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No problem occurs if I address an email to one distribution list: all the recipients listed in that distribution list will receive their copy. But if I address an email to more than one distribution list, AND if the addresses of some recipients occur in more than one list, then the email is not delivered to any of the recipients. Instead, Pegasus shows me an error message with the word "pipelining" in it, as well as listing each in that error message each of the duplicated email addresses.  Pegasus then places the email in the queue for re-sending.

To proceed I believe I have three options:

1.  Log into my ISP's webmail page, and send the email from there.  This involves copying and pasting all of the addresses in each distribution list and placing them in the BCC field on the webmail page.  This is a tedious thing to have to do, but the email is sent without any problem.

2.  Go to my laptop computer and use Thunderbird, which has a similar distribution list system to Pegasus's system, though not as good.  Moving over to that computer for the purposes of a bulk mailing is tedious, and it means that my records in Pegasus Mail are not accurate (I have to make an artificial record of the email which I have sent).  I also have to check my distribution lists inside Thunderbird to make sure they are up-to-date, as I do all of my work in Pegasus on my desktop computer.  The laptop with Thunderbird is only for rare periods away from home.

3.  Go into Pegasus Mail's distribution lists and remove some people's email addresses from some of the lists so that there is no duplication.  But this messes up the lists, because some people do qualify for membership of more than one distribution list, and it's important for me to know that, for example, Distribution list A consists of 78 people, Distribution B consists of 34 members, and so on.  And people who are duplicated in my Distribution lists do not mind receiving more than one copy of an email: they know they qualify for membership of more than one group, so receiving two or more copies of an email re-assures them that I still have them recorded as belonging to more than one classification.

This problem began for me about six months ago.  Is it because of a change in Pegasus, is it because of a change at

Yahoo, or is something else responsible?

Is there a work-around?  Is there something I can do within Pegasus so that I can maintain the integrity of my distribution lists, but not have emails rejected because some email addresses occur in more than one distribution list?

Thanks for any help.



I just have tried the above solution at home and it works. Regarding one drive syncing interference with Pegasus Mail i haven't noticed problems yet but since I started using this configuration couple days ago there is still time for issues to show. I always leave Pegasus Mail when I'm leaving office/home-office, that is I never leave Pegasus Mail running on computer I do not use currently.

Only issue I have had was Pegasus Mail twice crashing at office  without any obvious reason. However at home I haven't noticed such behavior (but there is important difference at office PMail is active for 7-8  hours in continuity, at home it is active intermittently when I read or send emails up to 1 hour max in continuity. 

Joerg posted Mar 5 '20 at 1:51 pm

I agree with you, an option for activating the saving of embedded images and attachments in copy-to-self would be nice. In Germany, all business related e-mails have to be treated and saved as business letters with a legal retention period of 6 years. But if parts of the business conversations are always missing ...

The workaround with BCC is not very practical from my point of view, since I have to move them manually to the Copy-to-self folder as soon as they appear again in my inbox so that they don't automatically move in my different inboxes on closing Pmail. Maybe this could be solved by filters. But further, when moved, they are showing the FROM address (my own address) and not the addressie where it has been sent to.

Michael posted Mar 2 '20 at 4:07 pm

[quote user="Joerg"]I don't wanna see any blames here, that Pmail is not able to retrieve all mails on different machines  [:D] Only fun. [/quote]

Just for the record: You may set up POP3 accounts with the Delete mail on server ... option disabled:


[quote user="Aimo Maileri"]The question: How do I send internal messages in a Windows LAN with Pegasus (no Mercury installed)?[/quote]

The short answer, and easiest way (IMHO):

Install Pegasus Mail as multi-user on one machine.  All other machines then run that installation as the appropriate user.  You would send internal messages by addressing the message to the username (no domain part).  Pegasus mail will recognize it as an internal user and deliver it to that mailbox.

An alternate is to have a Pegasus Mail installation on every machine with all mailboxes directories in the same location on the LAN.  The Pegasus Mail installations would be configured to know where the mailbox directories are and would look to that directory for internal user information (file named PMAIL.USR).

The benefit to the first option is that only one instance of Pegasus Mail needs to be maintained.

I think a new discussion would be appropriate if you wish to pursue this further.  This is not difficult but there are numerous aspects that make it a little complicated until the complete picture comes into focus.

Finally, I have a Network Administrators Guide, DOS and Windows Versions (circa 1998) that could be helpful.  It's old, and it's heavy on Netware specifics, but the DOS and Windows content remain of value.  I don't know of a download source so am happy to email you a copy.  Send me a PM with your email address if interested.


Joerg, thank you !!! I always thought this was not possible, i rechecked the options and found it. I always had to cut and paste my signatures which were always placed at the bottom, it's been driving me crazy for years. I couldn't understand why such a common feature was not readily available on pmail which is such a great programme.

