Pegasus Mail FAQ

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David Harris posted Nov 16 '15 at 12:39 am

Google's GMail service requires some extra configuration to work with Pegasus Mail. In particular, GMail has chosen to champion an authentication mechanism called OAUTH2, which is complex and not widely supported at the time of writing. To GMail, any application that does not use OAUTH2 is a "less secure app", a position that is both insulting and controversial. We are attempting to determine whether we can support OAUTH2 in future, but until that time, to send mail via GMail using Pegasus Mail, you'll need to follow these steps:

1: Login to the gmail web interface and click the icon at the extreme top right-hand corner of the screen - on my system it's a stylized stick figure in a blue circle, but it can be changed, I think. Select "my account".

2: In the "Sign-in and security" group (the left-most on my system) of the window that opens, click "Connected apps and sites".

3: Locate the slider called "Allow less secure apps" and set it to "On". Disregard the warnings Google will raise about this - your connection will be SSL-secured anyway, so the risk of interception is small.

4: In Pegasus Mail, tell the program to connect to "", port 465.

5: In the SMTP "security" page, select "direct-connect SSL", and enter your full gmail e-mail address (including the '' part) and password in the second option in the authentication group (the option entitled "Login to the SMTP server using the following details").

6: Pay special attention to the case of the e-mail address and username - BOTH of these are case-sensitive in this situation. In essence, whatever GMail displays when you login to it is the case it  expects you to use during authentication.

That should be all that's necessary to handle sending. Enabling POP and IMAP is done separately,  and more easily from within GMail itself.


-- David --

irelam posted Jul 23 '14 at 10:47 pm

The article at this location describes in detail the files that need to be restored from a previous installation to a new installation of Pegasus Mail.


 Assembled by Jerry Wise and Brian Fluet.  Credit to Han van den Bogaerde for his guide to Pegasus Mail filenames and file-extensions located at:

irelam posted Mar 14 '14 at 7:24 pm

The Url below points to a document that describes the two main ways of setting up spell checking in Pegasus Mail for languages not included in the Pegasus Mail version 4.7 distribution. 

This document is further updated, see location:


For the Outlook Express folders try DbxConv. This is a utility which is
designed to convert Mail (not news) folders from Outlook Express DBX
folders to standard MBX files importable by almost any mail program.  
Pegasus Mail can read these *.MBX files directly, you simply point at the
directory containing the MBX files using the "Add mailbox to list".

For the Outlook folder there is a utility called PM2MSN32.exe from Martin
Ireland that can convert the Outlook folders to Pegasus Mail message files.   
PM2MSM32 is a specialized 32bit Mapi client that interfaces directly with
Microsoft MsExchange/Outlook (or any other Mapi mail server).  It extracts
the content of the InBox to individual text files that can be imported to other
mail systems such as Pegasus Mail.  In the case of Pegasus Mail it puts
CNM files into the new mail directory and then you can put these into a
separate folder.

For Eudora or Netscape MBX type folders you can use "Add mailbox to list to
point at the directory containing the *.MBX files.  You can also use Mail
System Converter to convert to and from a these and a few other mail
programs. or the latest version is
always available from  

For the address books use Dawn, created by Boris Zakharin

Dawn 5, created by Boris Zakharin

Dawn works with the following programs:

