Community Discussions and Support

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Bill Schneider posted May 9 '07 at 3:25 pm

Something similiar happens to us from time to time. Pegasus looses its internet settings. You have to write your e-mail adress again and add back pop and smtp definitions. At our site this happens roughly 1 time per year and per pc. All are running pegasus 4.4.1 in german with f-prot as antivirus scanner. By the way as this happened to me in some cases I googled this problem and did find some others but never  found a solution.

I do not think that it is a right problem here. Users have appropriate rights. If a needed file was locked by f-prot, would pegasus not notice it as it does with open files you try to attach?

This may be just a wild guess!
This all has to do with pmail.ini.
Pegasus seems to read internet settings from it and stores them into memory at start.  When it is closed these settings are written back. Could it be that the memory locations of these informations get deleted by some other nasty program. So when it comes to writing back there is nothing to write back.

As a kludge I decided today to give my users a script to copy back an faultless pmail.ini over the corrupted one.

What do you think of this?

As this is the first time I post to this forum I would like to thank David Harris for his work.
I am glad to see that the work goes on and wish David and the team a lot of success.


aderoy posted May 25 '07 at 5:00 pm

Another me to, excellent program and support. Only been using since 1999 so not 10 years yet.

The program has a small footprint (<16 MB even with 72K messages), which is helpful even with the large RAM found nowadays.

Tom Stein posted Nov 27 '07 at 11:10 am

On the f-prot forum under the thread of:
Pegasus Mail and F-Prot - problem when virus found,773.0.html

I wrote (2007-11-22, 06:12:27):

"Blackcat and other Frisk developers, I am still wondering, assuming that emails are most likely the main entry point for viruses (?) do AV software developers have an exchange policy with email developers to find the best way to handle certain issues such as the one mentioned above in this thread. A few lines would be great."

Reply of one of the developers today (2007-11-27, 08:35:37)

"Sorry for the late reply. Nope, I am not aware of such an exchange, yet."



aderoy posted May 9 '07 at 6:17 pm

Export the mailbax from Netscape, must have a .mbx (lowercase).
Copy the exported mailbox to the Pegasus maildir, must be done one at a time
Open Pegasus, the folders will be added to the folder list.
Create a new folder, using Pegasus 2.x format
Select all emails from the Thunderbird folder and move to the newly created Pegasus folder.

Must be repeated as required for the balance of the mail folders. I was able to move just under 100 .mbx files this way.

Note: Pegasus will only see the new files (mailbox.mbx) on startup.

irelam posted Aug 17 '09 at 2:49 am

There is an updated version of SendDoc (1.4) which uses Pegasus Mail as a mailer for OpenOffice, available at downloads area location:


Michael posted Jul 3 '10 at 5:19 pm

[quote user="Tbilisi"]... You seem to imply that there is a solution under Vista, and presumably under 7 as well.  I'd deeply appreciate it if you could elaborate on that solution.[/quote]

That's not what I understand: He says there would be a fix if he was using .NET instead of the current C programming language, so there is no easy solution, yet.


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What this forum IS:  a place where you can ask questions and give answers, where Pegasus Mail users can share their expertise and experience with each other for the benefit of all.

What this forum IS NOT: an official technical support forum. Whilst I and my test teams will participate here as much as time permits, the fact that you post a question does not create any formal obligation on us to answer it. We will do our best to assist you as time and circumstance permits.

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  • No spam or advertising. Don't post irrelevant messages or advertise products unless they are directly relevant to Pegasus Mail.
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These rules notwithstanding, this forum is provided so that we can all help each other. Enjoy!

-- David Harris --


CobraA1 posted Oct 29 '08 at 5:05 pm

Perhaps you can use to obtain more detailed information about where exactly it's having problems? Right clicking on winpm-32.exe in Process Explorer and opening properties should give you a tabbed window with a lot of information. The "Threads" tab may be able to isolate a particular thread that is hogging the CPU - I generally see about five threads that are related to Pegasus Mail.

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