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"Copy to Self" results in an entry for each cc recipient

[quote user="dlbayne"]Copy to Self results in an entry for each cc recipient. [/quote]

I don't know what would cause this.  This only thing that comes to mind that will act on the cc content is copyself filters.  I don't know about autofilters but that's worth checking as well (right click on the Copy to Self folder name > Autofiltering and see if there is a checkmark next to the "Autofiltering configured" item).

[quote user="dlbayne"] When I delete the duplications, I get the error message "Probable invalid offset in index record".

When I reindex, all the duplications reappear. 

How can I fix these problems? [/quote]

Deleted messages are just hidden until deleted space is recovered so a reindex will recover all deleted messages in unrecovered space.  Deleted space gets recovered automatically, by default at 24000 bytes available, but that is configurable.  There is a right click option to do it manually.

Sometimes a folder problem can not be fixed from within Pegasus Mail.  For those cases there is a utility included with Pegasus Mail called MBXMAINT_UI.EXE.  Find it in the \Programs directory of Pegasus Mail.  It's usage is self-explanatory.  You will need to know the filename of the folder to be repaired.  This is available from folder information (another right click option). I suggest making a backup copy of the relevant .PMM/.PMI file pair first.
<p>[quote user="dlbayne"]Copy to Self results in an entry for each cc recipient.<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> </span>[/quote]</p><p>I don't know what would cause this.  This only thing that comes to mind that will act on the cc content is copyself filters.  I don't know about autofilters but that's worth checking as well (right click on the Copy to Self folder name > Autofiltering and see if there is a checkmark next to the "Autofiltering configured" item). </p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"></span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">[quote user="dlbayne"] When I delete the duplications, I get the error message "Probable invalid offset in index record".</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">When I reindex, all the duplications reappear. </span></p><p>How can I fix these problems? [/quote]</p>Deleted messages are just hidden until deleted space is recovered so a reindex will recover all deleted messages in unrecovered space.  Deleted space gets recovered automatically, by default at 24000 bytes available, but that is configurable.  There is a right click option to do it manually. Sometimes a folder problem can not be fixed from within Pegasus Mail.  For those cases there is a utility included with Pegasus Mail called MBXMAINT_UI.EXE.  Find it in the \Programs directory of Pegasus Mail.  It's usage is self-explanatory.  You will need to know the filename of the folder to be repaired.  This is available from folder information (another right click option). I suggest making a backup copy of the relevant .PMM/.PMI file pair first.

Copy to Self results in an entry for each cc recipient. 

When I delete the duplications, I get the error message "Probable invalid offset in index record".

When I reindex, all the duplications reappear. 

How can I fix these problems? 

<p>Copy to Self results in an entry for each cc recipient.<span style="font-size: 10pt;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;"></span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">When I delete the duplications, I get the error message "Probable invalid offset in index record".</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">When I reindex, all the duplications reappear. </span></p><p>How can I fix these problems? </p>

Can you describe how you are removing duplicates? Are you using a third-party application?

Be aware that re-indexing a folder will restore previously deleted messages as advised.

<p>Can you describe how you are removing duplicates? Are you using a third-party application?</p><p>Be aware that re-indexing a folder will restore previously deleted messages as advised. </p>

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
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