    * Becky! -- Known to work with versions 2.00.08, 2.21.03
    * Corel WordPerfect Address Book 8.x
    * Eudora -- Known to work with versions 3.0, 4.3, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 6.0, 6.2
    * ExecMail / Simeon
    * Forté Agent -- Known to work with version 4.0
    * Internet Explorer / Outlook Express / Windows Address Book (WAB) 4.0 - 6.0 -- Known to
       work with versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0
    * Juno 2.0 - 5.0 -- Known to work with versions 2.0.11, 4.3.09, 4.3.11, and 5.0.33
    * Mozilla (Seamonkey) -- Known to work with versions 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9.2, 0.9.3, 0.9.7, 1.0,
      1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.7
    * Mozilla Thunderbird -- Known to work with version 1.0.2
    * Netscape 3.0 - 7.1 -- Known to work with versions 3.0, 3.03, 4.0, 4.7, 4.78, 6.0, 6.01, 6.1,
       6.2, 6.21, 7.0, 7.1 (Netscape 8 does not have an address book)
    * MS Outlook 98 / 2000 / 2002 / 2003
    * Opera -- Known to work with versions 5.1, 5.2, 6.0, 7.0, 7.23, 8.01, 8.02
    * Palm support through Palm Desktop (read only) -- Known to work with versions 3.01, 4.0,
    * Pegasus Mail -- Known to work with version 3.12b, 4.01, 4.12a, 4.21c, 4.51
    * Pine (PC and UNIX) -- Mailing Lists not supported
    * Other programs which can use/import/export LDAP/LDIF, vCard (VCF), Comma Separated  
       Value (CSV), plain text, one per line or comma separated formats or store addresses in a
       text file suitable for extraction

And finally if cost is not a problem here are a couple of commercial programs to do this  type of conversion.



You might want to check out the converters available at the following site as well.


Note: this posting applies to users in New Zealand who are subscribers to Xtra, a large ISP in that country.

Recently, Xtra have made changes to their mail systems which will require some changes in Pegasus Mail settings. Unfortunately, their helpdesk only offers assistance for Outlook users (pretty sad, unpatriotic attitude, really, given that Pegasus Mail is a product of New Zealand and is widely used, but that's another story, I guess). To get your copy of Pegasus Mail working with the changes Xtra has made, follow these steps:

Firstly, please make sure you are running Pegasus Mail v4.41. These instructions are intended for that version.

1:  Go into "Tools | Internet options"

2:  Select the "Receiving (POP3)" page.

3:  Make sure the POP3 definition for Xtra is selected then click "Edit".

4:  Switch to the "Security" page.

5:  Click the radio button for "Via direct SSL connect"

At this point, you should get a dialog warning you that the item you have selected probably requires a different port number and offering to change it for you. Click the "Change" button. If you don't get this dialog for some reason, go to step 5a, otherwise proceed to step 6.

5a: Switch back to the "General" page. In "Server TCP/IP port", enter 995.

6:  Save the definition and check to see that it now works.

Next, adjust your SMTP settings:

7:  Go into "Tools | Internet options" again.

8:  Select the "Sending (SMTP)" page.

9:  Make sure the SMTP definition for Xtra is selected then click "Edit".

10: On the "General" page, in "Server host name", change whatever is there to "" (it probably currently says "").

11: Switch to the "Security" page.

12: At the bottom of the "Security" page are the authentication options. Check "Login to the SMTP server using a POP3 username/password". This will enable the "From this POP3 definition" group of controls: click the "Select" button and choose your Xtra POP3 definition.

13: At the top of the "Security" page, check the radio button entitled "Via direct SSL connect". As in step 5, you should get a warning dialog telling that a different port is probably required: click "change" and continue. If you don't get the dialog, switch back to the "General" page and manually enter 465 for the "Server TCP/IP port".

14: Save the definition and check that you can send mail.

I have personally tested these settings and confirmed that they work: if you find you have problems, please make sure you have followed the instructions above exactly.


-- David --



This description covers the following problem: The Queue Manager lists one or more messages that do not have any content and that re-appear even after being deleted from the queue.

To get rid of them, follow these steps:

  1. Find out where your home mailbox directory is. When Pegasus Mail is running, go to "Help" | "About Pegasus Mail" | "Info" where you can find a line saying "Home mailbox location: C:\PMAIL\MAIL\User" (or a similar path for "Home mailbox location:"). The directory path given in this example is likely to be different from the one you have. Write down the path you are displayed in your case.
    (The home mailbox directory contains almost all files, data, addressbooks, settings etc. a user has. It also has the messages you have sent to the queue.)
  2. Close Pegasus Mail.
  3. Open a file manager tool (the usual Windows Explorer will do). Open the directory you have written down in step (1).
  4. Look for any files with the file extension *.pmo and *.pmw and *.pmx.
    Note: if Windows does not show you the file extension, you have to enable that (by default, Windows Explorer does not show you the file extensions, so you may have to enable them.)
  5. Some of them probably have a size of 0. These files are the ones to re-appear in the Queue manager. Delete these zero-byte files (but only those with the file extensions *.pmo, *.pmw and *.pmx).
  6. Restart Pegasus Mail, find out what happens. The Queue Manager will not contain any ghost messages anymore.

