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I solved it. Problem was in file  PMAIL.INI

There was

Application window rectangle              = -32000 -32000 160 39

in old backuped file was

Application window rectangle              = -8 -8 1936 1056

But I do not know how it happened

Thank you


[quote user="Brian Fluet"]

I suspect the problem message is in the New Mail folder and is marked as unread.  

When you use 'on open' New Mail filtering rules every unread message gets processed through that rule set each time the New Mail folder is opened.  


Yup, that message is indeed in my New Mail folder and was unread, so I deleted it and I'll see if that fixes the problem.


Greenman posted Feb 6 '19 at 10:07 am

It still begs the question why they would refuse a message with ASCII content. I would be very interested to understand why they block this. The pessimist in me suspects it is a knee-jerk reaction.

robhic posted Feb 5 '19 at 7:49 pm

I really appreciate all the time and attention you've given over the last 3 months (!!!) trying to drag me into a place to fix my screwed up mail. The reformat seems to have lost all the existing info or else it is hopelessly lost to me. Life is too short, I uninstalled the entire Pegasus program and hope this will remove all the fragments existing all over my HDD.

 Thanks again and I hate to be a quitter but my sanity seems more important. [:$]

Brian Fluet posted Feb 2 '19 at 11:51 pm

There is a whitepaper in the downloads section of this sight called "Pegasus Mail files to copy to a new system guide".  This is the direct URL

It was written specifically to provide to help copying data from an existing install to a clean install on a new PC.  Pegasus Mail v4.63 is the version on which it is based.  Versions 4.7x introduced some additional files but the guide remains relevant. 

There should not be any overwrites during the process.

There will likely be files from the old install that won't be in the new install, especially if the old install has been through a number of upgrades.  If in doubt, ask first before copying a file. 

You should recreate any configurations that can be easily recreated, like the POP3 and SMTP host files.

The PMAIL.INI file from the old install can be used as a reference when configuring the new install.  Don't copy it to the new install though.

Good luck.




Greenman posted Jan 31 '19 at 9:45 am

What was 'copies'?

You need to give us more information:

What was the name of the old folder and how many messages were in it?
When you copied the contents of the old folder into the new folder, did the new folder then contain the same number of messages?

Did you try IDW's method before attempting to copy the messages into a new folder?

Just so you know, a Pegasus Mail folder comprises two files. The name is the same for each, but the extension is different. The file filename.pmm  contains the mail data. The file filename.pmi is an index of the contents of the .pmm file. When you open a .pmm file, it reads the index and displays the subject of each message. Opening/viewing a message is achieved by referring to the .pmi and know where the message is in the .pmm

When you right-click a folder and choose Properties, the filename (.pmm) is displayed.

Finally, did you create a backup as instructed? 

Michael posted Feb 20 '19 at 9:34 pm

[quote user="Reed_D"]E.g., if I see "su*Order" does the "su*" possibly signify the word being in the subject?[/quote]

Without knowing more details about Spamhalter I'm pretty sure that su* and fr* signify subject and from headers.

AngelB posted Jun 26 '19 at 1:56 am



We have jst updated from 4.72 to 4.73 and started to find the same radom error message in almost all the PCs. it seem it happend in a idle time, when the program has been running but no in use during a while


Best regards





This is a new one to me so are a few thoughts... 

Has the PC been rebooted (cold boot) since the upgrade was done?

Are you able to browse directories with the system file explorer?

Might the attachment file browser be hanging due to an external drive or mapped drive that is not accessible?

Open a copy of the PMAIL.INI and do a search for all instances of "Favourite directory" to see if the path associated with each one is valid.


DavidTC44 posted Jan 22 '19 at 1:30 pm

Hi Brian,

       I have done several re-boots, it makes no difference.  I am running Windows 10.0.17134.  I running off a solid state hard drive with a conventional hard drice (d:0 for my data etc.






David H. Lipman posted Jul 17 '19 at 3:43 am

I thought it would be best for me to note that the latest IERenderer versions ( now v2.6.1 )  have been handling the emails properly.

Thank you Michael and Martin.

Greenman posted Jan 24 '19 at 4:12 pm

I see this occasionally on Windows 7 as well. The same error message is shown, and the settings are hosed. It used to regularly happen to one account, but I have seen it on several. Completely random and have never been able to determine the cause.

rocket posted Jul 10 '19 at 3:30 pm

[quote user="Euler GERMAN"]

My control file has two PDF related entries in the following order:


It seems to me it uses preferentially the "Attachment type" rather than extension to choose which application to call.[/quote]

Thank you. I've added these two to my 

[quote user="Euler GERMAN"]

Strangely, my file has only a single line "Text/HTML = HTML-text" (no quotes). I'm assuming it has little or no-effect on how Pmail handles attachments. BTW, this is the same file I have under my \Programs\RESOURCE directory.

Anyway, I remember of recipients complaining about attachments sent by me were found corrupt after being processed by Pmail. This happened a long time ago and I don't remember which measures taken corrected the problem. My guess is that telling Pmail to behave by the "Attachment type" instead of file extension is a good guess. As an example, I remember plain-text attachments being added to the message body instead of attached as a file. I used a trick (can't remember who whispered it to me) to make Pmail treat plain-text as binary by adding the line below to


Notice that the original "Text" is commented.

Lastly, anyone can get a copy of my current control file for the next 7 days. I'm not saying it is perfect, but it plays well here without hiccups AFAIK.


I've added this too.

I'll start sending PDFs again by right clicking the file to send to Pegasus and see if I get any more complaints of not being able to read PDF attachments.

So far it looks good. Pegasus is now saying that my attachment is a PDF, unlike before. However it still wants to use encoding. I'll let Pegasus do that for now.


[quote user="Brian Fluet"]Han's Guide to Filenames and Extensions is not available [/quote]

But now it is

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]Would love to see the Guide be made available in the downloads section of this site. [/quote]

Good idea!

Pmail Ninja 

"Please ring, if an answer is required"
"Please knock, if an answer is not required"
[Winnie the Pooh, Chapter 4]


[quote user="Brian Fluet"][quote user="Joerg"] But what about your streetworkers using their iPhones to connect to Mercury via IMAP? They should use also alternative mail clients other than Pmail, isn't it? [/quote]

None of them have complained but they're rarely in the office using Pegasus Mail.  You have me curious though.  I'll check it out.[/quote]


I had the opportunity to talk about this issue with on of my guys this morning.  He acknowledged the problem you describe but just lives with it.  FWIW, iDevices don't copyself, they BCC yourself by default (can be turned off).  That's mute though because the end result is the same in the Pegasus Mail folder lists.  The extra step of moving the BCC copy from new mail to a folder is a PITA I wasn't aware of.

Michael posted Dec 30 '18 at 1:01 pm

[quote user="tomdriver"]P. S.  I use POP(3) for downloading.[/quote]

Did you try selective download to find out what Pegasus Mail is seeing? What kind of folder structure is maintained on GMail's server? Are there any messages flagged as read and are the 200 part of what you see? Since we cannot duplicate what you see you need to do some trial and error to figure out the issue yourself, I'm afraid.

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