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Jim Adney posted Nov 10 '18 at 5:34 pm

A few years ago I suggested that Pegasus show the size of outgoing queued messages, just as it does with those in the inbox. I was pleased to see this feature show up in one of the revisions, but no matter what I send, my message size is always shown as 0.0.

It's possible that "size" does not include attachments, but I think it should. Nevertheless, even when I send out a long email, the size still shows up as 0.0.

Is there something I should change in my settings? Does this feature work for anyone else?

My Pegasus is version 4.72.572. Should I be looking for a newer version?

I've been using Pegasus for more than 20 years. Thanks, David, for a truly great email tool.


Tony Beckett posted Nov 11 '18 at 8:37 am

Thanks for the suggestions.

The query came about as I had discovered that I could keep a MAIL folder on both the desktop and portable. Then before a trip use GoodSync to get the portable MAIL folder synced with the desktop and the first job when returning home was to sync back again onto the desktop. This was a surprise as I expected problems between the two. You explained this  "keep in mind that the configuration files are stored in the mailbox directory and its likely you'll need different settings for the two devices."

As I had got away with it with a simple two syncs at the beginning and end of a trip I thought I would enquire about the repeated syncing that would happen under Dropbox.

Seems I am safer sticking to a system, that so far, has worked for me. 



Greetings all!  I raised this topic in  I.e., how I found this functionality v valuable:  if you enter an alias, then hit Shift_F3, the address appears as in the address book etc.

But this functionality seemed to be absent from some versions after 4.41.

I will be grateful if anyone can say whether this functionality has been restored in a more recent version(s).

Blacksmith posted Jan 4 '19 at 7:49 am

For what it's worth, I have the exact same help problem. A few days ago I decided to set up an IMAP account, and seeing that Help was supposed to be greatly improved for v4.73 according to David:


I decided to first upgrade my v4.72 , downloading from this site. I think that's when the Help problem began.

I successfully got the IMAP account set up by using this as a reference guide: 

I hadn't used Pegasus for mail since last April when I was having problems downloading mail ( see and  am still having that happen.


I'll have to reread Brian's solution here to the Help problem and try it myself, but not today...too many other things to do right now. 


jpiquette posted Nov 4 '18 at 9:58 pm

OK. I got it fixed. The message that could not be deleted was set to read only. Changed that and I was able to move the message. Then I followed your instructions on how to proceed once I had emptied the Main folder, and that all worked. So I am all set. Thanks again for all your help.

philip e j jones posted Nov 7 '18 at 3:38 pm

Brian Fluet says 'As for disabling the "Apply filtering rules when previewing folders"

option, I repeat with emphasis that this only applies when previewing

the folder.  Messages will be processed through filters when the folder

is opened.'

Maybe we have 'folder' and 'tray' muddled.  I repeat with emphasis that I have no filters operating.

The New Mail 'tray' in the 'My Mailbox' folder (and the From/Subject/Date/Time etc headers of the emails in it, and the message content of the first email) is what I see when I start PMAIL when Preview mode under the folders tab is ticked.  I also see the other trays in My Mailbox, one of which can be the junk tray.   Unticking Preview mode is not a sticky command - it closes the message preview during the current session, but comes back re-ticked when I start PMAIL again later on. 

Anyway, having disabled the ' Apply fil...' box as described earlier, I have had no problem with the junk mail tray reappearing or having mail dumped into it for about two days.  I have just re-enebled it as a test, and immediately a new junk tray opend and 9 of the 36 emails in my New Mail tray were moved into it.

Since I now know how to resolve my problem, this is becoming an academic discussion.  Please go ahead without me as I may not respond further.



FJR posted Dec 6 '18 at 8:51 am

The cachefiles for IMAP-Inbox are corrupted. May be - as I understand your use of IMAP - because there are thousands of Mails in the Inbox or because Pegasus sometimes crashed or was stopped hard while writing cashfiles.

Right-klick the folder > Information on folder (translated - not shure about nomination of menue entry in english) and delete both cashfiles. To enshure cashfiles are deleted restart Pegasus. Check if Pegasus realy has deleted the cashfiles. I not (have the old size) come back to me.

If there are thousands of mails in, create a folder structure i.e. "Archives" and one folder per year. Move mails from Inbox to that folders. Inbox is your "working folder" and I think it should have as less mails as possible.

bye    Olaf

breezes posted Nov 1 '18 at 3:54 pm

I've got it solved, with your help.  I believe the problem was in the password. Apparently I have trouble typing and spelling.


I had the settings pretty much as you suggested.  I have two comments on differences.  Port 587 will not work on my system.  It gives me an error message concerning SSL.  I'm using port 465.  In the bottom section, 2nd option, I enter only my user name, not the full email address.


