Community Discussions and Support
Forum moderation

I've post a long reply to a thread in this forum. I took me some time to make screenshots, edit the images, upload them to an image server, and finally make the post only to know it would be done so AFTER moderation.[:@]

I now remember why I LEFT this forum years ago. As you may see I'm one of the first-timers on this forum, and even though I have very few posts here. It is very frustrating to have your post subject to preventive censoring. Either remove an inconvenient post or ban the poster. There's a "Report abuse" link available if anyone feels uncomfortable. My tuppence.

Please, forgive the crabbiness of an old man.

<p>I've post a long reply to a thread in this forum. I took me some time to make screenshots, edit the images, upload them to an image server, and finally make the post only to know it would be done so AFTER moderation.[:@]</p><p>I now remember why I LEFT this forum years ago. As you may see I'm one of the first-timers on this forum, and even though I have very few posts here. It is very frustrating to have your post subject to <i>preventive censoring</i>. Either remove an inconvenient post or ban the poster. There's a "Report abuse" link available if anyone feels uncomfortable. My tuppence. </p><p>Please, forgive the crabbiness of an old man. </p>

-- Euler

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