I have set up an autresponder using a "Simple Autoreply" as described in the Mercury help file, which sends back a text file AREPLY.PM from a real account responder@mydomain.
Recently I am getting a lot of failures which look like they are being rejected because the FROM field is blank. Snippet of MercuryE log below (edited to remove user name from email address).
Is there any way around this, or an alternative way of sending auto replies where the from field is populated.
T 20180228 171516 5a1d7606 Begin processing job MO00044B from <>
T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 Established ESMTP connection to
T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=855
T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 250 MAIL FROM:<> OK
T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 RCPT TO:<a.user@btinternet.com>
T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 250 RCPT TO:<a.user@btinternet.com> OK
E 20180228 171521 5a1d7606 DATA state failure - 554 Message rejected on 2018/02/28 17:15:21 GMT, policy ( – Your messa
T 20180228 171521 5a1d7606 Connection closed normally.
<p>I have set up an autresponder using&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 10pt;">a "Simple Autoreply" as described in the Mercury help file, which sends back a text file AREPLY.PM from a real account responder@mydomain.</span></p><p>Recently I am getting a lot of failures which look like they are being rejected because the FROM field is blank. Snippet of MercuryE log below (edited to remove user name from email address).</p><p>Is there any way around this, or an alternative way of sending auto replies where the from field is populated.</p><p>John.</p><p>
</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>T 20180228 171516 5a1d7606 Begin processing job MO00044B from &lt;&gt;</p><p>T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 Established ESMTP connection to</p><p>T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt; SIZE=855</p><p>T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 250 MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt; OK</p><p>T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 RCPT TO:&lt;a.user@btinternet.com&gt;</p><p>T 20180228 171517 5a1d7606 250 RCPT TO:&lt;a.user@btinternet.com&gt; OK</p><p>E 20180228 171521 5a1d7606 DATA state failure - 554 Message rejected on 2018/02/28 17:15:21 GMT, policy ( – Your messa</p><p>T 20180228 171521 5a1d7606 Connection closed normally.&nbsp;</p>