Problem is solved but it wasn't what I thought. Firstly, I got a benevolent phone system tech on the phone who changed the email address in their smtp configuration free of charge, at least he hopes. He's going to cl;=ose the support ticket request as having answered a question in the hopes that won't trigger a bill. Unfortunately, that change still didn't solve the problem. I then figured out what I should have realized from the beginning, that it was Mercury rejecting the message not Gmail. The rejection message was "Job has invalid or illegal from address". An entry in the synonym file fixed it.
<p>Problem is solved but it wasn't what I thought.&nbsp; Firstly, I got a benevolent phone system tech on the phone who changed the email address in their smtp configuration free of charge, at least he hopes.&nbsp; He's going to cl;=ose the support ticket request as having answered a question in the hopes that won't trigger a bill.&nbsp; Unfortunately, that change still didn't solve the problem.&nbsp; I then figured out what I should have realized from the beginning, that it was M<span style="font-size: 10pt;">ercury rejecting the message not Gmail.&nbsp; The rejection message was "Job has invalid or illegal from address".&nbsp; &nbsp;An entry in the synonym file fixed it.</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>