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aderoy posted Mar 23 '19 at 3:31 pm

So do we assume it was the number of messages in the New Mail folder?

If this is due to leaving messages in the folder after being read (not filing) you can change one option:

Menu | Tools| Options | General Settings | Basic Settings |

Uncheck the  "Allow read messages to stay in new mail folder

This will then move  read mail messages form the New Mail folder to Main Folder


Brian Fluet posted Mar 19 '19 at 6:25 pm

Unfortunately, you can't adjust the message header fonts or the fonts in the configuration screens.  These fonts are fixed in the code.  The workarounds are to either use a screen magnifier or decrease the screen resolution (changing system fonts will not help).

FWIW, I run by 1920x1080 laptop at 1600x900.


Thank you for your help. The solution was embarrassingly simple. I had copied the path to the clipboard, then tried to paste it into the <default> box, bbut it had not worked. When I simply typed the path into that box, Peg headed over there and read all the messages and folders and so on into itself.

As recommended, I let Pegasus install itself into its default folder.

 So I am now up and running. And very grateful for the help from you both.

Greenman posted Mar 18 '19 at 10:45 am

Who are they addressed to?

As you may be aware you can set up a distribution list and specify a To: address which will replace the recipient addresses in the list.  

David H. Lipman posted Mar 10 '19 at 10:10 pm

Oh it is related alright.

One would expect P-Mail to auto adjust without having to close and restart the application.  Thus, a bug.



Niek posted Mar 9 '19 at 11:34 am


thank you very much for the support. Pmail is running like it dit before,

thanks again


Michael posted Mar 31 '19 at 4:02 pm

Any "rough ideas" anyone could have will be proven wrong sooner or later anyway, so the answer is: No. There hasn't a been a single beta version after the current public release. Mercury v5 will be the first one to come within the next months, but don't hold your breath.


[quote user="lhhesscpa"]When I receive an especially important email, one that requires priority attention, I manually apply the Urgent tag  so that it is placed at the top of the list of in the inbox. So an automatic rule is not a solution for my needs.[/quote]

I don't know of a way to change the urgent color.  You might be able to accomplish what you need by marking as unread and and then setting a color.  This won't keep the message at the very top of the list but it may keep it high enough.

Harry posted Mar 8 '19 at 5:07 pm


: Very useful advice, working when I want write plain text e-mail (no "Rich text")!

Greenman, brian: I tried "Insert a hyperlink" and it is functional feauture, but must be checked "Rich text", so it is HTML mail, but functional.

Thanks all for the reply, it is great, you guys, are making this community and app still live.

Brian Fluet posted Mar 8 '19 at 2:25 pm

AFAIK, the font button on the new message toolbar is specific to that message.  The one in the main window toolbar sets the default for the active window.  Also, default fonts are identity specific.

Keep in mind that the recipients font settings will dictate how it's displayed on their end unless you are sending formatted html.  That's a frustration for me.  My emails routinely contain lines with numbers so I send in a mono-spaced font.  Number alignment looks good when I hit send but it's usually a mess when quoted in a reply.  The use of a table helps but requires too much effort just to send a few short lines containing text and numbers.


Brian Fluet posted Mar 4 '19 at 12:05 am


If they're in the new mail folder you would use a new mail filtering rule > rules applied when folder is opened.  All unread messages will be run through the filter each time the new mail folder is opened.   Note that only unread message are filtered so you may have to mark them as unread.  You can mark all as unread using Ctrl + A followed by Ctrl + U.

If they are in a folder you would use a general rule set and attach it to the folder as a folder-open or folder-close filter set.  The attach option is in the context menu when your right-click on a folder name. The read/unread status is irrelevant in this scenario.

If you haven't worked with filters before consider testing the filter using a "Set message colour" action.  This provide visual verification of the messages detected by the filter.  If all is well you can then change the action to Move or Delete.


sgoldberg posted Feb 25 '19 at 2:06 pm



The "operator issue" was that after setting up the rule, not hitting the Save & Close buttons.

First pass got message to change color.. Second pass got the "sending address" to receive the "out on vacation" message.

Whewww... Case closed.

THANKS AGAIN for staying with me on this.


PS: Now to disable until we really leave town. 

sceneryguru posted Feb 22 '19 at 3:12 pm

Good Morning Brian:

Your simple and elegant solution works like a charm.

Thank you for the suggestion, it is appreciated.

All The Best

Tom G, Sr.

Psider posted Feb 23 '19 at 12:05 pm

Apparently the Yahoo staff don't know about it though, as they literally said it's impossible without me giving them my phone number. :P 

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