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Checking mail before downloading

[quote user="petulengro"]Hi, just changed computers, on my old one I could check in-coming mail before selecting to download or mark for deletion. Don't know how to get this to work on new machine. Can anyone help please[/quote]

Pegasus Mail's File menu provides an entry called Selective mail download. Additionally, assuming you did a fresh install of Pegasus Mail, you're likely looking for a toolbar button to do this: Go to Tools => Options  => Toolbars and select POP3 user from the drop down list on this page.

<p>[quote user="petulengro"]Hi, just changed computers, on my old one I could check in-coming mail before selecting to download or mark for deletion. Don't know how to get this to work on new machine. Can anyone help please[/quote]</p><p>Pegasus Mail's <i>File</i> menu provides an entry called <i>Selective mail download</i>. Additionally, assuming you did a fresh install of Pegasus Mail, you're likely looking for a toolbar button to do this: Go to <i>Tools => Options  => Toolbars</i> and select <i>POP3 user</i> from the drop down list on this page. </p>
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Hi, just changed computers, on my old one I could check in-coming mail before selecting to download or mark for deletion. Don't know how to get this to work on new machine. Can anyone help please

Hi, just changed computers, on my old one I could check in-coming mail before selecting to download or mark for deletion. Don't know how to get this to work on new machine. Can anyone help please
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