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Large image attachments crashing Pegasus Mail

[quote user="Dilip"]That almost worked! I downloaded a few files but then I opened an email with a JPG attached that was a little less than 7MB. When I tried to click on it, I got the out of memory error and Pegasus Mail crashed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks![/quote]

What are your system specs? Do you have sufficient RAM installed? Do you have plenty of free hard drive space? 

<p>[quote user="Dilip"]That almost worked! I downloaded a few files but then I opened an email with a JPG attached that was a little less than 7MB. When I tried to click on it, I got the out of memory error and Pegasus Mail crashed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks![/quote]</p><p>What are your system specs? Do you have sufficient RAM installed? Do you have plenty of free hard drive space? </p>

I receive large attachments from a business occasionally and these large pictures (I think about 15mb) consistently crash my system when I try to open them. What can I do to avoid the crash? Thanks.




<p>I receive large attachments from a business occasionally and these large pictures (I think about 15mb) consistently crash my system when I try to open them. What can I do to avoid the crash? Thanks.</p><p> </p><p><span style="white-space:pre"> </span> Dilip</p><p> </p>

My guess would be that your AV arangements are involved, If teh scanner is still working when Pegasus is trying to process

My guess would be that your AV arangements are involved, If teh scanner is still working when Pegasus is trying to process

[quote user="Dilip"]

I receive large attachments from a business occasionally and these large pictures (I think about 15mb) consistently crash my system when I try to open them. What can I do to avoid the crash? Thanks.






Pegasus Mail is capable of displaying the most common graphic formats without a third-party viewer, and this is how it set here: GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF, PNG, JPG, and so are handled by the internal viewer. I never had a crash opening any of those formats though I must admit I do not get attachments that large. As a matter of fact I block messages larger than 5KB at server.

Anyway, have you tried using a third-party viewer like IrfanView to handle these big graphics? You can set this in Tools > Options… > Incoming mail > Content viewers >  'Helper applications' to use for viewing attachments, either by file extension or 'Attachment type' information.

[quote user="Dilip"]<p>I receive large attachments from a business occasionally and these large pictures (I think about 15mb) consistently crash my system when I try to open them. What can I do to avoid the crash? Thanks.</p><p> </p><p><span style="white-space:pre"> </span> Dilip</p><p> </p><p>[/quote]</p><p>Hi!</p><p>Pegasus Mail is capable of displaying the most common graphic formats without a third-party viewer, and this is how it set here: GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF, PNG, JPG, and so are handled by the internal viewer. I never had a crash opening any of those formats though I must admit I do not get attachments that large. As a matter of fact I block messages larger than 5KB at server.</p><p>Anyway, have you tried using a third-party viewer like IrfanView to handle these big graphics? You can set this in <i>Tools > Options… > Incoming mail > Content viewers >  'Helper applications' to use for viewing attachments</i>, either by file extension or 'Attachment type' information. </p>

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
IERenderer: AttachMenu:
PMDebug: BearHTML

[quote user="Dilip"]I receive large attachments from a business occasionally and these large pictures (I think about 15mb) consistently crash my system when I try to open them. What can I do to avoid the crash?[/quote]

How exactly do you open these attachments? Are they embedded in formatted messages, do you try to view them in Pegasus Mail's attachment preview pane (on the respective tab in it's separate reader window) or do you try to open them via double click or any of the buttons?

<p>[quote user="Dilip"]I receive large attachments from a business occasionally and these large pictures (I think about 15mb) consistently crash my system when I try to open them. What can I do to avoid the crash?[/quote]</p><p>How exactly do you open these attachments? Are they embedded in formatted messages, do you try to view them in Pegasus Mail's attachment preview pane (on the respective tab in it's separate reader window) or do you try to open them via double click or any of the buttons? </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

The crash happens when I go to the Attachments tab; I get a memory error just when I click on the JPG attachment; I'm attaching an image here with a JPG of 6.5MB. When I dismiss the dialog box, Pegasus Mail crashes. Thanks for your help!




<p>The crash happens when I go to the Attachments tab; I get a memory error just when I click on the JPG attachment; I'm attaching an image here with a JPG of 6.5MB. When I dismiss the dialog box, Pegasus Mail crashes. Thanks for your help!</p><p> </p><p>              Dilip</p><p> </p>

I'm attaching another picture of the attachments tab of an incoming email with a 6.5MB JPG.

I'm attaching another picture of the attachments tab of an incoming email with a 6.5MB JPG.

Strange - just now when I dismissed the dialogue box, Pegasus Mail did not crash.

Strange - just now when I dismissed the dialogue box, Pegasus Mail did not crash.

[quote user="Dilip"]I'm attaching another picture of the attachments tab of an incoming email with a 6.5MB JPG.[/quote]

You can disable attachment preview using the rightmost button on the toolbar, see below:

<p>[quote user="Dilip"]I'm attaching another picture of the attachments tab of an incoming email with a 6.5MB JPG.[/quote]</p><p>You can disable attachment preview using the rightmost button on the toolbar, see below: </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

That almost worked! I downloaded a few files but then I opened an email with a JPG attached that was a little less than 7MB. When I tried to click on it, I got the out of memory error and Pegasus Mail crashed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

That almost worked! I downloaded a few files but then I opened an email with a JPG attached that was a little less than 7MB. When I tried to click on it, I got the out of memory error and Pegasus Mail crashed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

[quote user="Dilip"]What am I doing wrong? Thanks![/quote]

No time to test right now, but if you open mails in preview mode you can switch to attachments without any preview being availabe at all, so this might work in your case as a work-around. BTW: What happens if you click the attachment with the right mouse button? This should work for using the buttons without the image being opened on the preview pane.

<p>[quote user="Dilip"]What am I doing wrong? Thanks![/quote]</p><p>No time to test right now, but if you open mails in preview mode you can switch to attachments without any preview being availabe at all, so this might work in your case as a work-around. BTW: What happens if you click the attachment with the right mouse button? This should work for using the buttons without the image being opened on the preview pane. </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C
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