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Opening web links in emails with Windows 10

Brian/Michael et al

 Sorry I have been quiet over the last few days, first my ISP crashed all their email services, POP SMTP IMAP and Webmail and I have been waiting patiently for them to recover.  Meanwhile my PC has been acting up so I have not been able to install the IERenderer to help sort the display problems. I am forced to use my Gmail mailer. I am monitoring this Community and Listserv services.

I have been on Windows 10 since its beginning and recently trying out both MicrosoftEdge as well as the beta version of the Chrome-based MSEdge replacement. My vote is strongly for the replacement version even though it is only beta. Don't try it yet though, as we need to understand how to disable the MicrosoftEdge SystemApp.

Just to let you know, I have a solution for Bearhtml, which seems to work, but I am not sure what I need to test, when users choose which browser to use. Particularily what happens when Microsoft issues one of its frequent updates, which tend to reset all the default Windows settings back.

So good luck and watch this space, or mail me at



<p>Brian/Michael et al</p><p> <span style="font-size: 10pt;">Sorry I have been quiet over the last few days, first my ISP crashed all their email services, POP SMTP IMAP and Webmail and I have been waiting patiently for them to recover.  Meanwhile my PC has been acting up so I have not been able to install the IERenderer to help sort the display problems. I am forced to use my Gmail mailer. I am monitoring this Community and Listserv services.</span></p><p>I have been on Windows 10 since its beginning and recently trying out both MicrosoftEdge as well as the beta version of the Chrome-based MSEdge replacement. My vote is strongly for the replacement version even though it is only beta. Don't try it yet though, as we need to understand how to disable the MicrosoftEdge SystemApp.</p><p>Just to let you know, I have a solution for Bearhtml, which seems to work, but I am not sure what I need to test, when users choose which browser to use. Particularily what happens when Microsoft issues one of its frequent updates, which tend to reset all the default Windows settings back.</p><p>So good luck and watch this space, or mail me at</p><p>Cheers,</p><p>         Martin </p>

I am sure that I am not the only one that has had this problem, but search cannot find any posts for me.

I have recently "upgraded" to Windows 10 from Windows 7.

In Windows 7, web links would open in IE without any problem.

However, now that I am using Windows 10, whenever I go to open a link Windows 10 is opening the file browser, not the web browser.

I have gone into options and told Pegasus to load Windows Edge for links in emails, but Pegasus still opens the file browser.

If I right click on the link, Windows Edge isn't listed as an option but Windows IE is still listed. 

Does anyone know how to fix this so that web links in emails open in Windows Edge?

Thank you, Rod. 

<p>I am sure that I am not the only one that has had this problem, but search cannot find any posts for me.</p><p>I have recently "upgraded" to Windows 10 from Windows 7.</p><p>In Windows 7, web links would open in IE without any problem.</p><p>However, now that I am using Windows 10, whenever I go to open a link Windows 10 is opening the file browser, not the web browser.</p><p>I have gone into options and told Pegasus to load Windows Edge for links in emails, but Pegasus still opens the file browser.</p><p>If I right click on the link, Windows Edge isn't listed as an option but Windows IE is still listed. </p><p>Does anyone know how to fix this so that web links in emails open in Windows Edge?</p><p>Thank you, Rod. </p>

You should be aware that Windows 10 resets the default browser to MicrosoftEdge, every time it installs one of its fix\upgrade packages.

You cannot select MicrosoftEdge in Pegasus Mail, via its option to select a particular browser. So if you want to use MicrosoftEdge, in Pegasus Mail you must select the option "Find browser automatically"  so filetypes *.htm and *.html will default to manufacturer, MS  MicrosoftEdge. The product MicrosoftEdge name cannot be invoked via the user (it is classed as a SystemApp).