I thank you very much for your help and guidance.

sawbona posted Oct 31 '18 at 10:56 pm


[quote user="bfluet"]I can't say for certain that the lack of a printer is the cause ...[/quote]

I found the problem.

Indeed, PMail looks for a printer and I use CUPS in my Devuan installation.

I had overlooked that (!) and was only looking at the System Messages window in PMail.

The problem was caused by my limiting the number of clients to 2 in the Advanced Server Settings CUPS configuration.

The printer is not shared so I guessed that 2 was enough.

I was not taking into account the concept of 'clients' in the context of a Linux OS.

The CUPS server reached the limit at the very start and thus did not give PMail a place.

W [31/Oct/2018:17:57:35 -0300] Max clients reached, holding new connections...

 Now everything seems to be OK (apparently).

Thanks you very much for your input.



David H. Lipman posted Nov 26 '19 at 1:53 pm

[quote user="flame"]

Hi All;

 Long time user here and never really had any issues until now

 I have been away from my PC for 2 weeks now (holiday) .  On my return this morning I noticed an email which appeared to come from my own email address.  the body indicated that my account had been hacked and as you would expect was looking for payment



In respect to the email, it sounds like it was a blackmail scheme.

Please reference: 


Thank you, Brian. By continuing to play around forwarding e-mail with graphic

attachments, varying the forwarding choices, following directions!, etc., I found the root of

my problem!!  Though it seems "unintuitive" to me, it's incredibly simple!

If I forward any message w/graphic(s) using the first forwarding option - "Edit or make changes to the messages before forwarding them" and I DON'T make any changes to the forwarded message - i.e., if I just leave the extra space above the forwarded text empty - the message is always duplicated in the message queue.

HOWEVER, if I do as the option instructs and write anything at all in the space above the forwarded text, the message - even with graphics - is not duplicated, appearing only once in the message queue as expected!

If I choose the second option to simply "bounce" the message, the message is NOT duplicated in the queue, either. I did not experiment with the third and fourth forwarding options as I would likely never use those.

Brian Fluet posted Oct 17 '18 at 11:13 pm

Tools > IMAP Profiles... Edit the profile. 

The option to always connect on startup is in the Settings tab.

Thanks for acknowledging the bike.  I just finished three days of riding in the mountains.  Wish I could ride the twisties for a living.

jdunham posted Oct 15 '18 at 6:27 am

No, my robocopy routine creates a new directory with the date in the name.  I have to remember to periodically delete some old Pegasus backups because my backup NAS isn't overly large and I back up other things there.

Now I have to admit to being stupid.  When this occurred the first thing I did was shut down Peg and restart - no joy.  Next I tried reindexing the addressbook - no joy.  At that point I started bugging this forum.  Bzzzzt!  Wrong answer!

It occurred to me this evening that I hadn't tried restarting Windoze.  Duh.  Not only did that get me a shiny, new update for MS Office, but it fixed the address book problem.

Since restarting Pegasus didn't help, but restarting Windoze did, I'm blaming Win 10 for this annoyance.  At least it's recorded here in case someone else runs into this problem.

Thank you for your patience.


Brian Fluet posted Sep 29 '18 at 3:22 am

I don't do much with IMAP so am not sure I can help but it sounds like it might be helpful for you to be able to determine whether a folder is local.  To do this, right click on the folder name then select "Folder information".

If you find a local folder you will see a filename in the form of FOLXXXX.PMM.  If it is a folder that you are trying to remove you can remove the associated files files from the home mailbox directory.  They will be the referenced .PMM file and an associated PMI file.  With Pegasus Mail closed, use a file explorer to move them out of the mailbox directory.

Another thought is that the folder won't delete because it's not empty.  I don't know if this thought has any merit in the IMAP world; I just throwing it out there.

One other thing that might be worth a try is to rebuild the HIERARCH.PM file which is where the folder list is stored.  This will clear the folder list of any invalid entries but won't help if the folder physically exists.  WARNING: You will lose all folder structure if you do this but can undo the process if you have a copy to revert back to.  If you choose to pursue this, with Pegasus Mail closed, change the name of the HIERARCH.PM file to something like HIERARCH_PM.SAVED, start Pegasus Mail.  A new HIERARCH.PM file will be created automatically. 

To undo, replace the new HIERARCH.PM with the original renamed one (Pegasus Mail must be closed).



Problem solved! [:D] I searched around the forum, I found some suggestions about similar "Copy to Self" issues. Once again, Brian Fluet to my rescue. (Thank you, Brian!) My solution was simply to go to "Manage autofilter folders" where I found a strange incomplete entry which I deleted, and shazam! Now Pegasus is once again giving me the choice of copy-to-self folder before sending! I don't really understand what happened, but everything's working fine again, so I'm not going to fret about it!

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