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Problem printing HTML mail

That's it!  Looked at Various tab in Configure and the Default HTML printing box was not ticked. No idea how that happened, maybe I accidentally ticked the don't show this option again, or that I didn't notice but problem solved.

Thanks to both of you. Would have responded earlier but having problems with some corrupted mail so may be posting again soon.

<p><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">That's it!  Looked at Various tab in Configure and the Default HTML printing box was not ticked. No idea how that happened, maybe I accidentally ticked the don't show this option again, or that I didn't notice but problem solved.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Thanks to both of you. Would have responded earlier but having problems with some corrupted mail so may be posting again soon.</span></p><p> </p>

When I first started using Pegasus (back mid-90's) when you wanted to print a mail you just got a 'Print mail message' box showing and you got an ASCII plain text print. Some time ago there was a change and a pop up page opened showing the mail in HTML and the option to print it as such. Even better you could see how many pages there where making it easy to choose which one's to print.

Now I don't know if it's something I've done (there was a box to tick if you didn't want this option to show again but I'm sure I never ticked it) or some change (maybe a Windows update thing, I'm using Windows 10) but it had disappeared and though I have tried a lot of things nothing has brought it back. All I get is the old 'Print mail message' box showing and can't print any HTML, no graphics, QR and bar codes, pictures, etc. 

I can't find anything in other mails and the archive so am posting a new mail.
How do I get it back?
<div><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">When I first started using Pegasus (back mid-90's) when you wanted to print a mail you just got a 'Print mail message' box showing and you got an ASCII plain text print. Some time ago there was a change and a pop up page opened showing the mail in HTML and the option to print it as such. Even better you could see how many pages there where making it easy to choose which one's to print.</span></div><div><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Now I don't know if it's something I've done (there was a box to tick if you didn't want this option to show again but I'm sure I never ticked it) or some change (maybe a Windows update thing, I'm using Windows 10) but it had disappeared and though I have tried a lot of things nothing has brought it back. All I get is the old 'Print mail message' box showing and can't print any HTML, no graphics, QR and bar codes, pictures, etc. </span></div><div><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">I can't find anything in other mails and the archive so am posting a new mail.</span></div><div><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">How do I get it back?</span></div>

The prompt you are looking for is associated with IERenderer.  It only pops up when attempting to print while viewing HTML content (fancy view) and when IERenderer is enabled.

To insure IERenderer is enabled click its icon in the main Pegasus Mail toolbar and make sure the "Use IERenderer" option is ticked. If it is and you still don't see the pop up post back and I'm sure the author of IERenderer will respond with advice on how to re-enable it.

FWIW, when IERenderer is disabled, Bearhtml takes over HTML rendering duties.  It's print preview and printer control can be invoked with Ctrl+Shift+P. 

<p>The prompt you are looking for is associated with IERenderer.  It only pops up when attempting to print while viewing HTML content (fancy view) and when IERenderer is enabled.</p><p>To insure IERenderer is enabled click its icon in the main Pegasus Mail toolbar and make sure the "Use IERenderer" option is ticked. If it is and you still don't see the pop up post back and I'm sure the author of IERenderer will respond with advice on how to re-enable it.</p><p>FWIW, when IERenderer is disabled, Bearhtml takes over HTML rendering duties.  It's print preview and printer control can be invoked with Ctrl+Shift+P. </p>

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]FWIW, when IERenderer is disabled, Bearhtml takes over HTML rendering duties.  It's print preview and printer control can be invoked with Ctrl+Shift+P. [/quote]

So can IER as well. And if you open IER's configuration dialog (via the same button menu mentioned by Brian) it provides an option on its Various tab offering two printer related options which should enable what you're looking for:

<p>[quote user="Brian Fluet"]FWIW, when IERenderer is disabled, Bearhtml takes over HTML rendering duties.  It's print preview and printer control can be invoked with Ctrl+Shift+P. [/quote]</p><p>So can IER as well. And if you open IER's configuration dialog (via the same button menu mentioned by Brian) it provides an option on its <i>Various</i> tab offering two printer related options which should enable what you're looking for: </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
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That was my first thought and I looked at IERender and it was enabled which left me scatching my head. However see my reply to the next mail ....

That was my first thought and I looked at IERender and it was enabled which left me scatching my head. However see my reply to the next mail ....
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