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Crash on search

Not built to the desired purpose I have used PmailUndup to verify a large bunch of folders, and eventually correct indices. Instead of mouse right-click each folder and pick Check consistency and/or Reindex folder, I use PmailUndup once in a folder set. The utility is available for download here in this Community.

Not built to the desired purpose I have used PmailUndup to verify a large bunch of folders, and eventually correct indices. Instead of mouse right-click each folder and pick <b>Check consistency</b> and/or <b>Reindex folder</b>, I use PmailUndup once in a folder set. The utility is available for download here in this Community.

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
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Occasionally I want to search all my folders for a mis-filed message. Not often, but when I have mis-filed a message, sometimes I really need to search my entire mailbox. 

This has always been possible, although slow, unless there was a corrupted folder, in which case searches would work again after I re-indexed the problem folder. Usually the offending folder was one that had been open when pmail crashed, or was open when I shut down the system or unmounted the file system.

However, since about a month ago, Pegasus Mail crashes if I try any search across all folders. I *suspect* that there is a corrupted folder (or some other corrupted file?) that is causing the crash. But i have hundreds of folders, and i can't tell which one might be causing the crashes.

 Is there any way to identify the offending folder or the other cause of these crashes? I would like to be able to search my entire mailbox again.

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Occasionally I want to search all my folders for a mis-filed message. Not often, but when I have mis-filed a message, sometimes I really need to search my entire mailbox. </span></p><p>This has always been possible, although slow, unless there was a corrupted folder, in which case searches would work again after I re-indexed the problem folder. Usually the offending folder was one that had been open when pmail crashed, or was open when I shut down the system or unmounted the file system.</p><p>However, since about a month ago, Pegasus Mail crashes if I try any search across all folders. I *suspect* that there is a corrupted folder (or some other corrupted file?) that is causing the crash. But i have hundreds of folders, and i can't tell which one might be causing the crashes.</p><p> Is there any way to <span style="font-size: 10pt;">identify the offending folder or the other cause of these crashes? I would like to be able to search my entire mailbox again.</span></p>

Pegasus Mail comes with a mailbox maintenance utility called mbxmaint_ui.exe.  It can check and repair folder consistency among other things.  I suggest using its "Check" function to identify any problem folders and then use the repair function as needed.  

You can use a wildcard to check all folders in a mailbox directory at once (e.g.  C:\PMAIL\mail\mailboxname\*.pmm).

<p>Pegasus Mail comes with a mailbox maintenance utility called mbxmaint_ui.exe.  It can check and repair folder consistency among other things.  I suggest using its "Check" function to identify any problem folders and then use the repair function as needed.  </p><p>You can use a wildcard to check all folders in a mailbox directory at once (e.g.  C:\PMAIL\mail\mailboxname\*.pmm).</p>

Thanks, Brian, for the suggestion. I had not realized there was a wildcard option in MBXMAINT, and I have too mnay folders to check each one.

 But still no joy:

 Repairing folder 'Q:\pmail\mail\[username]\*.pmm'...
#072 Could not open the specified folder master file.
#074 Unable to proceed with rebuild operation.
** Errors occurred while repairing the folder.
Repairing folder 'Q:\pmail\mail\[username]\*.PMM'...
#072 Could not open the specified folder master file.
#074 Unable to proceed with rebuild operation.
** Errors occurred while repairing the folder.

Any further suggestions?


<p>Thanks, Brian, for the suggestion. I had not realized there was a wildcard option in MBXMAINT, and I have too mnay folders to check each one.</p><p> But still no joy:</p><p> Repairing folder 'Q:\pmail\mail\[username]\*.pmm'... #072 Could not open the specified folder master file. #074 Unable to proceed with rebuild operation. ** Errors occurred while repairing the folder. ----------------------------------------------------- Repairing folder 'Q:\pmail\mail\[username]\*.PMM'... #072 Could not open the specified folder master file. #074 Unable to proceed with rebuild operation. ** Errors occurred while repairing the folder. </p><p>Any further suggestions? </p><p> </p>

[quote user="ehasbrouck"]

Thanks, Brian, for the suggestion. I had not realized there was a wildcard option in MBXMAINT, and I have too mnay folders to check each one.

 But still no joy:[/quote]

Narrow down the search: Create a new disk folder containing only copies of PMM and PMI files ten by ten or whatever looks reasonable to you, then use MBXMAINT, then narrow down further and so on until you find the right one. Finally go back to the original to do the job on it.

[quote user="ehasbrouck"]<p>Thanks, Brian, for the suggestion. I had not realized there was a wildcard option in MBXMAINT, and I have too mnay folders to check each one.</p><p> But still no joy:[/quote]</p><p>Narrow down the search: Create a new disk folder containing only copies of PMM and PMI files ten by ten or whatever looks reasonable to you, then use MBXMAINT, then narrow down further and so on until you find the right one. Finally go back to the original to do the job on it. </p>
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Thanks! That strategy of repairing groups of folders worked, eventually. Several folers needed repair. I think the cause of the problem *may* have been shutting down the system or dismounting the file system with the pmail files while pmail was open, but I'm still not sure. MBXMAINT also reported and fixed "non-unique IDs". After reparing all the folders, pmail takes less time to start, and searches complete successfully.

Thanks! That strategy of repairing groups of folders worked, eventually. Several folers needed repair. I think the cause of the problem *may* have been shutting down the system or dismounting the file system with the pmail files while pmail was open, but I'm still not sure. MBXMAINT also reported and fixed "non-unique IDs". After reparing all the folders, pmail takes less time to start, and searches complete successfully.

On every change of the years I prepare new in/out mailfolders for my users and check the consistency of their existing folders. And every year I get in trouble with this MBXMAINT tool, which stops working after a few pmm folders have been checked (when using wildcards). This is very annoying since we have 20 users where some users maintain hundrets of mail folders. Even a narrow down, ten by ten, as supposed by Michael, would keep me busy over hours. Not acceptable.

Why this MBXMAINT tool stops working and is anybody able to fix it or has other suggestions?

<p>On every change of the years I prepare new in/out mailfolders for my users and check the consistency of their existing folders. And every year I get in trouble with this MBXMAINT tool, which stops working after a few pmm folders have been checked (when using wildcards). This is very annoying since we have 20 users where some users maintain hundrets of mail folders. Even a narrow down, ten by ten, as supposed by Michael, would keep me busy over hours. Not acceptable. </p><p>Why this MBXMAINT tool stops working and is anybody able to fix it or has other suggestions? </p>

IIRC, when using wildcard, MBXMAINT stops when it hits a problem file.  I don't know of a workaround.  It would be nice if it would process all files and then produce a report of any problems found. 

I don't recall how wildcards are handled in MBXMAINT_UI.

<p>IIRC, when using wildcard, MBXMAINT stops when it hits a problem file.  I don't know of a workaround.  It would be nice if it would process all files and then produce a report of any problems found.  </p><p>I don't recall how wildcards are handled in MBXMAINT_UI. </p>
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