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IMAP won't copy to local New Mail folder

The cachefiles for IMAP-Inbox are corrupted. May be - as I understand your use of IMAP - because there are thousands of Mails in the Inbox or because Pegasus sometimes crashed or was stopped hard while writing cashfiles.

Right-klick the folder > Information on folder (translated - not shure about nomination of menue entry in english) and delete both cashfiles. To enshure cashfiles are deleted restart Pegasus. Check if Pegasus realy has deleted the cashfiles. I not (have the old size) come back to me.

If there are thousands of mails in, create a folder structure i.e. "Archives" and one folder per year. Move mails from Inbox to that folders. Inbox is your "working folder" and I think it should have as less mails as possible.

bye    Olaf

<p>The cachefiles for IMAP-Inbox are corrupted. May be - as I understand your use of IMAP - because there are thousands of Mails in the Inbox or because Pegasus sometimes crashed or was stopped hard while writing cashfiles. </p><p>Right-klick the folder > Information on folder (translated - not shure about nomination of menue entry in english) and delete both cashfiles. To enshure cashfiles are deleted restart Pegasus. Check if Pegasus realy has deleted the cashfiles. I not (have the old size) come back to me. </p><p>If there are thousands of mails in, create a folder structure i.e. "Archives" and one folder per year. Move mails from Inbox to that folders. Inbox is your "working folder" and I think it should have as less mails as possible.</p><p>bye    Olaf </p>

A few weeks ago Pegasus - which I have been using for almost 18 years now - stopped copying messages from my IMAP 'New or unread mail' box at my ISP, to my local New Mail folder. This happened on both (Windows 7) machines I have Pegasus installed on. 

The IMAP connection in itself is OK; I even CAN copy from the remote Spam, Trash or Archive folders to local New Mail folder.

This problem used to appear before from time to time, since a few years; but closing and re-starting Pegasus would normally solve it. Not so now, and this effectively renders Pegasus unusable for me. I installed Thunderbird, but don't like it, and find it sluggish.

So, I would love to find a solution to be able to keep using Pegasus.

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance!

-- jschaper

<p>A few weeks ago Pegasus - which I have been using for almost 18 years now - stopped copying messages from my IMAP 'New or unread mail' box at my ISP, to my local New Mail folder. <span style="font-size: 10pt;">This happened on both (Windows 7) machines I have Pegasus installed on. </span></p><p style="font-size: 13.3333px;">The IMAP connection in itself is OK; I even CAN copy from the remote Spam, Trash or Archive folders to local New Mail folder.</p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">This problem used to appear</span><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"> </span><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">before</span><span style="font-size: 10pt;"> from time to time, since a few years; but closing and re-starting Pegasus would normally solve it. Not so now, and this effectively renders Pegasus unusable for me. I installed Thunderbird, but don't like it, and find it sluggish.</span></p><p>So, I would love to find a solution to be able to keep using Pegasus.</p><p>Any suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance!</p><p>-- jschaper</p>

I've not found any problem myself.

How are you copying the messages - manually for each one or by some filtering rule?

<p>I've not found any problem myself.</p><p>How are you copying the messages - manually for each one or by some filtering rule?</p>

Thanks for your reply, Paul. But I don't think it a Peagsus bug - it must have something to do with my use of Pegasus - the problem is, I have not the faintest idea what can be wrong. 

I can still connect to my IMAP account, and when I click on its 'New or unread mail (INBOX)' folder, Pegasus opens a window that shows alle messages in it, including the most recent ones. The problem is I can no longer copy new messages (or old ones - the whole idea of IMAP is that you leave alle messages on your provider's server and don't delete them from there, or at least not very often) to my LOCAL New mail folder. The Pegasus status bar says it is downloading the message(s), but then the computer gives a 'general fault' sound, and the messages fail to appear locally.

And opening messages directly from the IMAP inbox is possible - but the openend message's window in Pegasus then says: 'This message contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed within Pegasus Mail.' Anyway, I don't want to open messages directly out of the IMAP inbox, but dnowload them to my local inbox first - for archiving purposes, too.


~jp schaper 

<p>Thanks for your reply, Paul. But I don't think it a Peagsus bug - it must have something to do with my use of Pegasus - the problem is, I have not the faintest idea what can be wrong. </p><p>I can still connect to my IMAP account, and when I click on its 'New or unread mail (INBOX)' folder, Pegasus opens a window that shows alle messages in it, including the most recent ones. The problem is I can no longer copy new messages (or old ones - the whole idea of IMAP is that you leave alle messages on your provider's server and don't delete them from there, or at least not very often) to my LOCAL New mail folder. The Pegasus status bar says it is downloading the message(s), but then the computer gives a 'general fault' sound, and the messages fail to appear locally.</p><p>And opening messages directly from the IMAP inbox is possible - but the openend message's window in Pegasus then says: 'This message contains binary or non-textual data that cannot be previewed within Pegasus Mail.' Anyway, I don't want to open messages directly out of the IMAP inbox, but dnowload them to my local inbox first - for archiving purposes, too.</p><p>BR, </p><p>~jp schaper </p>

Could this be due to using 'Preview Mode' over List view mode?

I use the older list view , double click on the New folder which then opens in a new window. Still in list mode no preview of message. Then  use Control left click on multiple messages and then (C)opy or (M)ove  a new popup dialog will display asking where to place the message(s).

 Of course I also have filters that can be manually applied to selected messages.

Using 4 IMAP accounts and local mailstore as backup and/or to trim the IMAP mailstore due to file size limits on mail accounts. 


<p>Could this be due to using 'Preview Mode' over List view mode?</p><p>I use the older list view , double click on the New folder which then opens in a new window. Still in list mode no preview of message. Then  use Control left click on multiple messages and then (C)opy or (M)ove  a new popup dialog will display asking where to place the message(s).</p><p> Of course I also have filters that can be manually applied to selected messages.</p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Using 4 IMAP accounts and local mailstore as backup and/or to trim the IMAP mailstore due to file size limits on mail accounts. </span></p><p> </p>
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