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Updates on Pegasus email development

And I will be praying for him.  As someone who has similar - though less severe problems - in the same direction, I have some idea what he's going through.


I hope some moderator is forarding the good wishes.  It may encourage him. 

<p>And I will be praying for him.  As someone who has similar - though less severe problems - in the same direction, I have some idea what he's going through.</p><p> </p><p>I hope some moderator is forarding the good wishes.  It may encourage him. </p>


Are there any updates on what is going on with Pegasus email development? Last update was about a year ago (4.7.3 release), and while I'm sure there is lots of development going on, updates are helpful.


Thanks in advance! 


<p>Hi,</p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Are there any updates on what is going on with Pegasus email development? Last update was about a year ago (4.7.3 release), and while I'm sure there is lots of development going on, updates are helpful.</span></p><p> </p><p>Thanks in advance! </p><p>Dave </p>

I haven't seen any kind of update info for over a year now.

Pegasus is stalled at 4.73.639.

<p>I haven't seen any kind of update info for over a year now.</p><p>Pegasus is stalled at 4.73.639.</p>

July, 15th:

<p>July, 15th: <a mce_href="" target="_blank" href=""></a></p><p> </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

I hope David Harris will fully recover. Can only wish David the best of luck. 

I hope David Harris will fully recover. <span style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 12.095999717712402px;">Can only wish David the best of luck. </span>

[quote user="Bburg"]I hope David Harris will fully recover. Can only wish David the best of luck. [/quote]


I second that.

I send Zen Thoughts of Good Health and Recovery to David in Dunedin, NZ.  

<p>[quote user="Bburg"]I hope David Harris will fully recover. <span style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica; font-size: 12.095999717712402px;">Can only wish David the best of luck. </span>[/quote]</p><p> </p><p>I second that.</p><p><font color="#9900ff"><i><font size="4"><font face="comic sans ms,sand">I send Zen Thoughts of Good Health and Recovery to David in Dunedin, NZ.</font>  </font></i></font> </p>
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