<p>You should be aware that Windows 10 resets the default browser to MicrosoftEdge, every time it installs one of its fix\upgrade packages.</p><p>You cannot select MicrosoftEdge in Pegasus Mail, via its option to select a particular browser. So if you want to use MicrosoftEdge, in Pegasus Mail you must select the option "Find browser automatically"  so filetypes *.htm and *.html will default to manufacturer, MS  MicrosoftEdge. The product MicrosoftEdge name cannot be invoked via the user (it is classed as a SystemApp).</p><p>Martin </p>

[quote user="irelam"]So if you want to use MicrosoftEdge, in Pegasus Mail you must select the option "Find browser automatically"  so filetypes *.htm and *.html will default to manufacturer, MS  MicrosoftEdge. The product MicrosoftEdge name cannot be invoked via the user (it is classed as a SystemApp).[/quote]

That was how Pegasus was set up before I tried to work out why Windows 10 was opening the file browser instead of the web browser. I disabled the Find browser automatically and browsed to the Edge .exe file. But this didn't make any difference. I have set Find browser automatically back on, and it still opens the file browser.

However, it seems to be something to do with the links. I had one link that opened Edge ok, (there wasn't any right click options on this particular link) but virtually all other links open the file browser. I can't find the link that opened Edge naturally now.

Edge is set as the default browser. I haven't changed that since the "upgrade" to Windows 10. If I click on a html in one of my PC's folders, it opens in Edge ok. So it's only a problem inside Pegasus.

My current workaround is to copy the link and then paste it into Edge. A bit slower but not as good as when using Windows 7. 

[quote user="irelam"]So if you want to use MicrosoftEdge, in Pegasus Mail you must select the option "Find browser automatically"  so filetypes *.htm and *.html will default to manufacturer, MS  MicrosoftEdge. The product MicrosoftEdge name cannot be invoked via the user (it is classed as a SystemApp).[/quote]<p>That was how Pegasus was set up before I tried to work out why Windows 10 was opening the file browser instead of the web browser. I disabled the Find browser automatically and browsed to the Edge .exe file. But this didn't make any difference. I have set Find browser automatically back on, and it still opens the file browser.</p><p>However, it seems to be something to do with the links. I had one link that opened Edge ok, (there wasn't any right click options on this particular link) but virtually all other links open the file browser. I can't find the link that opened Edge naturally now.</p><p>Edge is set as the default browser. I haven't changed that since the "upgrade" to Windows 10. If I click on a html in one of my PC's folders, it opens in Edge ok. So it's only a problem inside Pegasus.</p><p>My current workaround is to copy the link and then paste it into Edge. A bit slower but not as good as when using Windows 7. </p>

As per my previous posting, it is NOT possible to enter the Edge browser name in Pegasus Mail Tools/Option/Hyperlinks. I would suggest you enter another browser such as Netscape in the "Web browser command" such as C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe and un-check the "find browser automatically". This should solve your Pegasus Mail problems, but note this does not affect other settings such as default filetypes in ControlPanel which will continually get set up to MicrosoftEdge at each system update.  So double clicking a web page file in Windows Explorer will invoke MicrosoftEdge normally. You will then get different webpage layouts and function, most of which are because of Edge lacking functions available in other browsers.

You have probably heard of the demise of MicrosoftEdge, to be replaced by a Google Chrome browser engine and its features, by the end of this year.

 Cheers and good luck !!


<p>As per my previous posting, it is NOT possible to enter the Edge browser name in Pegasus Mail Tools/Option/Hyperlinks. I would suggest you enter another browser such as Netscape in the "Web browser command" such as C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe and un-check the "find browser automatically". This should solve your Pegasus Mail problems, but note this does not affect other settings such as default filetypes in ControlPanel which will continually get set up to MicrosoftEdge at each system update.  So double clicking a web page file in Windows Explorer will invoke MicrosoftEdge normally. You will then get different webpage layouts and function, most of which are because of Edge lacking functions available in other browsers. </p><p>You have probably heard of the demise of MicrosoftEdge, to be replaced by a Google Chrome browser engine and its features, by the end of this year.</p><p> Cheers and good luck !!</p><p> Martin </p>

[quote user="irelam"]

As per my previous posting, it is NOT possible to enter the Edge browser name in Pegasus Mail Tools/Option/Hyperlinks. I would suggest you enter another browser such as Netscape in the "Web browser command" such as C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe and un-check the "find browser automatically". [/quote]

I have now applied this work around. Of course, this work around doesn't fix the problem, but it is a work around, like copying the link and then going to the browser and pasting the link in the browser. 

