Brian & Jeorg
I have not, so far, put in code to clean up after user has finished a session in Pmical. This could just be an option in Pmical.ini? Or it could be a dialog SaveTo question at closing time to save or not save, and then where to save things to.
As to the actual location of data and program files, this could be resolved by users declaring possible locations to be considered, in a list, and then prompted at Pmical startup to select one of the choices of location. Secondly to this I would suggest that all temporary work files created in TEMP by Pmical be deleted at Pmical closing, as they are not useful from that point on. I have to be careful with event replies, as these need to be kept, as part of the event updating process. For example the Accept or Decline of an event invitation, and the update of invitees list, and updating of time and date of event invitations, or event event cancellation.
This last point suggests that using TEMP to store events would not work if event updating is needed. Further, if prompting for a location, it cannot change once set, as the updating process cannot easily change.
By the way, my PmicalAdmin app could be enhanced to handle a lot of these questions.