you get several timeouts in a row. You can only get a "replay" after restarting Pegasus Mail, but if encountering errors I would recommend to open such a message in your browser via right click menu, if images are crucial for reading your messages.
David_himself posted Jun 12 '20 at 12:54 pm

From a recent email sent by our IT Services:


may know that Microsoft recently made an announcement extending their

support for IMAP with basic (legacy) authentication on Office 365, from

October 2020 to sometime in the “second half of 2021”, with a more

precise date still to be confirmed.



University’s Information Governance Office (IGO) has now approved the

extended use of IMAP, and IT Services are currently security testing

Office 365 with IMAP and OAuth 2.0 (modern) authentication. Once this is

sufficiently tested it will be made available as quickly as possible.

 So it looks as if the Linux community may have forced a temporary reprieve, and maybe we Windows users of PMail will be able to get back in on their coat-tails.



HTR posted Jun 10 '20 at 8:04 pm

I was unable to decipher the State.pmj file, so I've been using Pmail in full screen mode.  Then today, just for yucks, I clicked the restore button in the Pegasus window and guess what - the window restored to its proper smaller size.  So, everything is back the way it should be.

 Thanks for all the help. 

lhhesscpa posted May 23 '20 at 3:15 am

The problem has mysteriously not occurred since I started this conversation. If it starts again I will definitely tyr your suggestion.

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