[quote]This should solve your Pegasus Mail problems, but note this does not affect other settings such as default filetypes in ControlPanel which will continually get set up to MicrosoftEdge at each system update.  So double clicking a web page file in Windows Explorer will invoke MicrosoftEdge normally. You will then get different webpage layouts and function, most of which are because of Edge lacking functions available in other browsers. [/quote]

Double clicking, who still does that? 

I don't currently have a problem outside of Pegasus. The problem is strictly within Pegasus opening the file browser instead of the web browser.

[quote]You have probably heard of the demise of MicrosoftEdge, to be replaced by a Google Chrome browser engine and its features, by the end of this year.[/quote]

No I haven't. I don't follow Microsoft at all and I haven't seen anything about this. However, I will keep an eye on this now of the next development of Edge.

Thank you, Rod. 

<div>[quote user="irelam"] </div><p>As per my previous posting, it is NOT possible to enter the Edge browser name in Pegasus Mail Tools/Option/Hyperlinks. I would suggest you enter another browser such as Netscape in the "Web browser command" such as C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe and un-check the "find browser automatically". [/quote]</p><p>I have now applied this work around. Of course, this work around doesn't fix the problem, but it is a work around, like copying the link and then going to the browser and pasting the link in the browser. </p><p>[quote]This should solve your Pegasus Mail problems, but note this does not affect other settings such as default filetypes in ControlPanel which will continually get set up to MicrosoftEdge at each system update.  So double clicking a web page file in Windows Explorer will invoke MicrosoftEdge normally. You will then get different webpage layouts and function, most of which are because of Edge lacking functions available in other browsers. [/quote]</p><p>Double clicking, who still does that? </p><p>I don't currently have a problem outside of Pegasus. The problem is strictly within Pegasus opening the file browser instead of the web browser.</p><p>[quote]You have probably heard of the demise of MicrosoftEdge, to be replaced by a Google Chrome browser engine and its features, by the end of this year.[/quote]</p><p>No I haven't. I don't follow Microsoft at all and I haven't seen anything about this. However, I will keep an eye on this now of the next development of Edge.</p><p>Thank you, Rod. </p>

Firstly a simple question. Your question:  "Double clicking, who still does that?"  How do you start an application on the desktop, and do you actually use a mouse for anything? Or are you using a touch screen?

I checked my Registry, and there are no obvious linkages between filetypes *.htm and *.html with Windows Explorer, so I assume that some default action is taking place. Windows Explorer doesn't know how to display an Html type file, Html language has to be parsed to actually create a displayable content. That action would be done in Microsoft by Internet Explorer or MicrosoftEdge. I suspect there is a SystemApp that is hiding the clue here.

Going back to Pegasus Mail, do you have a file association listed for HTM or HTML  in menu Tools/Options/Content viewers ?

I hope someone else is inspired to chip in here...


<p>Firstly a simple question. Your question:  "Double clicking, who still does that?"  How do you start an application on the desktop, and do you actually use a mouse for anything? Or are you using a touch screen?</p><p>I checked my Registry, and there are no obvious linkages between filetypes *.htm and *.html with Windows Explorer, so I assume that some default action is taking place. Windows Explorer doesn't know how to display an Html type file, Html language has to be parsed to actually create a displayable content. That action would be done in Microsoft by Internet Explorer or MicrosoftEdge. I suspect there is a SystemApp that is hiding the clue here. </p><p>Going back to Pegasus Mail, do you have a file association listed for HTM or HTML  in menu Tools/Options/Content viewers ?</p><p>I hope someone else is inspired to chip in here... </p><p>Martin </p>

I just found an article in Google that states that "Windows Explorer became "integrated" with Internet Explorer". So it seems they are becoming indistinguishable....


<p>I just found an article in Google that states that "Windows Explorer became "integrated" with Internet Explorer". So it seems they are becoming indistinguishable....</p><p>Martin </p>

Pegasus Mail/Microsoft Edge/Win10 can all behave as expected but I don't think anyone has figured out the exact sequence of events required to get it all working.

