I found the reason:
Mercury is RunAs different user on my system. Two users cannot access the sound system simultaneously ("Another application is playing audio. You can either interrupt the application or wait until it is done. Then try using Sound Recorder again.").
So it's neither a bug in M/32 nor that common file formats wouldn't work in M/32.
Just for the record: A possible workaround was to Run a program with the parameter C:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe /savecred /user:[LoggedOnUser] "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sndrec32.exe /PLAY \"C:\MERCURY\notify.wav\" /CLOSE"
or such. I did not test that out though as a system monitoring is running on that server anyway where I just add a log file test for system.log.
HTH, Rainer
P.S. Happy new year [D] !
<p>I found the reason:
Mercury is RunAs different user on my system. Two users cannot access the sound system simultaneously ("<i>Another application is playing audio. You can either interrupt the application or wait until it is done. Then try using Sound Recorder again.</i>").</p><p><b>So it's neither a bug in M/32 nor that common file formats wouldn't work in M/32.</b>
Just for the record: A possible workaround was to <i>Run a program </i>with the parameter <i>C:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe /savecred /user:[LoggedOnUser] "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sndrec32.exe /PLAY \"C:\MERCURY\notify.wav\" /CLOSE"</i>
or such. I did not test that out though as a system monitoring is running on that server anyway where I just add a log file test for system.log.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;HTH, Rainer</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>P.S. Happy new year&nbsp;[D] !