In order to ensure that you do not erase any good files, you may consider two safety rules:
  • Before doing anything, send all good messages you have in the Queue manager in order to make sure that the Queue Manager only contains the re-appearing messages.
  • As usual, a backup of all your Pegasus Mail data files is a good idea.

PiS posted May 31 '07 at 4:43 pm

This is an excerpt from the mecury mailing list at BAMA.

Clients may report "socket-error: 10053, errornumber: 0x800CCC0F" regardless of client program used.

The winsock connection is being dropped by Windows itself due to malformed communication (i.e. tcp/ip packet size).

Most probable cause is your antivirus program or your firewall, or anti-rootkit or anti-spyware software, interferring with the traffic to the smtp/pop3 server. The problems have been reported by systems running windows 95 all up to Vista (aka Windows 6).
Recent fixes can be available and we recommend that you search for the keyword: 10053 at the site of your antiviral vendor.

 references: Microsoft KB, Symantec, McAfee, ZoneAlarm, Norton


Order of Pegasus Mail‘s filtering features (for incoming messages)

Pegasus Mail has several features to have your messages sorted and filtered automatically. At the time of writing, these filtering capabilities are:

  • POP3-filtering rules, also known as server-sided filtering rules;
  • Spamhalter, an anti-spam tool based on ;
  • content control (with black- and whitelists, if needed);
  • New Mail filtering rules (as on-open rules and on-close rules);
  • general filtering rules (as on-open rules and on-close rules);
  • copy-self filtering rules.

If you are not familiar with these tools, you may want to read Pegasus Mail‘s help file to find out more about them.
You do not have to enable all of them - just use those tools you think they meet your needs.

The following text describes which of these filtering tools are applied when you are receiving new mail and in which order they are handled. (Note that the general filtering rules and the copy-self filtering rules are not covered here - they simply have a different goal.)

In a nutshell, the order is:

  1. POP3-filtering rules
  2. Global Whitelist
  3. Spamhalter
  4. content control definitions and their lists
    4.1 the whitelist for a content control definition
    4.2 the blacklist for a content control definition
    4.3 the content control rules for a content control definition
  5. New Mail filtering rules
  6. 5.1 on-open New Mail filtering rules5.2 on-close New Mail filtering rules

Just read on if you want to have a more comprehensive description:

  1. POP3-filtering rules (also known as "server-sided filtering") -> these filtering rules are applied to mail in the POP3 mailbox before it is downloaded to your computer
  2. Global Whitelist -> any message sent from an address listed in the Global whitelist will be checked neither by Spamhalter nor by content control; such a message will be applied to your New Mail filtering rules
  3. Spamhalter -> a message classified as Spam will be moved to your Spamhalter folder
  4. content control definitions and their lists
    4.1 the whitelist for a content control definition -> any content control definition can have a whitelist of its own: a message sent by an address listed in that whitelist will not be checked by the respective content control definition
    4.2 the blacklist for a content control definition -> any content control definition can have a blacklist of its own: a message sent by an address listed in that blacklist will automatically be applied the action of the respective content control definition to
    4.3 the content control rules for a content control definition -> the content control rules of that content control definition will be applied to the message, and if the content control weight has been reached, the content control action defined for that content control definition will be executed (Note that each Pegasus Mail user can have as many content control definitions as needed.)
  5. New Mail filtering rules -> these filtering rules are applied to the messages that are currently in your New Mail folder
    5.1 on-open New Mail filtering rules -> these rules are automatically applied to the New Mail folder:
    (a) when you open a New Mail folder window of its own (which you may want to do especially if you use the list mode), or
    (b) when you switch to the New Mail folder while you are in the preview pane (given that the option "Apply filtering rules when previewing folders" is checked [to be found at "Tools" | "Options" | "Incoming mail" | "Preview mode settings"), and
    (c) to any new mail that arrives in the New Mail folder while it is open
    Note: the on-open New Mail filtering rules are applied only to those new messages that are unread (or have been re-marked as unread)
    5.2 on-close New Mail filtering rules -> these rules are applied automatically when you close the New Mail folder window (i.e. when you use the preview pane and you switch from any folder to the New Mail folder, the on-close New Mail filtering rules are not applied; they are only if you close a New Mail folder window of its own). Unlike the on-open New Mail filtering rules, the on-close New Mail filtering rules apply to both read and unread messages.