The invoking of Windows Explorer instead of Edge indicates something is wrong in the configuration of either Pegasus Mail or the defaults in Win10.

As Martin said, Edge doesn't have an executable so you can't specify a path in Pegasus Mail.  Therefore Pegasus Mail must be configured to use the default browser.

Microsoft Edge must be set as the default browser in the OS.  It must be associated with .htm and .html extensions and the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Some folks have had success toggling the default browser in the OS (set a different default browser, restart the OS, set it back to Edge).

Also as Martin said,  MS is doing away with its proprietary foundation for Edge, transitioning instead to a Chrome based product.  You might want to reconsider hitching your wagon to Edge for now.  The new "Edge" is in testing stage but from what I've read it just looks like Chrome so far.

<p>Pegasus Mail/Microsoft Edge/Win10 can all behave as expected but I don't think anyone has figured out the exact sequence of events required to get it all working.</p><p>The invoking of Windows Explorer instead of Edge indicates something is wrong in the configuration of either Pegasus Mail or the defaults in Win10. </p><p>As Martin said, Edge doesn't have an executable so you can't specify a path in Pegasus Mail.  Therefore Pegasus Mail must be configured to use the default browser.</p><p>Microsoft Edge must be set as the default browser in the OS.  It must be associated with .htm and .html extensions and the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. </p><p>Some folks have had success toggling the default browser in the OS (set a different default browser, restart the OS, set it back to Edge).</p><p>Also as Martin said,  MS is doing away with its proprietary foundation for Edge, transitioning instead to a Chrome based product.  You might want to reconsider hitching your wagon to Edge for now.  The new "Edge" is in testing stage but from what I've read it just looks like Chrome so far. </p><p> </p>

I'll shed some more light on this today or tomorrow, just didn't have the time to do so so far.

I'll shed some more light on this today or tomorrow, just didn't have the time to do so so far.
IERenderer's Homepage
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  1. Pegasus Mail and Edge: Browser handling differs depending on the kind of message containing the link and the HTML renderer being active. If it's a plain text message Pegasus Mail's own configuration settings determine which browser to use, i.e. if the system default is selected Edge will be invoked (on Windows 10). If it's a formatted (= HTML) message and BearHtml is the HTML Renderer (= IERenderer is disabled as indicated in its button menu) the same setting is in effect (Martin should confirm). If IERenderer is active (Pegasus Mail's default) it used to invoke the default browser as long as there was no Windows 10 with the default set to Edge and allowed to select a browser from a drop down menu if right clicking links in Pegasus Mail. It should continue to do so if a non-MS browser is selected as default on Windows 10 (IE 11 might work as well), but this might require some Registry tweaks.
  2. Edge, Chrome and IE: You may read some details about the Chromium based Edge on this page. There are two noteworthy points: Edge will continue to exist and stay a replacement for Internet Explorer; and it will provide an Internet Explorer mode providing IE 11 compatibility for enterprise internal sites. This might help us in keeping up IER development for some time, but I'm not really sure about this. Next thing I just detected is an announcement about preview builds of Edge becoming available for Window 7, 8, and 8.1 which makes me scratch my head about a possible further extension of lifetime support for Windows 7 just six months before the current limit?
Now for my current efforts: Some of you might already have noticed that I'm back to work down a list of necessary fixes and enhancements IER required and still requires which I couldn't do for various reasons for almost three years, one of them being proper support for Windows 10 resp. the Edge browser. Fortunately, since most of our community prefer using other than MS browsers, this hasn't been a big issue so far, but still it needs to be done as this thread rather obviously shows. Since I still don't have a system running Windows 10 available (it's in preparation, but all the migration stuff would keep me busy for weeks) I need some help by current Windows 10 users to get at least this browser issue fixed. I'm trying to figure this out with Martin's help.
<ol><li>Pegasus Mail and Edge: <i>Browser handling differs depending on the kind of message containing the link and the HTML renderer being active.</i> If it's a plain text message Pegasus Mail's own configuration settings determine which browser to use, i.e. if the system default is selected Edge will be invoked (on Windows 10). If it's a formatted (= HTML) message <i>and BearHtml is the HTML Renderer</i> (= <i>IERenderer is disabled</i> as indicated in its button menu) the same setting is in effect (Martin should confirm). <i>If IERenderer is active</i> (Pegasus Mail's default) it used to invoke the default browser as long as there was no Windows 10 with the default set to Edge and allowed to select a browser from a drop down menu if right clicking links in Pegasus Mail. It should continue to do so if a non-MS browser is selected as default on Windows 10 (IE 11 might work as well), but this might require some Registry tweaks.</li><li>Edge, Chrome and IE: You may read some details about the Chromium based Edge on <a mce_href="" target="_blank" href="">this page</a>. There are two noteworthy points: Edge will continue to exist and stay a replacement for Internet Explorer; and it will provide an <i>Internet Explorer mode</i> providing IE 11 compatibility for enterprise internal sites. This might help us in keeping up IER development for some time, but I'm not really sure about this. Next thing I just detected is <a mce_href="" target="_blank" href="">an announcement</a> about preview builds of Edge becoming available for Window 7, 8, and 8.1 which makes me scratch my head about a possible further extension of lifetime support for Windows 7 just six months before the current limit?</li></ol><div>Now for my current efforts: Some of you might already have noticed that I'm back to work down a list of necessary fixes and enhancements IER required and still requires which I couldn't do for various reasons for almost three years, one of them being proper support for Windows 10 resp. the Edge browser. Fortunately, since most of our community prefer using other than MS browsers, this hasn't been a big issue so far, but still it needs to be done as this thread rather obviously shows. Since I still don't have a system running Windows 10 available (it's in preparation, but all the migration stuff would keep me busy for weeks) I need some help by current Windows 10 users to get at least this browser issue fixed. I'm trying to figure this out with Martin's help. </div>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C


