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stuzz78 posted Apr 30 '14 at 1:50 am

Thanks for the reply Jerry.

[quote user="Jerry Wise"]It looks as if signature file was created or edited outside of winpm-32 signature editor since by default background color/test color nor underline of URL is done by default.[/quote]

Nope.  I didn't even know it was possible to create a signature externally and shoehorn it into Pegasus.  This signature was created on a blank signature set using the Local address, formatted content variant.  Lines 1 and 2 were typed as normal.  Line 3 I typed "This is a line with a ", clicked the link button on the toolbar, completed the fields and hit OK.

Either way, I'll play with fonts their sizes to see if I can get what I want.

Thanks again


PS.  One thing to note is, the signature looks perfectly fine when a message is being edited.  The extra spacing only appears when viewing a sent message.

Michael posted Apr 30 '14 at 11:24 pm

[quote user="castoffs"]The said message only shows in the last release if you show html images.Now the message is there all the time. [/quote]

Ok, you saw a grey box instead of the message, but any signature image wasn't shown before either, and that's what hasn't changed. If you prefer grey boxes over error messages turn off IERenderer via it's button menu (the rightmost one on PM's main toolbar).

Michael posted Apr 28 '14 at 11:49 am

[quote user="bday"]- the radio button "via direct SSL connect" 

- the check box "Only use SSLv3"[/quote]

The first one is required, the second one might or might not be required, you need to figure out yourself by trial and error. I can't do it for you since I don't have an account with them, the required settings are shown .

For further debugging you may want to enable session logging on Tools => Internet options => General (at the bottom). The logging files will be found in a directory called ...\TCPLogs below your respective mailbox directory to be figured out via Help => About Pegasus Mail => Info. Please note that these logs will contain your username and password in an easily decodable form before you post them to this forum, i.e. take care to replace or delete the respective lines before doing so. Logging will be turned off after restarting Pegasus Mail unless you disable it manually.


Known failure in V4.70. Use drag and drop which does work.

"You can drag messages from any folder window to any addressbook (even minimized) and Pegasus Mail will create an addressbook entry based on the information in the message."

Problem is on the list and may get fixed for the v4.71 release which is already planned to address some  other issues including one or two with new spelling checker.

Michael posted Apr 27 '14 at 11:33 pm

[quote user="irelam"]I am surprised no-one has mentioned the Blacklist facility (Exceptions tab) in Content Control. It would seem to fit in quite well, along with other solutions such as POP3 download rules.[/quote]

Since I'm using neither CC nor Spamhalter ... I guess I'm just too much of a long-time user ...

bfluet posted Apr 25 '14 at 5:30 am

[quote user="Paladin"]This just started yesterday(build 4.62).  when I start pmail, it goes

straight to the bottom bar, minimized.  I cannot get it to open on

screen.  It's downlaoding my maol, but I can't see any of it.  [/quote]

This sounds like Pegasus Mail is opening minimized but it could be that the window size is reduced to that minimized size.  Try grabbing a corner and see if you can stretch it larger.

[quote user="Paladin"]more info.  when i start pmail, i get the warning box that the mailbox appears to bel ocked by another user.  i know it isn't as i can log into it thru the mail server directly.

 please...  it seems to dl my mail when i try to open it (nothing left in mail server) but i can't access it.[/quote]

The mailbox lock refers to a lock on the Pegasus Mail mailbox.  One is set whenever a mailbox is being accessed by Pegasus Mail.  It is released when Pegasus Mail stops accessing the mailbox but can get stuck in place as a result of an ungraceful shutdown of Pegasus Mail.  The mailbox lock warning you see serves two purposes; one, to warn you that the lock is in place, and two, to allow you to override it if needed.  An override should only be done if you are absolutely certain that no other instance of Pegasus Mail is accessing that mailbox.  The fact that mail is being downloaded is an indication that Pegasus Mail is running somewhere.  Run Task Manager to see if it is running on that machine (its process is called "winpm-32.exe").  Assuming Win7, maybe it is running but the icon is hidden in the notification area.   Perhap its window is just not visible.  Try right clicking in the taskbar and selecting "Show all windows stacked" or "Show all windows side by side".  If it is not running, are there any other machines on which it might be running? 

Steffan posted Apr 28 '14 at 11:42 am

[quote user="aquila"]The folder thing is not quite clear though, I'm not sure to understand the difference you're talking about. I can create any number of nested mail folders in other clients as well...



I'm sure you can, but what I meant was that, theoretically, I could configure Pmail to have no mail folders at all, if I wanted to. I can delete any folder I want and I can give the folders I create any name whatsoever without being limited to preset names like Sent or Outbox. I don't think you can do that in TB or Outlook.

aquila posted Apr 23 '14 at 10:26 pm

[quote user="bfluet"][...]Probably need a Pegasus restart before maximizing to write the settings to the config files.


Yes! That did the trick! Thank you so much bfluet.

Michael posted Apr 25 '14 at 5:23 pm

[quote user="jonm"]I can say a bit more. The issue is with 4.6.3 as well but 4.6.3 doesn't fail (but it does think some zips are text files and displays them, it just displays them as text).


I've forwarded your info to David Harris, thanks!


