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How to disable the email signature in Avast Free Antivirus


I just stomped into this short notice from gHacks, and I'd like to share it with you. Though I'm not an Avast user (like the author, I'm also using Kaspersky Free), I thought some of you may benefit from his findings. There are a step-by-step procedure description, screenshots, and even a video.

You may reach the article from the link below. Beware of line breaks.


Folks, I just stomped into this short notice from gHacks, and I&#039;d like to share it with you. Though I&#039;m not an Avast user (like the author, I&#039;m also using Kaspersky Free), I thought some of you may benefit from his findings. There are a step-by-step procedure description, screenshots, and even a video. You may reach the article from the link below. Beware of line breaks. &amp;lt;;gt; Enjoy!

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
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