 Just a point on your first para, last sentence, '...It should continue to do so if a non-MS browser is selected as default on Windows 10.."  It is important to note that this is the case UNTIL Microsoft issues a fix/update package, where all settings that they own, are reset to manufacturer values (MicrosoftEdge).  While not fatal it is annoying. I use Firefox as my default browser and the process of restoring it is reasonably straight forward, It is a different restore process for individuals and commercial license holders..

I confirm your point in para 1 Bearhtml settings are closely maintained with IERenderer where ever possible. The only differences, are with the actual html rendering engine ( Htmlview versus IE ).


<p>Michael,</p><p> Just a point on your first para, last sentence, '...It should continue to do so if a non-MS browser is selected as default on Windows 10.."  It is important to note that this is the case UNTIL Microsoft issues a fix/update package, where all settings that they own, are reset to manufacturer values (MicrosoftEdge).  While not fatal it is annoying. I use Firefox as my default browser and the process of restoring it is reasonably straight forward, It is a different restore process for individuals and commercial license holders..</p><p>I confirm your point in para 1 Bearhtml settings are closely maintained with IERenderer where ever possible. The only differences, are with the actual html rendering engine ( Htmlview versus IE ).</p><p>Martin </p>

[quote user="irelam"]

Firstly a simple question. Your question:  "Double clicking, who still does that?"  How do you start an application on the desktop, and do you actually use a mouse for anything? Or are you using a touch screen?[/quote]

If it is an icon on the desktop, one click. If I am searching within a folder, one click on the .exe. All done by mouse. I don't have a touch screen on my desktop.

[quote]Going back to Pegasus Mail, do you have a file association listed for HTM or HTML  in menu Tools/Options/Content viewers ?[/quote]

No. I don't have any entries in Pegasus in the file associations for htm or html. 

[quote user="irelam"]<p>Firstly a simple question. Your question:  "Double clicking, who still does that?"  How do you start an application on the desktop, and do you actually use a mouse for anything? Or are you using a touch screen?[/quote]</p><p>If it is an icon on the desktop, one click. If I am searching within a folder, one click on the .exe. All done by mouse. I don't have a touch screen on my desktop.</p><p>[quote]Going back to Pegasus Mail, do you have a file association listed for HTM or HTML  in menu Tools/Options/Content viewers ?[/quote]</p><p>No. I don't have any entries in Pegasus in the file associations for htm or html.  </p>

[quote user="irelam"]

I just found an article in Google that states that "Windows Explorer became "integrated" with Internet Explorer". So it seems they are becoming indistinguishable....[/quote]

That may become the case. However I found out that I still have Internet Explorer on my Windows 10 from my upgraded Windows 7 and of course I now have Edge as well.

