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Spamhalter Questions

I believe I solved the problem,,small minor snafu on this end....thanks for listening

I believe I solved the problem,,small minor snafu on this end....thanks for listening

Hello all

Just wondering if something else is needed for the spamhalter to work. I have over 163 items in my spam folder and just can't rid this crap. Each time a spam message appears, I will right click the item and ask the message to be trained as spam and then manually move to spam folder but they just keep coming  many of which are the same over and over. I know it takes a while to work  but how many message does it take to start working? Is there something else I should be doing? Thanks in advance

<p>Hello all</p><p>Just wondering if something else is needed for the spamhalter to work. I have over 163 items in my spam folder and just can't rid this crap. Each time a spam message appears, I will right click the item and ask the message to be trained as spam and then manually move to spam folder but they just keep coming  many of which are the same over and over. I know it takes a while to work  but how many message does it take to start working? Is there something else I should be doing? Thanks in advance </p><p> </p>

  • You have activated SPAMHalter?
  • You choosed a folder to move SPAM to and that is existing?
  • What SPAM-Level did you set?
bye   Olaf
<ul><li>You have activated SPAMHalter?</li><li>You choosed a folder to move SPAM to and that is existing?</li><li>What SPAM-Level did you set?</li></ul><div>bye   Olaf </div>

Thanks Olaf

Questions 1 and 2 answer is yes....where would I find spam level? Not sure on that one

<p>Thanks Olaf </p><p>Questions 1 and 2 answer is yes....where would I find spam level? Not sure on that one </p>
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