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Suddenly can't get my emails from Gmail

Hi Brian, thanks to your suggestion I checked the google account security settings and Lo! "less secure apps" was off.  I turned it on and all is well. Thanks a lot!

Hi Brian, thanks to your suggestion I checked the google account security settings and Lo! "less secure apps" was off.  I turned it on and all is well. Thanks a lot!

Suddenly when fetching new mail into Pegasus from Gmail I get : "The host claims that either the username or password you have supplied is invalid"  As far as I know I haven't changed anything, and Pegasus worked fine till the day before yesterday.  I've found it brilliantly useful for about 25 years, actually. 



<p>Suddenly when fetching new mail into Pegasus from Gmail I get : "The host claims that either the username or password you have supplied is invalid"  As far as I know I haven't changed anything, and Pegasus worked fine till the day before yesterday.  I've found it brilliantly useful for about 25 years, actually.<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> </span></p><p>thanks</p><p>Bruce </p>

Any changes on the Gmail side, like enabling 2 factor authentication or disabling the "allow less secure apps" option?

Any changes on the Gmail side, like enabling 2 factor authentication or disabling the "allow less secure apps" option?

Thanks Brian - No such changes by me, but does Gmail change that stuff itself?  How can I check and if necessary fix the changes? Other odd stuff's happening as well - I can check my Gmail direct from my Windows desktop using Chrome browser; but on my Android tablet while I can check my mail using Chrome browser I also get a "login failed" notification every single time, even though the login didn't fail.

Thanks Brian - No such changes by me, but does Gmail change that stuff itself?  How can I check and if necessary fix the changes? Other odd stuff's happening as well - I can check my Gmail direct from my Windows desktop using Chrome browser; but on my Android tablet while I can check my mail using Chrome browser I also get a "login failed" notification every single time, even though the login didn't fail.
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