I'm not using Internet Explorer at all here if I can help it. I'm sticking with Edge for now. 

[quote user="irelam"]<p>I just found an article in Google that states that "Windows Explorer became "integrated" with Internet Explorer". So it seems they are becoming indistinguishable....[/quote]</p><p>That may become the case. However I found out that I still have Internet Explorer on my Windows 10 from my upgraded Windows 7 and of course I now have Edge as well.</p><p>I'm not using Internet Explorer at all here if I can help it. I'm sticking with Edge for now. </p>

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]The invoking of Windows Explorer instead of Edge indicates something is wrong in the configuration of either Pegasus Mail or the defaults in Win10. [/quote]

It's evoking Windows File Explorer, not Windows Internet Explorer. Windows Internet Explorer comes up as a option on some links with Chrome and Firefox. But Edge does not come up as an option. 

[quote]As Martin said, Edge doesn't have an executable so you can't specify a path in Pegasus Mail.  Therefore Pegasus Mail must be configured to use the default browser.[/quote]

Edge is listed as an .exe (MicrosoftEdge.exe) but I think the issue is that it can't handle command line options. 

[quote]Microsoft Edge must be set as the default browser in the OS.  It must be associated with .htm and .html extensions and the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Some folks have had success toggling the default browser in the OS (set a different default browser, restart the OS, set it back to Edge).[/quote]

This is something that I haven't tried yet, so I'll give this a go when I do my next reboot. 

[quote]Also as Martin said,  MS is doing away with its proprietary foundation for Edge, transitioning instead to a Chrome based product.  You might want to reconsider hitching your wagon to Edge for now.  The new "Edge" is in testing stage but from what I've read it just looks like Chrome so far.[/quote]

I have already gone over to Edge for most of my browsing. Chrome and Firefox complain with some sites which is why I am using Edge since moving to Windows 10 a week or so ago.

<p>[quote user="Brian Fluet"]The invoking of Windows Explorer instead of Edge indicates something is wrong in the configuration of either Pegasus Mail or the defaults in Win10. [/quote]</p><p>It's evoking Windows File Explorer, not Windows Internet Explorer. Windows Internet Explorer comes up as a option on some links with Chrome and Firefox. But Edge does not come up as an option. </p><p>[quote]As Martin said, Edge doesn't have an executable so you can't specify a path in Pegasus Mail.  Therefore Pegasus Mail must be configured to use the default browser.[/quote]</p><p>Edge is listed as an .exe (MicrosoftEdge.exe) but I think the issue is that it can't handle command line options. </p><p>[quote]Microsoft Edge must be set as the default browser in the OS.  It must be associated with .htm and .html extensions and the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. </p><p>Some folks have had success toggling the default browser in the OS (set a different default browser, restart the OS, set it back to Edge).[/quote]</p><p>This is something that I haven't tried yet, so I'll give this a go when I do my next reboot. </p><p>[quote]Also as Martin said,  MS is doing away with its proprietary foundation for Edge, transitioning instead to a Chrome based product.  You might want to reconsider hitching your wagon to Edge for now.  The new "Edge" is in testing stage but from what I've read it just looks like Chrome so far.[/quote]</p><p>I have already gone over to Edge for most of my browsing. Chrome and Firefox complain with some sites which is why I am using Edge since moving to Windows 10 a week or so ago.</p>

[quote user="idw"]

