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I'm not sure if what I'm about to say would fulfill your needs, but there's a workaround I've successfully tested:

  1. Select all messages with attachments you need to save, that is, to extract its attachments at once;
  2. Forward them as a MIME digest to a local address. My choice is forwarding it to a noticeboard address;
  3. Open the forwarded MIME digest in the noticeboard and select the Attachments tab. You'll be able to see all attachments of all those selected messages in the classical tree view you already know;
  4. Select the attachments you want to save and click the Save button;
  5. Select the "Prompt for a filename for the first attachment, etc..." radio button, then "OK", and they'll be sent to the target directory;
  6. Finally, delete the noticeboard entry when it is done to save space.
Michael posted Jul 2 '19 at 8:24 am

[quote user="Euler GERMAN"]I changed path to %AppData% and it worked flawlessly but all references to graphics were now written in 8.3 notation, at least for those messages sent to Firefox.[/quote]

Yes, IER uses 8.3 paths for avoiding issues with the Windows MAX_PATH length which is 260 characters unless using UNC paths (which might create other issues). BTW: Some "legacy" parts of Pegasus Mail are limited to even shorter paths than this, IIRC affecting attachments, e.g.

rfh007 posted Jun 15 '19 at 1:43 am

great suggestion! thanks! I deleted the lines 



Wählen Sie einen Ordner RS=-524,204,493,690


in STATE.PMJ and now the window appears in the middle of the pmail window. 

GuyT posted Jun 8 '19 at 10:54 pm

That's it!  Looked at Various tab in Configure and the Default HTML printing box was not ticked. No idea how that happened, maybe I accidentally ticked the don't show this option again, or that I didn't notice but problem solved.

Thanks to both of you. Would have responded earlier but having problems with some corrupted mail so may be posting again soon.

Greenman posted May 31 '19 at 1:58 pm

[quote user="Dilip"]That almost worked! I downloaded a few files but then I opened an email with a JPG attached that was a little less than 7MB. When I tried to click on it, I got the out of memory error and Pegasus Mail crashed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks![/quote]

What are your system specs? Do you have sufficient RAM installed? Do you have plenty of free hard drive space? 

Jim Adney posted May 20 '19 at 8:14 pm

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]The "Personal name" field located in Tools > Options > General settings > Basic settings is what controls whether your name is included in the From: header.  No entry here, no name part in sent messages.  This field is identity specific.[/quote]

Right, I understand.

In this case, Pegasus combines the Personal Name and the Internet address to the header of all outgoing mail. In my opinion, that seems like exactly the right thing to do.

In the case of addressees on outgoing mail, it seems like the same approach would be appropriate. But then again, I just realized that some people might use Aliases in their address books that they might not want the addressees to ever see.

So I guess I'm back to editing all my address book entries to make them look like: John Smith <>. This makes my only suggestion be that this be added to the help file.



[quote user="Melissa2011B"] Pegasus suddenly started having Pop3 and SMTP errors this morning. No changes were made to the settings. I use SSL for 3 identities of email addresses, covering 2 hosts. 

 It was working one minute and not the next. I spent about 90 minutes on the phone with tech support at one of the hosts and we were unable to resolve it.

 But I noticed that the problem wasn't happening in Mailwasher, which I use ahead of Pegasus, to view incoming emails and delete spams, so they don't download in Pegasus.

 So I finally tried shutting down and restarting Pegasus, and it started working again. But an hour later, it stopped working, and I shut it down and restarted it, and it worked again.

It started happening while IDrive online backup was running, this morning, and I'm wondering if that may have botched up a Pegasus file - like if it tried backing up a Pegasus file while Pegasus may have been checking email? [/quote]

We know that Pegasus Mail doesn't cope well with simultaneous access of its file by itself and by AV, backup, or sync products but it's difficult to know for certain whether iDrive caused or contributed to the problem.  You don't mention capturing any internet session logs.  Keep those in mind as a tool for trying to determine the cause of POP3 or SMTP failures.

[quote user="Melissa2011B"] Or maybe restarting the PC might help? [/quote] 

A cold boot has been known to work wonders.

euler posted May 10 '19 at 7:16 pm

I was looking into PHC and PMC file contents and I'm guessing here if David H. himself knows or remembers its format. It is clear to me that most of that is IMAP format, a protocol we all know is poorly documented. I'd wouldn't mess with that. This is a 14-year old code as stated by the copyright inside PMC.

euler posted Apr 30 '19 at 7:20 pm

I quick test I just did didn't work as planned. The Print rule action seems to work only on plain text messages, and even so it doesn't cope well with repeatedly action calls.

gprit posted Apr 27 '19 at 10:15 am

Yes, I tried changing the Bearhtml.ini  default font colour to green but no difference.

See below image to clarify - when I select a message - or folder - it highlights blue.

As you suggested it may well be a Windows  choice - but how do I change it (if I can).

euler posted Apr 18 '19 at 5:25 pm

I've post a long reply to a thread in this forum. I took me some time to make screenshots, edit the images, upload them to an image server, and finally make the post only to know it would be done so AFTER moderation.[:@]

I now remember why I LEFT this forum years ago. As you may see I'm one of the first-timers on this forum, and even though I have very few posts here. It is very frustrating to have your post subject to preventive censoring. Either remove an inconvenient post or ban the poster. There's a "Report abuse" link available if anyone feels uncomfortable. My tuppence.

Please, forgive the crabbiness of an old man.


[quote user="dlbayne"]Copy to Self results in an entry for each cc recipient. [/quote]

I don't know what would cause this.  This only thing that comes to mind that will act on the cc content is copyself filters.  I don't know about autofilters but that's worth checking as well (right click on the Copy to Self folder name > Autofiltering and see if there is a checkmark next to the "Autofiltering configured" item).

[quote user="dlbayne"] When I delete the duplications, I get the error message "Probable invalid offset in index record".

When I reindex, all the duplications reappear. 

How can I fix these problems? [/quote]

Deleted messages are just hidden until deleted space is recovered so a reindex will recover all deleted messages in unrecovered space.  Deleted space gets recovered automatically, by default at 24000 bytes available, but that is configurable.  There is a right click option to do it manually.

Sometimes a folder problem can not be fixed from within Pegasus Mail.  For those cases there is a utility included with Pegasus Mail called MBXMAINT_UI.EXE.  Find it in the \Programs directory of Pegasus Mail.  It's usage is self-explanatory.  You will need to know the filename of the folder to be repaired.  This is available from folder information (another right click option). I suggest making a backup copy of the relevant .PMM/.PMI file pair first.
Brian Fluet posted Jun 10 '19 at 9:40 pm

I'm glad the problem has been identified.  

I wonder how many AOLers we have who post to listerv or mailman type lists with a reply-to set to the list address.

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