Some hints:

  • If a message is deleted or moved to another folder by any of the steps above, the further steps will not be applied.
  • A message whose sender is on your Global Whitelist will be handed over to the New Mail filtering rules (i.e. from step 2 to step 5).
  • As far as spam filtering is concerned, note that the first local anti-spam line is Spamhalter (if enabled), which is really easy to handle as far as user maintenance is concerned. Spamhalter does need some training (as any Bayesian spam filtering tool does); however, this is easier than keeping Content Control rules up-to-date (whereas content control allows you to use very specific tests to detect messages).




[quote user="rossnixon"]Another option would be a Wiki that anyone(?) can update.

It's funny you should say that... The next version of Community Server (the software that runs this site) has a Wiki as an installable option. It may well be that having a Wiki section for FAQs that approved members could update is a good idea. I for one am happy to consider anything that eases the writing burden on me to any extent.


-- David --



Under Windows Vista, Pegasus Mail's help does not work in Pegasus Mail 4.41 (or older).

The reason why Pegasus Mail's help does not work is that Windows Vista does not include the established help system anymore.
WinHelp was a reliable and time-tested help system for previous Windows versions; however, WinHelp is not supported by Windows Vista anymore, so any help based on the WinHelp system cannot be used under Windows Vista. Since Pegasus Mail's help was built on WinHelp, the help in Pegasus Mail 4.41 (and older) cannot be used under Windows Vista.
HTMLHelp, another help system for Windows, is restricted when used under Windows Vista. These restrictions would make HTMLHelp nearly useless if it was used for a help system in Pegasus Mail.

If you want to have access to Pegasus Mail's help, you have to download the "WinHelp viewer for Vista", also know as the "Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) for Windows Vista". You can download it from Microsoft . (As Microsoft prohibits any distribution of the WinHelp viewer other than through their own web site, you have to download their WinHelp viewer from their pages yourself.)
As soon as the WinHelp viewer for Vista is installed, you should be able to use Pegasus Mail's help under Windows Vista.

Note that this affects Pegasus Mail version 4.41 (and older) under Windows Vista. At the time of writing, David Harris is working on a new version of Pegasus Mail. That version will fix the help problem by introducing a help system of its own (i.e. a help system that does not depend on the help system offered by Windows and Microsoft).


Pmail.Com posted Feb 15 '07 at 9:51 pm

Problem:  When some of my users try to send a message to another local user on the file server, Pegasus Mail reports that it "Cannot create the container file" for the message. How can I fix this?

Solution:  "Container file" errors can be caused by various things, but the ultimately the reason is always the same: Pegasus Mail could not create a file in the recipient's new mail directory on the file server. The most common causes for this error are rights problems (the sender having insufficient rights in the recipient's new mail directory), disk quota problems, or the recipient's mail directory not existing on the file server.