[quote user="Joerg"]

Maybe I don't understand your problem completely. But you could adjust Pmail in that manner that your signature and the cursor are always placed at the top of a replied message. We do this since years. When replying a mail, the original message text will be copied into (without that strange ">" sign in front of each line), our signatature placed above the original text, and the cursor for typing the new answer on top. No problem with other guys.



I had a weird "can't send" in May 2020. I COULD "send" it, but the recipient's server returned it, saying sender's IP address was on a blacklist as a source of spam. Note: That wasn't MY IP address, it was the IP address of the people who host my email. (I, as do most people, I believe, send things to them, THEY send it onward.)

Anyway... when I took the text I wanted to send (it contained extensive quotes of emails and rejections, along with their headers, all in plain text) and put it in a .pdf (Thank you LibreOffice/ OpenOffice for the "save as .pdf" feature), and sent THAT, as an attachement, it went through fine... from the server that had be rejected several times just previously.



[quote user="chriscw"]I do intend to add a backup of the remaining active accounts back into our  backup schedule as well.[/quote]

Don't wait too long, Chris!  Make it, today! [:D] Only this protect you from data losses of any company data. (Your signature sais "IT Manager" of a company)

We are running daily mirror backups at night, where the entire Mercury folder, entire Pmail folder and all mailbox folders of my 20 users will be saved at a mirror server in our LAN. This is quite fast since only the differences will be updated at night. So don't think about which files are to be saved and which not. Save them all.

Additionally once a week I save all at an external harddisk, taking it with me at home (of course, encrypted). For all backup tasks I use Window's "robocopy", where you are able to create nice batch files, creating 1:1 copies - and all simple and for free.

In Germany we have a legal retention period of all business related letters (where e-mails belonging to) of 6 years, and for tax related correspondences 10 years. Means there is a lot to retain [:(]


I think I solved it.

I installed Thunderbird to see whether I could send mail using a different client program. It worked, I could. However, when Thunderbird automatically set itself up for sending and receiving mail I noticed that it chose a mail server with a different name to the one I've always used in Pegasus. ****-**** instead of ****** So out of curiosity I tried changing the server name in Pegasus, and it now sends mail to an address it did not previously send to.

I haven't checked it throroughly yet but fingers crossed this has fixed it.


Selberherr posted Feb 15 '20 at 3:18 pm

I am also highly impressed by the achievements of DH. Pegasus with its environment is by far the best email system I have ever seen.

With great respect I wish indeed all the best to DH.

eirman posted Feb 14 '20 at 1:23 pm

Many thanks to Brian & Euler,

I found the INI file but I wound up going the safer route.

I created 8 identity copies and deleted the 8 originals.
I then created 8 new copies giving them my original identity names.

So I now have my original identities logically ordered [:D]

battles posted Feb 10 '20 at 1:46 am

Well, got er done.  I can't say that it was a pleasant experience.  Its a good thing that I'm a teetotaler, or I would have drank this problem away.  As you said, it is just a matter of creating your Identities first and then creating the 'Internet options' for each later.  You have to remember to Become the identity you want the 'Internet options' to be associated with before trying to setup that.  If there is anything in the 'My Internet e-mail address is:' box, you have to replace it with the name you want to give the 'Internet options'.  This would be a good youtube demo project.

Thanks again.

Brian Fluet posted Feb 11 '20 at 6:03 pm

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]...There isn't any reference to the missing attachment on the recipient end....[/quote]

I misspoke here.  There is the attachment symbol in the left column of the Pegasus Mail new mail folder for each of the messages that were sent without the attachment.  The attachment pane only shows a plain text part of the message body.  This is not normal for plain text messages so Pegasus Mail is transmitting knowledge of an attachment even though there isn't one.  The fact that the attachment shows as a plain text part of the message body is confusing.

Joerg posted Feb 3 '20 at 9:04 am

How many Pmail folders have you arranged? Depending on the the number of such folders and subfolders (and their content) within your Pmail folder tree, Pmail takes more time for startup (under W10). When starting Pmail it shows "locating folders - 25" also with me. It seems "25" is only the first step, where 25 folders have been read. My computer (W10 1909) needs around 11 seconds for hundrets of folders. But my computer is fitted with an fast SSD and connected by Gbit network to the server where the mails reside. But other users of mine have more than 1000 folders where Pmail needs about 20 to 30 seconds for the first start. But only for the first start of a day. Subsequent startups are very fast. It seems Windows is chaching the folder structure or folder content. I guess, you have to live with.

Mark Rolih posted Jan 31 '20 at 4:50 pm

Never mind!  I shut the program down and restarted now it seems to be fine.  Thank you for your help.

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