In Pegasus Mail menu Tools/Spam & Content Controls do you have SpamHalter enabled (checkbox). And do you have Content Control enabled. Either of these may detect something as bad and move it to your Junk folder. A suggestion for you, previously suggested by Brian F, add a rule to set the message color for each rule as it gets triggered to something different
Then you will know what is triggering the message movement to your junk mail folder.
<p>In Pegasus Mail menu Tools/Spam &amp; Content Controls do you have SpamHalter enabled (checkbox).&nbsp; And do you have Content Control enabled. Either of these may detect something as bad and move it to your Junk folder.&nbsp; A suggestion for you, previously suggested by Brian F, add a rule to set the message color for each rule as it gets triggered to something different</p><p>Then you will know what is triggering the message movement to your junk mail folder. </p><p>Martin