Rights problems:
- If you are running in NetWare Bindery mode, check that all your mail users have [C] rights in the SYS:MAIL directory structure. On rare occasions, for reasons we cannot determine, sites have found that their users require [CF] or [CW] rights in SYS:MAIL.
- If you are running in NetWare NDS mode, run the Pegasus Mail NCONFIG utility, select the recipient's mailbox and click the "Make mailbox" button; this will reset the rights on the recipient's new mail directory as required. In NDS mode, all users must have [C] access to all other users' new mail directories (a directory called PMAIL in their home directory) - NCONFIG will add the necessary rights when it creates or maintains a user's mailbox.

Disk quota problems:
- The sender may be out of disk space on the volume where the recipient's new mail directory is located.
- If you have set a NetWare directory space restriction on the recipient's new mail directory, the directory may have reached that limit, or the message might be too large to fit in the remaining quota. Pegasus Mail cannot reliably detect directory restrictions - we suggest that you do not use them to limit space in users' mail directories.

Recipient mail directory not existing on the file server:
- If you are running in Bindery mode on a NetWare 4.x or 5.x server, users' SYS:MAIL mailbox directories are not created until the first time they login in Bindery mode. Until they do so, they cannot receive local mail from Pegasus Mail.
- If you are running in NDS mode, you must create mailboxes for your users using either the Pegasus Mail NCONFIG or MAKEMBOX utilities. We recommend using NCONFIG because of its simple, attractive graphical interface. Highlight the recipient in the NCONFIG user list, then click the "Make Mailbox" button. This will re-establish the rights and directories needed to allow mail delivery for the user.

Problem:  I've recently upgraded to NetWare 4 (or NetWare 5) and now my users do not receive the broadcast messages they used to get indicating the arrival of new mail. Why not?

Solution:  The Novell upgrade process does not properly complete the creation of your users under NDS - it fails to add a "Default server" attribute, as required by the NDS schema. Run the Novell NWADMIN utility and open a user. Select the "Environment" page and find the field labelled "Default Server". Set this field to the file server on which the user's home directory is located. You will need to do this for each user. We recommend that you create an NDS template for your users, which has this field pre-set, then use the template as a basis for creating future users.

Problem:  I'm running Pegasus Mail in Bindery mode on a NetWare 4 (or NetWare 5) server; last night I had a server problem that had to be fixed by running Novell's DSREPAIR NLM. Now none of my users can see any of their mail! What's happened, and how can I fix it?

Solution:  DSREPAIR has reassigned all of your users' Bindery IDs, but has not renamed the directories in SYS:MAIL to match the new IDs. We really wish Novell would fix this. The only thing you can do is go through the directories in SYS:MAIL one by one, finding the pairs for each user - the old directory, and the new one. The NDIR command can be used to work out the owners of the new directories, but about the only way you can work out who owned an old directory is to examine the PMAIL.INI files in those directories and look for personal names or other clues. Once you have worked out the old and new directories for each user, copy the entire contents of the old directory into the new directory.

Problem:  I can't run the 32-bit version of Pegasus Mail in NetWare mode on my Windows 95/98/NT workstations - it tries to start in "standalone" mode. The 16-bit version runs OK though - why can't I run the 32-bit version?

Solution:  You are probably using Microsoft's NetWare requester software (check the Windows "Network" control panel to find out what requester software you're using). The Microsoft software does not provide a proper 32-bit interface to NetWare services. You need to install genuine Novell requester software on your workstations. You can obtain Novell requesters at no charge from their web site, .

Problem:  My users can't send mail via Mercury - Pegasus Mail complains with a "Container file" error or a Queue error. I've checked, and the mercury spool directory exists, and Pegasus Mail is seeing it.

Solution:  Check the rights on the spooler directory. All users must have at least [C] rights there. On some systems (we have not worked out a pattern for this), users seem to need more rights in the spooler directory; try adding [W] or [F] rights to the spooler directory and see if that fixes the problem. Note that when you configure Pegasus Mail to use Mercury, you must enter the path to the spool directory using the Windows UNC format, not the NetWare format - Windows does not accept the NetWare format reliably.


Problem:  When I send an Internet message, the Pegasus Mail status bar shows two messages being sent, even though I actually only sent one? What is the mysterious second message?