  1. Pegasus Mail and Edge: Browser handling differs depending on the kind of message containing the link and the HTML renderer being active. If it's a plain text message Pegasus Mail's own configuration settings determine which browser to use, i.e. if the system default is selected Edge will be invoked (on Windows 10). If it's a formatted (= HTML) message and BearHtml is the HTML Renderer (= IERenderer is disabled as indicated in its button menu) the same setting is in effect (Martin should confirm). If IERenderer is active (Pegasus Mail's default) it used to invoke the default browser as long as there was no Windows 10 with the default set to Edge and allowed to select a browser from a drop down menu if right clicking links in Pegasus Mail. It should continue to do so if a non-MS browser is selected as default on Windows 10 (IE 11 might work as well), but this might require some Registry tweaks.[/quote]
I have managed to find the email where Edge would open and there wasn't any drop down options of other browsers. That email is pure text with no html. The other emails are html emails and that is where I get the drop down option with Chrome, IE and Firefox listed. No Edge listed.[quote]
  1. Edge, Chrome and IE: You may read some details about the Chromium based Edge on this page. There are two noteworthy points: Edge will continue to exist and stay a replacement for Internet Explorer; and it will provide an Internet Explorer mode providing IE 11 compatibility for enterprise internal sites. This might help us in keeping up IER development for some time, but I'm not really sure about this. Next thing I just detected is an announcement about preview builds of Edge becoming available for Window 7, 8, and 8.1 which makes me scratch my head about a possible further extension of lifetime support for Windows 7 just six months before the current limit?[/quote]
I received another email from Microsoft a day or two ago saying again that support for Windows 7 will stop on January 14th 2020. Dropping support means no trouble shooting support, no bug fixes and no security patches for the Windows 7 operating system. Program development, other than the core Windows 7 system, will still continue though.
[quote]Now for my current efforts: Some of you might already have noticed that I'm back to work down a list of necessary fixes and enhancements IER required and still requires which I couldn't do for various reasons for almost three years, one of them being proper support for Windows 10 resp. the Edge browser. Fortunately, since most of our community prefer using other than MS browsers, this hasn't been a big issue so far, but still it needs to be done as this thread rather obviously shows. Since I still don't have a system running Windows 10 available (it's in preparation, but all the migration stuff would keep me busy for weeks) I need some help by current Windows 10 users to get at least this browser issue fixed. I'm trying to figure this out with Martin's help.


My experience from Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 10 Pro went fairly well. It is taking a bit of getting used to, but most programs are running fine. I thought I had lost notes, but that wasn't the case. I just had to find the notes file and run it and notes are back up running with my old Windows 7 notes that I had. This upgrade was free (and probably will remain free until the end of Windows 7 support and maybe beyond) and took around 2 hours from memory. I didn't have to reinstall anything and I didn't lose anything other than Pegasus now not totally happy. The upgrade was installed over the top of Windows 7. It looks for your Windows 7 registration key and transfers that over to Windows 10. All done online and on your PC. Google was a great help too, as usual.

Thank you for working on this. As Edge will change by the end of the year, it might not be worth putting too much effort into it for now. But that is your call.

Cheers, Rod. 

