You configured (or it's default) Pegasus to apply timezone correction to the maillist so that Pegasus shows all mails with date converted to your timezone. Hmm - translated directly from german Pegasus if a message marked in mailölist:
Message - > [x] Apply timezone corretion
If you open the mail or print it, Pegasus shows the real date-header (with local time of the sender), but that should be "March 14, 2018, 03:44 +0400"
bye Olaf
<p>You configured (or it's default) Pegasus to apply timezone correction to the maillist so that Pegasus shows all mails with date converted to your timezone. Hmm - translated directly from german Pegasus if a message marked in mailölist: </p><blockquote><p>Message - &gt; [x] Apply timezone corretion
</p></blockquote><p>If you open the mail or print it, Pegasus shows the real date-header (with local time of the sender), but that should be "March 14, 2018, 03:44 +0400"</p><p>bye &nbsp;&nbsp; Olaf