Answer:  Only one message is actually sent. For a brief period while the message is being processed, two copies of it exist in the mail queue - the "interim" version that you created when you pressed the "Send" button in the message editor, and a "final form" version prepared by Pegasus Mail for delivery to the Internet. Once the final form version has been successfully sent, the interim version is deleted. Pegasus Mail is simply being over-helpful in reporting the existence of both versions to you.

Problem:  Every second time I connect to the Internet to send mail, Pegasus Mail crashes with a General Protection error in a module called WSOCK32.DLL. How can I fix this?

Solution:  You have probably installed a third-party program that has replaced or altered the Windows system module WSOCK32.DLL. At the time of writing, a utility called NetSonic is known to do this, but other applications may also do so. In the case of NetSonic, uninstalling NetSonic will fix the problem. We have contacted the developers of NetSonic about this and they are aware of the problem. We have also had reports that two other utilities, called AddsOff and PopOff may have the same problem, but we have not been able to confirm this.

Problem:  Any time I try to send a messsage, I get an error back from Pegasus Mail that says something like "550 relaying denied", or "550 we do not relay, sorry".

Solution: Your ISP's mail server has been configured not to accept mail on behalf of senders it does not recognize, and it does not recognize you. A properly-configured server should accept mail based on your workstation's Internet IP address, not your mail address, but many only check the address in the "From" field. Choose "Internet Options" from the Pegasus Mail "Tools" menu and check that your e-mail address is correct - you should probably ring your ISP's helpdesk and confirm that the address is the right one. If this address is correct, select the "Sending (SMTP)" page in the dialog, and make sure that the control labelled "Use the e-mail address I supplied for the SMTP envelope" is checked.

You may also find that your ISP requires SMTP authentication in order to send mail via their servers. Pegasus Mail supports SMTP authentication using two separate methods, called CRAM-MD5 and LOGIN. You will need to configure Pegasus Mail to use SMTP authentication using the options on the SMTP page of the Internet Options dialog on the Tools menu.

Problem:  I don't get the options on my Pegasus Mail "File" menu for sending and receiving mail, and I don't get the toolbar buttons either.

Solution:  Pegasus Mail has either been told not to use these options, or else it cannot find your WINSOCK.DLL, a Windows system component that provides access to Internet connections. Choose "Options" from the "Tools" menu, and select the "Advanced" page: make sure that the group of controls labelled "If WINSOCK.DLL is available, load it" are set to either "On demand" (recommended) or "Always". The problem with WINSOCK.DLL typically only occurs under Windows 3.1 and with the 16-bit version of Pegasus Mail: WINSOCK.DLL should be installed on your path or in the WINDOWS directory - if it is not there, reinstall it, making sure that it appears in one of these locations.


Problem:  Some of my correspondents send me messages with very long lines that run off the end of the window when I read them in Pegasus Mail. How can I view these long lines in Pegasus Mail?

Solution:  Use one of Pegasus Mail's wrapping functions. Press <F5> to reformat the lines in the message, or press <Ctrl+F5> to perform simple wrapping of the lines at the space nearest to the right margin. These options appear on the Reader menu in the program while you are reading the message.

Question: How do I archive mail folders? If I later need them, how would I be able to access them?

Solution: (Assuming that you are using Pegasus Mail 3.12) - Follow these steps:

1. Menu: File -> Mail Folders (to open the Folders window) - or simply press Ctrl+L
2. Select the Folders window by clicking in it
3. Menu: Folders -> Add mailbox to list
4: Select Directory Path and then enter an existing directory you want to use for archiving.   Give it a meaningful name (e.g., Archive 1999).
5. Create folders in the new mailbox as desired. (You can't use the "New mail folder".) Move
messages as desired to these new folders. (At present you cannot move folders themselves between mailboxes - this will change in a future version of Pegasus Mail).
6. When done, right click on the new mailbox and select Disconnect this Mailbox. The mailbox and its folders will disappear.
7. You will now have folders ready for archiving in a directory. If that directory is on a network server (possibly compressed), that may be all you need. If and when you want to access those archives, you can reconnect Pegasus Mail to the directory and you'll see all the folders in the Folders window. You could also use something like WinZip to compress all of the folders in that directory for archiving as a single file. You would of could have to expand the ZIP file again before being able to access those folders. (Be warned that ZIP password protection is not terribly secure.)