[quote user="idw"]<ol><li>Pegasus Mail and Edge: <i>Browser handling differs depending on the kind of message containing the link and the HTML renderer being active.</i> If it's a plain text message Pegasus Mail's own configuration settings determine which browser to use, i.e. if the system default is selected Edge will be invoked (on Windows 10). If it's a formatted (= HTML) message <i>and BearHtml is the HTML Renderer</i> (= <i>IERenderer is disabled</i> as indicated in its button menu) the same setting is in effect (Martin should confirm). <i>If IERenderer is active</i> (Pegasus Mail's default) it used to invoke the default browser as long as there was no Windows 10 with the default set to Edge and allowed to select a browser from a drop down menu if right clicking links in Pegasus Mail. It should continue to do so if a non-MS browser is selected as default on Windows 10 (IE 11 might work as well), but this might require some Registry tweaks.[/quote]</li></ol><div>I have managed to find the email where Edge would open and there wasn't any drop down options of other browsers. That email is pure text with no html. The other emails are html emails and that is where I get the drop down option with Chrome, IE and Firefox listed. No Edge listed.[quote]</div><ol><li>Edge, Chrome and IE: You may read some details about the Chromium based Edge on <a href="" target="_blank" mce_href="">this page</a>. There are two noteworthy points: Edge will continue to exist and stay a replacement for Internet Explorer; and it will provide an <i>Internet Explorer mode</i> providing IE 11 compatibility for enterprise internal sites. This might help us in keeping up IER development for some time, but I'm not really sure about this. Next thing I just detected is <a href="" target="_blank" mce_href="">an announcement</a> about preview builds of Edge becoming available for Window 7, 8, and 8.1 which makes me scratch my head about a possible further extension of lifetime support for Windows 7 just six months before the current limit?[/quote]</li></ol><div>I received another email from Microsoft a day or two ago saying again that support for Windows 7 will stop on January 14th 2020. Dropping support means no trouble shooting support, no bug fixes and no security patches for the Windows 7 operating system. Program development, other than the core Windows 7 system, will still continue though.</div><div> </div><div>[quote]Now for my current efforts: Some of you might already have noticed that I'm back to work down a list of necessary fixes and enhancements IER required and still requires which I couldn't do for various reasons for almost three years, one of them being proper support for Windows 10 resp. the Edge browser. Fortunately, since most of our community prefer using other than MS browsers, this hasn't been a big issue so far, but still it needs to be done as this thread rather obviously shows. Since I still don't have a system running Windows 10 available (it's in preparation, but all the migration stuff would keep me busy for weeks) I need some help by current Windows 10 users to get at least this browser issue fixed. I'm trying to figure this out with Martin's help. </div><p>[/quote]</p><p>My experience from Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 10 Pro went fairly well. It is taking a bit of getting used to, but most programs are running fine. I thought I had lost notes, but that wasn't the case. I just had to find the notes file and run it and notes are back up running with my old Windows 7 notes that I had. This upgrade was free (and probably will remain free until the end of Windows 7 support and maybe beyond) and took around 2 hours from memory. I didn't have to reinstall anything and I didn't lose anything other than Pegasus now not totally happy. The upgrade was installed over the top of Windows 7. It looks for your Windows 7 registration key and transfers that over to Windows 10. All done online and on your PC. Google was a great help too, as usual.</p><p>Thank you for working on this. As Edge will change by the end of the year, it might not be worth putting too much effort into it for now. But that is your call.</p><p>Cheers, Rod. </p>

I've done a little bit of testing and can confirm that it is IER that is having problems.

If I disable IER, links will open in Edge ok.

But as soon as I enable IER, html formatted email links will open in File Explorer while text email links will open in Edge. 

<p>I've done a little bit of testing and can confirm that it is IER that is having problems.</p><p>If I disable IER, links will open in Edge ok.</p><p>But as soon as I enable IER, html formatted email links will open in File Explorer while text email links will open in Edge. </p>

[quote user="rocket"]I've done a little bit of testing and can confirm that it is IER that is having problems.

If I disable IER, links will open in Edge ok.

But as soon as I enable IER, html formatted email links will open in File Explorer while text email links will open in Edge.[/quote]

That's what I was trying to explain, this is Microsoft's fallback "solution".

[quote user="rocket"]I've done a little bit of testing and can confirm that it is IER that is having problems.<p>If I disable IER, links will open in Edge ok.</p><p>But as soon as I enable IER, html formatted email links will open in File Explorer while text email links will open in Edge.[/quote]</p><p>That's what I was trying to explain, this is Microsoft's fallback "solution". </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C

[quote user="idw"]That's what I was trying to explain, this is Microsoft's fallback "solution".

I figured as much, which is why I posted that, so that you knew that I was having this known issue. 

Thank you. 

<p>[quote user="idw"]That's what I was trying to explain, this is Microsoft's fallback "solution". [/quote]</p><p>I figured as much, which is why I posted that, so that you knew that I was having this known issue. </p><p>Thank you. </p>

Just FYI: I'm on my way to provide a solution. Unfortunately it isn't as easy as it might appear since Edge isn't a browser but a "Modern App" which can't be handled old style ...

Just FYI: I'm on my way to provide a solution. Unfortunately it isn't as easy as it might appear since Edge isn't a browser but a "Modern App" which can't be handled old style ...
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C
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