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Sending "on vacation" message



The "operator issue" was that after setting up the rule, not hitting the Save & Close buttons.

First pass got message to change color.. Second pass got the "sending address" to receive the "out on vacation" message.

Whewww... Case closed.

THANKS AGAIN for staying with me on this.


PS: Now to disable until we really leave town. 

<p>Brian,</p><p>GOT IT WORKING! </p><p>The "operator issue" was that after setting up the rule, not hitting the Save & Close buttons.</p><p>First pass got message to change color.. Second pass got the "sending address" to receive the "out on vacation" message.</p><p>Whewww... Case closed.</p><p>THANKS AGAIN for staying with me on this.</p><p>Steve</p><p>PS: Now to disable until we really leave town. </p>

While on vacation, I would like to send an automatic reply to incoming messages.

I have gone thru to the rule process for "Rules applied WHEN folder is opened". If I leave the computer on with Pegasus running,so the folder is already opened. 

If the reply is sent when the folder is "when opened", then I am not on vacation any more. ;) 

Is there a place for "Rules applied WHILE the folder is opened" ? 



<p>While on vacation, I would like to send an automatic reply to incoming messages.</p><p>I have gone thru to the rule process for "Rules applied WHEN folder is opened". If I leave the computer on with Pegasus running,so the folder is already opened. </p><p>If the reply is sent when the folder is "when opened", then I am not on vacation any more. ;) </p><p>Is there a place for "Rules applied WHILE the folder is opened" ? </p><p>Thanks</p><p>SteveG </p>

All arriving messages get processed through the new mail folder on-open filter set.

Additionally, unread messages get processed each time the new mail folder is opened.

<p>All arriving messages get processed through the new mail folder on-open filter set.</p><p>Additionally, <span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">unread messages get processed each time the new mail folder is opened.</span></p>

Thanks Brian, but what if the new mail folder is already open? Is there an option for that?

Thanks Brian, but what if the new mail folder is already open? Is there an option for that? Steve

It doesn't make any difference.  It's fine to leave Pegasus Mail running with the new mail folder opened. 

<p>It doesn't make any difference.  It's fine to leave Pegasus Mail running with the new mail folder opened. </p>

Steve, If you receive a good amount of spam and it is being tagged as such, consider designing your rule set such that those messages don't trigger your auto-reply rule.

Steve, If you receive a good amount of spam and it is being tagged as such, consider designing your rule set such that those messages don't trigger your auto-reply rule.

Brian, Spam is not the issue, at least not yet. The spammers haven't found the address I am using.


<p>Brian, Spam is not the issue, at least not yet. The spammers haven't found the address I am using.</p><p>Steve </p>


I have tried leaving the New Mail folder open. The emails I am trapping are for a convention I am involved in. From my personal email I send to the convention email address. I see my personal email show up in the New folder but never receive the "vacation email" back to my personal. I've waited for 15 minutes, hitting send/recv on my personal email. And it didn't go to my junk/spam folder. And in PegMail I hit the "send/receive" button to make sure the output queue is empty. I never see at the bottom the message of "1 queued email". 

 I'm filtering on the "To" looking for the name before the @, and "exact match" is not turned on.

Anything else I can try?


<p>Brian,</p><p>I have tried leaving the New Mail folder open. The emails I am trapping are for a convention I am involved in. From my personal email I send to the convention email address. I see my personal email show up in the New folder but never receive the "vacation email" back to my personal. I've waited for 15 minutes, hitting send/recv on my personal email. And it didn't go to my junk/spam folder. And in PegMail I hit the "send/receive" button to make sure the output queue is empty. I never see at the bottom the message of "1 queued email". </p><p> <span style="font-size: 10pt;">I'm filtering on the "To" looking for the name before the @, and "exact match" is not turned on.</span></p><p>Anything else I can try? Thanks,</p><p>Steve </p>

I'm assuming you are using the filter action that sends a text message since that is the only way that comes to mind that could work as an auto-reply from a filter.  When it's working you should see a message being sent immediately follow one being received that triggers the rule.  I don't queue messages so don't know if the sends will get queued when it is enabled.

To check whether the filter is detecting the appropriate messages change the filter action to "Set message colour".   The message color provides visual indication of the messages that triggered the rule.