Thank you for alerting me to the -ROAM command line which I was able to get to open a user account on my Windows 7 Pro machine. The version of the Pegasus Mail I have been using on XP is 4.41 from 2006. I have just read that Windows 7 was not released until 2009 - so it is probably no wonder that the program crashed shortly after giving this alert for any folder that I tried to open : "The folder ----- is damaged and cannot be opened. Please right-click the folder and use the Reindex folder option to repair it, then try opening it again."

 I think I should start a fresh thread asking about my best upgrade route from XP. My XP machine is still working and I need to move to Win 7/using BOTH very carefully. I have only been using a test account so far - but phrases like "re-index" really scare me with the possibility of data corruption. I don't want to lose 18 years' worth of correspondence.

turbotim posted May 1 '14 at 7:27 pm

Thanks guys,  That worked with deleting the .pmi files and reindexing. The folder size was way under 2GB  I also created another new sent mail folder and achieved the trouble one.

Almost lost faith in Pmail but the forum comes through. Been using Pmail since late 90's as the start date in that folder was 1998.  My first company I had all the employees using Pmail and we never got viruses like people who used outlook and other mail programs back then.  

Awesome and Thanks for helping me out. Now off to IMAP  it to Gmail.  


[quote user="FJR"]

Did you run MBXMAINT on closed Pegasus?

What's the size of  FOLD4179.PMM? If greater or near 2GB, you have to split as IDW adviced you.

Delete (on closed Pegasus) the FOLD4179.PMI (Indexfile), open Pegasus, click the Folder and be patient ... it will take a while reindexing 64000 mails. :-(

If it functional again create folders as archive and split you sent-folder by moving mails there. I've created a archive-folders-hierarchie by year.

bye    Olaf


NTxLS posted Apr 22 '14 at 2:18 am


You are so RIGHT about many another having the same issue. They all seem to think it may have to do with their email client or AT&T which is not the case. It is an internal server error from Yahoo! that is having issues with matching their email addy and the password which to me means it is not connecting to the correct server to find the password that goes with the email addy. I have had this issue since about 2010 and have talked with AT&T even elevating to Tier 2 and they are CLUELESS!

 I have three (3) email accounts and at one time or another they each have been rejected for POP3ing my incoming mail, it has NOTHING to do with outgoing mail only the inbound. If they would just wait about 10 to 20 seconds and check mail again they will get a different server and download their mail. That is what I have been doing and not any problem just a short delay.

 When I managed to get hold of Yahoo! to see what could be done, they told me it was AT&T's problem, WRONG, my email client tells me it is a server at Yahoo! as a matter of fact here are the servers that are doing this to us:,,,

If any one can get this information to Yahoo! maybe we can have some results.


Michael posted Apr 19 '14 at 1:03 pm

[quote user="weamish"]Suppose there are 10 messages in a particular folder and I want to open all of them in the browser at the same time - is there some way to accomplish this, maybe a macro of some sort?[/quote]

No, and it would be a rather complex task to implement something like this since there's already enough trouble involved for even preparing just a single (HTML part of a) message properly for display, let alone several ones at once.


Thanks, but unfortunately operamail does not allow moving messages between accounts. It stores all the messages in a database and shows them by account by using a filter. A clever and efficient way, sure, but with severe limitations: you cannot drag a message anywhere.

The only possibilities I am left with are 1) convert message to a format the PM understands (mbs to mbx, but the converter I tried is too slow)  2) use an intermediate client that understands .mbs and allows export to .mbx. I am not aware of such a free alternative. The Bat! can do that (at least he import, most likely also the export) but it is a commercial client I am using on two PCs, this one I use when I am travelling. Perhaps once I am back I can try opening a fictitious account in The Bat!, import operamail messages, export them as mbx and then import them in PM. I won't be able to try before September, though.


bfluet posted Apr 16 '14 at 10:50 pm

Ideally, your spam filter product should be detecting these types of messages but you asked about filter rules so if you are experienced with rules then you need to be looking for either a logic error or an error in the rule itself.  To determine which, place your problem rule as the first rule in the list and temporarily change the action to a "set message color" action.  This keeps a message available for testing while providing a visual indicator whether the rule worked.  If it works you know you had a logic issue within the list of rules.  If it doesn't work you know the problem is with the rule itself.  Remember that read message are not filtered so if you have messages already in your new mail folder that you want to filter you need to make sure they are marked as unread.

If you are not familiar with rules, here is a primer...

If you wish to delete messages that contain specific From: header

content the best thing to do is to open the Raw view of one of those

messages and copy the entire From: header line.  Then, in the New mail

filtering rules > Rule applied when folder is opened, create an

Expression rule and paste the From: header line in as the expression. 

Expression rules have wildcard capabilities (see the Help file for more

info) but using the copy/paste approach insures that you delete only the

messages containing that specific From: header.  If you wish to

experiment with wildcards I suggest temporarily changing the action to a

"Set message colour" action.  This will allow you to identify which

messages are being detected by the rule to insure your wildcards are not

going to cause the deletion of valid messages.

Another rule type

is the Header rules.  This is valuable for detecting content in headers

but is less specific in its detections (again, read the Help file for

info).  Examples of Header filter rules would be:

If Subject contains "viagra" Delete
If Subject contains "male enhancement" Delete


must be used when using Header rules.  Such rules would delete every

message that contains "viagra" or "male enhancement" anywhere in the

Subject: header.  You would not receive that message from your wife

containing the subject "Hurry home!  Don't forget to pick up more Viagra". <G>


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