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Unfortunately, you can't adjust the message header fonts or the fonts in the configuration screens.  These fonts are fixed in the code.  The workarounds are to either use a screen magnifier or decrease the screen resolution (changing system fonts will not help).

FWIW, I run by 1920x1080 laptop at 1600x900.

<p>Unfortunately, you can't adjust the message header fonts or the fonts in the configuration screens.  These fonts are fixed in the code.  The workarounds are to either use a screen magnifier or decrease the screen resolution (changing system fonts will not help).</p><p>FWIW, I run by <span style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 13.44px;">1920x1080 laptop at 1600x900.</span></p>

The font size in the sending mail dialog box, where you enter the recipients email address, is so small I can't read it. The font size in the body of the email is perfect, and I can see where I can adjust that. But where can I adjust or make larger the font size in the sending recipient, subject, cc dialog boxes?

The font size in the sending mail dialog box, where you enter the recipients email address, is so small I can't read it. The font size in the body of the email is perfect, and I can see where I can adjust that. But where can I adjust or make larger the font size in the sending recipient, subject, cc dialog boxes?
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