<p>I'm assuming you are using the filter action that sends a text message since that is the only way that comes to mind that could work as an auto-reply from a filter.  When it's working you should see a message being sent immediately follow one being received that triggers the rule.  I don't queue messages so don't know if the sends will get queued when it is enabled.</p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">To check whether the filter is detecting the appropriate messages change the filter action to "Set message colour".   The message color provides visual indication of the messages that triggered the rule.</span></p><p> </p>

I did change the action to "Set color" but it didn't take. I am attaching 2 files: one shows the rule and the other is what is coming in that shows the address.
Does this look correct? What am I missing?
Thanks again for the help and following up.
<div> </div><div>Brian,</div><div>I did change the action to "Set color" but it didn't take. I am attaching 2 files: one shows the rule and the other is what is coming in that shows the address.</div><div>Does this look correct? What am I missing?</div><div>Thanks again for the help and following up.</div><div>Steve </div><div> </div>

Try setting the 'contains' field to just "texasstarparty" or "tsprooms" (no quotes).

Also, are there any other rules above this one that might be preventing the message from reaching this rule?

I'm heading out of town shortly and will be unavailable until Sunday night or Monday morning.

<p>Try setting the 'contains' field to just "texasstarparty" or "tsprooms" (no quotes).</p><p>Also, are there any other rules above this one that might be preventing the message from reaching this rule?</p><p>I'm heading out of town shortly and will be unavailable until Sunday night or Monday morning.</p>


I have tried various versions of tsprooms and texasstarparty, still no luck. This is the only rule I have created.

Just doesn't make sense why this doesn't work.

Again, thanks for the help and staying with me. 

Steve G 

<p>Brian,</p><p>I have tried various versions of tsprooms and texasstarparty, still no luck. This is the only rule I have created.</p><p>Just doesn't make sense why this doesn't work.</p><p>Again, thanks for the help and staying with me. </p><p>Steve G </p>

From scratch, the process should be:

Tools > Mail filtering rules > Edit new mail filtering rules > Rules applies when folder is opened.  The 'New mail filtering rules' window should be open

If the only rule listed is the one you've been trying to get working, delete it.  If there are others, you'll need to determine they're value, but for now we'll place the vacation rule at the top followed by an Exit processing rule to insure none of the other rules are acting on the message.

Click one the first rule then click the 'Add rule' button.  If they're aren't any, just click the 'Add rule" button.

In the "Create a new filtering rule' window click the 'Headers...' button

In the "Edit standard header rule' window select the 'To' option then in the 'Contains text' box type "tsprooms" (no quotes).  The 'Exact match' option should not be checked.

For the Action option select 'Set message colour', click the 'Set' button and pick a color.  The bottom two options should be unticked.

Click OK.

Now click the "Add rule" button again.  Click the 'Always trigger' button and set the Action to 'Exit this rule set'.  Click OK.

Your top two rules should now be:

 Headers   T contains 'tsprooms'     Set colour to...

Always                                             Exit this rule set

If they're in reverse order, click on the top one to select it, then click the rgreen down arrow in the window header to move the rule position down. 

Click Save.  Click Close.

You're done. 

To test, make sure you have a message in the new mail folder that contains 'tsprooms' in the To: field.  Mark it as unread if it isn't.

Close then reopen your new mail folder.  The 'tsprooms' message should now be colored.




<p>From scratch, the process should be:</p><p>Tools > Mail filtering rules > Edit new mail filtering rules > Rules applies when folder is opened.  The 'New mail filtering rules' window should be open</p><p>If the only rule listed is the one you've been trying to get working, delete it.  If there are others, you'll need to determine they're value, but for now we'll place the vacation rule at the top followed by an Exit processing rule to insure none of the other rules are acting on the message. </p><p>Click one the first rule then click the 'Add rule' button.  If they're aren't any, just click the 'Add rule" button.</p><p>In the "Create a new filtering rule' window click the 'Headers...' button</p><p>In the "Edit standard header rule' window select the 'To' option then in the 'Contains text' box type "tsprooms" (no quotes).  The 'Exact match' option should not be checked.</p><p>For the Action option select 'Set message colour', click the 'Set' button and pick a color.  The bottom two options should be unticked.</p><p>Click OK. </p><p>Now click the "Add rule" button again.  Click the 'Always trigger' button and set the Action to 'Exit this rule set'.  Click OK.</p><p>Your top two rules should now be:</p><blockquote><p> Headers   T contains 'tsprooms'     Set colour to...</p><p>Always                                             Exit this rule set </p></blockquote><p>If they're in reverse order, click on the top one to select it, then click the rgreen down arrow in the window header to move the rule position down.  </p><p>Click Save.  Click Close. </p><p>You're done.  </p><p>To test, make sure you have a message in the new mail folder that contains 'tsprooms' in the To: field.  Mark it as unread if it isn't.</p><p>Close then reopen your new mail folder.  The 'tsprooms' message should now be colored. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>  </p>
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