(Our thanks to John Navas for submitting this section).

Problem:  I have multiple Pegasus Mail users set up on my computer. How can I password protect these users so that other people cannot read their mail?

Answer:  At the moment, you cannot. Pegasus Mail's file formats are all plain text or close to it, so they can be easily examined using many different programs. It seems dangerous to us to present an illusion of security where none really exists. In future, Pegasus Mail will support an encrypted message store, at which time it will make sense to enable password protection for the program.

Problem:  I've received a message with attachments; I want to forward the message, along with its attachments, but I also want to add some text into the message before I send it. How can I do this?

Answer:  There's no automatic way. You can save the attachments and re-attach them to the new message, but this is time-consuming. An alternative technique is to start a new message with the original message attached - this will preserve the attachments and the sender's original text. To do this, highlight the message in the folder window and click the Forward button. In the forwarding options dialog that opens, select "Start a new message with the selected messages as attachments". We're aware that this area is a weakness in the program at present and will be correcting it in a future version.

Problem:  When I send an Internet message, the Pegasus Mail status bar shows two messages being sent, even though I actually only sent one? What is the mysterious second message?

Answer:  Only one message is actually sent. For a brief period while the message is being processed, two copies of it exist in the mail queue - the "interim" version that you created when you pressed the "Send" button in the message editor, and a "final form" version prepared by Pegasus Mail for delivery to the Internet. Once the final form version has been successfully sent, the interim version is deleted. Pegasus Mail is simply being over-helpful in reporting the existence of both versions to you.

Problem:  Why do all my folders, distribution lists and address books appear twice in WinPMail?

Solution:  You are probably running a copy of Pegasus Mail that has been installed in the same directory as your home mailbox; this results in the program seeing your folders as your own, and also as system-wide entries. Either move your home mailbox to a different location, or uninstall Pegasus Mail and reinstall it in another location.


Q: After installing Internet Explorer 7, our users are seeing an Unknown Publisher security warning dialog every time they run the networked copy of Pegasus Mail over our LAN. How do I stop this from happening?


A: To disable this security warning dialog, open the Internet Options control panel applet, then click on the Security tab, then click on the Local Intranet icon, then click on the Sites... button. Within the dialog that appears, disable the "automatically detect intranet network" checkbox option and enable the "include all network paths (UNCs)" checkbox option. Then click OK to close each dialog.

This process should force Windows to treat all UNC paths as Intranet paths, which is usually the case. However, this does open you up to security threats from Internet sites if you are able to access them via a UNC path. e.g.


Another method to get around this problem, but without requiring all UNC paths to be treated as part of the Local Intranet, is to disable the "automatically detect intranet network" checkbox, as explained above, but then also disable the "include all network paths (UNCs)" checkbox option, then click the Advanced... button and add the computer name and full DNS host name of the networked resource (e.g. to the Local Intranet zone list, then click OK to close each of the dialogs. You can also add your whole domain by using a wildcard. e.g. *

This security warning can also appear on PCs running IE6 if the "include all network paths (UNCs)" checkbox option is disabled and the network host or domain has not been added to the Local Intranet zone list. In such a case, you'll also find it impossible to open an .MDB file within MS Access from over a network share.


[quote user="modicr"]


 I have IE7 installed and the above instructions work for "mailto:" hyperlinks. But what about right click on picture - there is an option to send an image via email. If I select it, a dialog named "Choose profile" is displayed, where only Outlook can be selected (it seems that this is related to MAPI). Is there a simple way to set Pegasus Mail as default here, too?

 Thanks, Roman


This plus Martin's MAPI library might help. Take a look at the instructions for the latter first.

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