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oonumberoo posted Jul 26 '07 at 7:05 pm

Having investigated further, it appears that search will not work unless the Recent Search Results folder is visible in the folder list. If it is a sub-folder and the main folder is closed, search will not work. (Version 4.41 (Win 32))

Any comments? 

MikePreston posted Jul 23 '07 at 7:03 am

I'm going to escalate this back up to a bug, because I've found that it re-occurs in a reproducible circumstance.  From the New Mail folder, select a message and then select MOVE.  From the Folders window that pops up, insert a NEW folder name and then select that folder so that the message will be moved into it.

You will now find that your newfound folder will also stop the down arrow from traversing the  list of folders.  At least until one touches the folder as indicated above. 

This is really quite an annoyance to somebody who uses the keyboard to great advantage.

vefatica posted Jul 17 '07 at 10:07 pm

[quote user="David Harris"][quote user="vefatica"]

There's a folder, "Summer07", on my desktop (files for a course I'm teaching).  I wanted to rename the folder.  Windows XP wouldn't let me because an application was using the folder.  Investigation showed Pegasus Mail had 4 open handles to that folder.


There are two separate and distinct problems here. The first is Windows itself: when you call GetOpenFileName, a side-effect of selecting a file is to change the current working directory to the one containing the selected file. As long as any application has a directory selected as its working directory, no other application can rename or delete that directory. It's probably possible to work around this problem (I've made a note to check it out).

The other problem is more complicated. The Borland runtime libraries (from the ageing compiler used to compile v4.41) create a handle to a directory when I do a directory contents scan, and cannot be told to release that handle. The problem is to do with the legacy "findfirst" and "findnext" routines, which date from DOS times and which don't have a matching "endfind" command to terminate the scan. As a result, the RTL has to do some calisthenics - essentially, it tries to "guess" when the directory handle is no longer required and doesn't release it until then. It's most unsatisfactory, and has other side-effects as well. It's also totally outside my control in that version of the code.

As part of the move to Visual C, I had to rework these routines from scratch, so this problem no longer occurs in the current builds of the program. This means you can expect it to be fixed in the next update.


Thanks for the in-depth reply.  I didn't know GetOpenFileName() did that (it's not very nice).  I've used GOFN() but was never bitten by it.  And I had wondered about the status of the move to VC.

 - Vince 

Thomas R. Stephenson posted Oct 6 '09 at 1:22 am

Do you mean that installing Pegasus Mail on the server and using

that application from all clients PC. Is that Possible ?? it would be

wonderful if that's possible.

That's the primary way I ran this on my Netware systems with 150 very busy concurrent users.  The program and data were both on the SYS: volume and the users only had a short cut to the program on the workstations.  The Macs, Windows and DOS machines all looked at the same program directory.  Did the same thing with the Windows servers as well.  That's why so many network admins loved this program, it's a cinch to maintain.  I do maintain the TEMP directory (C:\TEMP) on the local workstation so that the writing files to this directory does not go over the LAN,

I guess the loading will be slow

if all the client PC connects to Pegasus Mail on a single server.

Please correct me if i am wrong.

It's not at all slow, the program is really running on the client system, it only loads the program files from the host server.   The only time it can be slow is if everyone is logging in and downloading the program files at exactly the same time and that's never going to happen.  ;-)

ipatt posted Jul 13 '07 at 3:27 pm

 Hello Thomas. Thanks for the quick reply. I, too, was surprised at the "missing mail" behaviour. I thought I knew Pmail well having used it since the good old DOS days.

I went back to my colleagues pc to try the update from 3.12c to 4.41 again, but keeping a log of all operations. Once again, 4.41 installed smoothly over 3.12c and again, opening Pmail, two folders were missing mail as shown in the folder tree panel.  Going to the list view to investigate  gave the surprise that the expected number of  messages in the two problem folders were there. In both cases the number of mails in the folders was greater than 1000. The clue to the "problem" arrived when I noticed that one folder containing 1259 messages  showed only 259 in the preview tree panel.

 Back to the preview mode, resize the tree panel to make it wider and the folder shows 1259 messages. "Missing mail problem" solved!

 A suggestion for David Harris: could a value that is too large to fit the space available be shown as asterisks or hash marks (*, #) à la Excel? Perhaps the programming effort is too great to solve a trivial but initially perplexing problem.


Thomas_N_ posted Jul 12 '07 at 7:07 pm


Concerning your question about which tool is applied first, you may want to read the article at . It describes the order in which Pegasus Mail's sorting and filtering tools for incoming messages are handled.

You will notice that Spamhalter comes before content control. That means: if you have set up content control to delete the "Russian spam"-messages, Spamhalter will probably take care of them before content control can handle them - and if that happens, Spamhalter will move those messages to its Spam folder, leaving content control no chance to delete them (because content control will not see the messages).

If you want an incoming message not to be handled by Spamhalter or content control, you have to add the respective senders to the Global Whitelist. Any message sent by a sender listed in the Global Whitelist will be checked neither by Spamhalter nor by content control.
However, even if a sender's address is listed in the Global Whitelist, the New Mail filtering rules can still be applied to such a message. A New Mail filtering rule could look for the charset declaration of a Russian character set and delete any message that is said to be written in Russian.

Note that this is a somewhat theoretical approach.
You would have to add each address sending you Russian spam to the Global Whitelist and have their messages deleted by your New Mail filtering rules. As the sender's adresses are often forged or randomly created, there is probably not much use in adding those addresses to the Global Whitelist - the sender's addresses will probably not occur more than once or twice in further spam messages.

So, what can you do? I do think it is a good idea not to delete any unread messages - having the chance to check them before deleting them for good is a Good Thing [tm]. (Note that this is just my personal opinion, yours may differ.) Having Spamhalter move the Russian spam to its spam folder and check them before deleting them may be the right approach, I think.


