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AW: preventing of bouncing by Pmail possible?

[quote user="Joerg"]It seems using the "Disable Extension" you can only disable main menu entries but not single entries within the different settings areas. In the ids.txt file I didn't find a code for disabling bouncing.[/quote]

It might be possible to block other IDs as well by taking a look at Pegasus Mail's resources and figuring out their IDs (Sven Henze certainly knows how to do it and I could do it as well[:-*]).

[quote user="Joerg"]Could this cause any problems in future spam results?[/quote]

Since I'm not using Spamhalter I have absolutely no idea, you may need to ask Lukas Gebauer himself.

<p>[quote user="Joerg"]It seems using the "Disable Extension" you can only disable main menu entries but not single entries within the different settings areas. In the ids.txt file I didn't find a code for disabling bouncing.[/quote]</p><p>It might be possible to block other IDs as well by taking a look at Pegasus Mail's resources and figuring out their IDs (Sven Henze certainly knows how to do it and I could do it as well[:-*]). </p><p>[quote user="Joerg"]Could this cause any problems in future spam results?[/quote]</p><p>Since I'm not using Spamhalter I have absolutely no idea, you may need to ask Lukas Gebauer himself. </p>
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Just new lessions leant after changing our SMTP smart host relay service provider (to All e-mails, bounced by Pmail (external mails forwarded by our local users without editing) will be received by the SMTP relay but not forwarded. Instead of this they remain in a waiting queue, because of the sender addresses are not registered with the mail relay provider where only our domain is duly registered and authorized for sending mails.

Subsequently registering of each additional sender's address in these queued mails is generally possible but prctically not, since each of that addresses have to reply to a notification message from the SMTP relay to confirm the possession and legitimacy.

Is it possible to administratively block the bounce function in Pmail, that users could only forward mails with editing where the own sender's address will be added to the mail headers? I know that other mail clients even do not offer such a bounce function which is more and more complicated in times of spamming.

<p>Just new lessions leant after changing our SMTP smart host relay service provider (to All e-mails, bounced by Pmail (external mails forwarded by our local users without editing) will be received by the SMTP relay but not forwarded. Instead of this they remain in a waiting queue, because of the sender addresses are not registered with the mail relay provider where only our domain is duly registered and authorized for sending mails.</p><p>Subsequently registering of each additional sender's address in these queued mails is generally possible but prctically not, since each of that addresses have to reply to a notification message from the SMTP relay to confirm the possession and legitimacy. </p><p>Is it possible to administratively block the bounce function in Pmail, that users could only forward mails with editing where the own sender's address will be added to the mail headers? I know that other mail clients even do not offer such a bounce function which is more and more complicated in times of spamming. </p>

[quote user="Joerg"]Is it possible to administratively block the bounce function in Pmail, that users could only forward mails with editing where the own sender's address will be added to the mail headers?[/quote]

Take a look at the Disable extension.

<p>[quote user="Joerg"]Is it possible to administratively block the bounce function in Pmail, that users could only forward mails with editing where the own sender's address will be added to the mail headers?[/quote]</p><p>Take a look at the <a mce_href="/files/folders/pegadd/entry15894.aspx" target="_blank" href="/files/folders/pegadd/entry15894.aspx">Disable extension</a>. </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

Moin Michael,

Thanks for the hint. I will test it. But another problem in this regard remains: When having the FORWARD file in place and activated for different users, their incoming mails will be immediately forwarded (bounced) by Mercury to the specified address. Means, as long as we are using MailJet as our SMTP relay servive provider and they only accept our own registered mail domain as sender's address, we could not longer use the FORWARD function.

At the moment I have removed any FORWARD file from all of my user mailboxes.

<p>Moin Michael,</p><p>Thanks for the hint. I will test it. But another problem in this regard remains: When having the FORWARD file in place and activated for different users, their incoming mails will be immediately forwarded (bounced) by Mercury to the specified address. Means, as long as we are using MailJet as our SMTP relay servive provider and they only accept our own registered mail domain as sender's address, we could not longer use the FORWARD function.</p><p>At the moment I have removed any FORWARD file from all of my user mailboxes. </p>

[quote user="idw"]Take a look at the Disable extension.[/quote]

It seems using the "Disable Extension" you can only disable main menu entries but not single entries within the different settings areas. In the ids.txt file I didn't find a code for disabling bouncing.


On the other hand I'm not sure about the advantages/disadvantages when disabling bouncing. What about SPAMHALTER functionality? Presently we could simply forward (bounce) received spam to our "is_spam" account where Spamhalter is learning from. When editing each mail before forwarding (when bouncing would be disabled), Spamhalter doesn't see only the originator address but also our own sender's address which has been added to the e-mail header. Could this cause any problems in future spam results?

<p>[quote user="idw"]Take a look at the <a mce_href="/files/folders/pegadd/entry15894.aspx" target="_blank" href="/files/folders/pegadd/entry15894.aspx">Disable extension</a>.[/quote]</p><p>It seems using the "Disable Extension" you can only disable main menu entries but not single entries within the different settings areas. In the ids.txt file I didn't find a code for disabling bouncing.</p><p> </p><p>On the other hand I'm not sure about the advantages/disadvantages when disabling bouncing. What about SPAMHALTER functionality? Presently we could simply forward (bounce) received spam to our "is_spam" account where Spamhalter is learning from. When editing each mail before forwarding (when bouncing would be disabled), Spamhalter doesn't see only the originator address but also our own sender's address which has been added to the e-mail header. Could this cause any problems in future spam results? </p>
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