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AT&T With New Yahoo Servers

I only have the firewall in W7 so I will check. Didn't think about that because I didn't have that issue previously. But thanks for the thought, I'll go look.

I only have the firewall in W7 so I will check. Didn't think about that because I didn't have that issue previously. But thanks for the thought, I'll go look.

If this looks familiar, it is. I posted about this issue a month or 2 ago and Pegasus was working with AT&T's new Yahoo servers just fine. Then I had a computer catastrophe! Phone, TV and internet went "sideways" and I ended up having to have my hard drive reformatted. [:'(] Had that done and problems are fixed but they copied programs but no  files associated! More work needs to be done and I have service scheduled in 3 days. But Pegasus won't connect. AT&T webmail (which I detest) connects and gives me some email capabilities but I want Pegasus fixed. I went and found the settings for Yahoo's servers that I used before. Times out and won't connect. I MUST be missing something because I had printed out the settings  before and kept them. I re-did all the settings as shown and where it connected and I used Pegasus for a  couple of months I get nothing now. Puzzling....

These are the settings to fill the boxes to bring Pegasus to life:

 POP settings for Yahoo Mail

Incoming Mail (POP) Server

    Server -
    Port - 995
    Requires SSL - Yes

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server

    Server -
    Port - 465 or 587
    Requires SSL - Yes
    Requires TLS - Yes (if available)
    Requires authentication - Yes

Your login info

    Email address - Your full email address (
    Password - Your account's password.
    Requires authentication - Yes

I have everything filled in as required. But something must be amiss because it doesn't work. It must be something simple I am overlooking but I just can't make it work. Any help sincerely appreciated.



<p>If this looks familiar, it is. I posted about this issue a month or 2 ago and Pegasus was working with AT&T's new Yahoo servers just fine. Then I had a computer catastrophe! Phone, TV and internet went "sideways" and I ended up having to have my hard drive reformatted. [:'(] Had that done and problems are fixed but they copied programs but no  files associated! More work needs to be done and I have service scheduled in 3 days. But Pegasus won't connect. AT&T webmail (which I detest) connects and gives me some email capabilities but I want Pegasus fixed. I went and found the settings for Yahoo's servers that I used before. Times out and won't connect. I MUST be missing something because I had printed out the settings  before and kept them. I re-did all the settings as shown and where it connected and I used Pegasus for a  couple of months I get nothing now. Puzzling....</p><p>These are the settings to fill the boxes to bring Pegasus to life:</p><p><b> POP settings for Yahoo Mail</b> Incoming Mail (POP) Server     Server -     Port - 995     Requires SSL - Yes Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server     Server -     Port - 465 or 587     Requires SSL - Yes     Requires TLS - Yes (if available)     Requires authentication - Yes Your login info     Email address - Your full email address (     Password - Your account's password.     Requires authentication - Yes</p><p>I have everything filled in as required. But something must be amiss because it doesn't work. It must be something simple I am overlooking but I just can't make it work. Any help sincerely appreciated.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Firewall? Is your firewall configured to allow traffic in/out on those ports?

Firewall? Is your firewall configured to allow traffic in/out on those ports?
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