I've been having this error for a while on only one of my addresses & have been unable to find any differences in the configurations.  I tried both (b) and (c).   It was (b)  that worked for me.  I did have  "Load Windows Internet Services (WSOCK32.DLL) set to "Never" on 4 or 5 identities.    I don't have a clue as to why I only got the error on the one identity.    This may be irrelevant, but I don't remember this error using XP.

Pegasus 4.41, Vista.  

Thank you for this forum and to the Pegasus team.   I started using Pegasus many years ago when I needed a "multi-POP capable program. 


Pumpeng posted Jul 12 '07 at 11:54 am

The easiest and simplest way is to right-click, "open message in web browser", then print from the browser.


Adrian the Rock posted Jul 6 '07 at 9:34 pm

[quote user="djmeydey"] Is there any possibility to use html in outgoing e-mails? [/quote]

Pegasus will automatically send emails in HTML if you include any formatting or hyperlinks, images etc when composing the message, provided the "Disable all text styling options (never send styled mail)" option in the "Message formatting" tab of the Tools -> Options... dialogue is unchecked.

I think if you check the "Rich text" box in the top of the composer window it will also send the message in HTML.  Inserting formatting etc as described above will automatically check this box if it isn't already checked.

It also helps if you ensure the "Do not display the editor 'styles' toolbar" option, in the same tab is also unchecked.  However even if the styles toolbar is hidden you can still do formatting using accelerator keys, eg control/B for bold etc.

You should also make sure that "Generate multipart/alternative versions of richtext messages" is checked in the "Sending mail" tab of Tools -> Options...   Otherwise, your formatted messages will be sent in HTML only, rather than with alternative plain text and HTML parts.  The former is not considered good practice, and HTML-only messages may be rejected in some quarters.

See the help texts for the two Tools -> Options... tabs for more information.

Michael Bidonville posted Jul 4 '07 at 6:13 pm

Thanks toab,

you hit it ! [:D]

-ROAM is the right thing to solve this problem!

As the stick is already protected with the U3-System,  with this option I can run PM from any XP-Computer, no more Sign-In is required.


Thanks again !


MJSmit posted Jul 4 '07 at 2:11 am

Solved it myself, using info from I've found pmail.ini, where the temporary folder is actually written to be

Temporary files directory                 = C:\Windows\Temp\Pegasus

Now although C:\Windows\Temp was no problem, the \Pegasus subfolder wasn't there anymore, and apparently Pegasus doesn't create a fresh one automatically.


Sorry if I bothered anyone - and hopefully other people will benefit of the problem + solution sometime. 


[quote user="jcp"]

is there a way to show the sender's email-address instead of (or additionally) to his alias name in the bar above the preview-window?


Not at this stage, no. Funnily enough, the totally ancient DOS version of the program has this ability, but it never made it into the Windows version (mostly because nobody seemed to want it back then).

Part of the problem is that it's an "expensive" change - I'd have to go through the folder reparsing every message to extract this information (at the moment, I just display the contents of the index entry, which is very fast).

It may be possible to do something along these lines with the new folder formats in V5, though.


-- David --


I have not received any sample message yet, but looking at the html tag you supplied above, I see the problem. The Url is dynamic. This means that the server creates the graphic when requested.  I decided a long time ago to do no cache'ing for these dynamic Urls, as I would then have to cope with cache and server versions becoming different. Dynamic Urls usually contain a question mark (?) indicating the submission of variable information to focus graphic content, but can also supply a Url with no filename.

As for alternatives, you can always right click on a message that is not displaying the way you like, and pass the html message to your favorite browser.




On 2 Jul 2007 Pegasus Mail & Mercury - Automated Email <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am thinking that I might have fewer crashes caused by loss of
> connectivity on a wireless laptop by installing Pegasus Mail locally
> on my laptop, accessing the mailbox on the remote machine.
> 1. Will this help with this problem?

Might help.  
> 2. How would I go about making this change?

1.    Use Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info and note your current HOME & NEW mail directory setup.  IIRC, yours should already be in UNC format like \\server\volume\pmail\mail\~8

2.    Install Pegasus Mail to c:\pmail on the laptop.

3.    Go to c:\pmail\programs and run pconfig.exe.  Change the Standalone Home and NEW mail directory spec to point at the current server mailbox location.  Save and exit.

Now the program is running locally and points at the remote location of the folders.   

You can also simply use IMAP4 from the local version of WinPMail on the laptop (my preference in fact) via your Mercury/32 setup so that the loss of connectivity with the mailbox directories will be further isolated.  Makes it better when the laptop goes on the road as well.

> I know this is probably quite simple, but I need to be sure of my
> steps.
> Are there advantages to either system? What if I want to open the
> same user on another machine on the network - not at the same time,
> of course).
> Thanks
> Ellie


[quote user="DonPedro"]

NOW I am completely off the hook!

could someone with in-depth knowledge jump in please for an explanation what is going on?


could ellie experience multiple running copies of pm without the -ms

switch and what is in effect the meaning of the -A swich since ellie

solved her problem (multiple instances of pm running) by removing it?


Well, why or how removing the -A switch could have solved Ellie's problem, is a puzzle for me as well. In NON-NOVELL-NETWARE mode the -A switch is ignored anyway. So it might have something to do with other options (or illegal characters) on the commandline. Deliberating on that would end up guessing... so I withhold.

Running multiple copies of Pegasus Mail is something that shouldn't be considered unless you know exactly what you do and NEVER run 2 instances on the same mailbox. Pegasus Mail is not designed for that. There are multiple ways to run more instances at the same time, either by setting an environment variable, using the Pegasus.ini file or (since version 4.x) using the -MS commandline option.


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