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AW: PMICAL 3.4 available

Brian & Jeorg

  I have not, so far, put in code to clean up after user has finished a session in Pmical.  This could just be an option in Pmical.ini? Or it could be a dialog SaveTo question at closing time to save or not save, and then where to save things to.

As to the actual location of data and program files, this could be resolved by users declaring possible locations to be considered, in a list, and then prompted at Pmical startup to select one of the choices of location. Secondly to this I would suggest that all temporary work files created in TEMP by Pmical be deleted at Pmical closing, as they are not useful from that point on.  I have to be careful with event replies, as these need to be kept, as part of the event updating process.  For example the Accept or Decline of an event invitation, and the update of invitees list,  and updating of time and date of event invitations, or event event cancellation.

This last point suggests that using TEMP to store events would not work if event updating is needed. Further, if prompting for a location, it cannot change once set, as the updating process cannot easily change.

By the way, my PmicalAdmin app could be enhanced to handle a lot of these questions. 


<p>Brian & Jeorg</p><p>  I have not, so far, put in code to clean up after user has finished a session in Pmical.  This could just be an option in Pmical.ini? Or it could be a dialog SaveTo question at closing time to save or not save, and then where to save things to.</p><p>As to the actual location of data and program files, this could be resolved by users declaring possible locations to be considered, in a list, and then prompted at Pmical startup to select one of the choices of location. Secondly to this I would suggest that all temporary work files created in TEMP by Pmical be deleted at Pmical closing, as they are not useful from that point on.  I have to be careful with event replies, as these need to be kept, as part of the event updating process.  For example the Accept or Decline of an event invitation, and the update of invitees list,  and updating of time and date of event invitations, or event event cancellation.</p><p>This last point suggests that using TEMP to store events would not work if event updating is needed. Further, if prompting for a location, it cannot change once set, as the updating process cannot easily change.</p><p>By the way, my PmicalAdmin app could be enhanced to handle a lot of these questions. </p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Martin </span></p>

The latest version of PMICAL can be downloaded from:

It upgraded and fixes issues raised in the migration to Windows 10, in both 32-bit and 64-bit modes. It also tries to track all the new features in Microsoft Office application, Outlook. It also tolerates events generated by Apple and other vendor offerings.

This utility receives invitations to events (ie meetings or presentations), and displays their content in a user friendly screen, and can optionally RSVP to the sender, to accept or decline the invitations.


<p>The latest version of PMICAL can be downloaded from:</p><p>It upgraded and fixes issues raised in the migration to Windows 10, in both 32-bit and 64-bit modes. It also tries to track all the new features in Microsoft Office application, Outlook. It also tolerates events generated by Apple and other vendor offerings. </p><p>This utility receives invitations to events (ie meetings or presentations), and displays their content in a user friendly screen, and can optionally RSVP to the sender, to accept or decline the invitations. </p><p>Martin </p>

Hi Martin,

Now I've found time to install the new PMICAL 3.4. I've stupidly overwritten the old PMICAL files and keep the winrules.pmc (to be used by all local users) as it is:


If attachment ExtnPart contains ".ics,.vcs" Goto "vCalendar"
If expression body matches "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" Goto "vCalendar"
If expression body matches "Content-Type: text/calendar*" Goto "vCalendar"
If expression body matches "QkVHSU46VkNBTEVOREFS" Goto "vCalendar"
Always Exit ""

Label "vCalendar"
Always Run "\\\\marsrv9\\pmail$\\programs\\pmical.exe %s"
Always Highlight "16"
Always Exit ""


Unfortunately when testing with an old invitation mail (which worked with the old version), an empty PMICAL window opens followed by another popup form where an e-mail address should be entered. This popup is headlined with "MyEmailAddress missing in PMICAL.ini".

Typing any e-mail address into this popup leads to an error message "I/O error 104"

But finally there is no commented E-mail entry within pmical.ini which could be completed. What does this missing e-mail address mean?


BTW: Your above stated link to: leads to " re-introduced" but not to PMICAL.


<p>Hi Martin,</p><p>Now I've found time to install the new PMICAL 3.4. I've stupidly overwritten the old PMICAL files and keep the winrules.pmc (to be used by all local users) as it is:</p><p>------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p><p>If attachment ExtnPart contains ".ics,.vcs" Goto "vCalendar" If expression body matches "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" Goto "vCalendar" If expression body matches "Content-Type: text/calendar*" Goto "vCalendar" If expression body matches "QkVHSU46VkNBTEVOREFS" Goto "vCalendar" Always Exit "" Label "vCalendar" Always Run "\\\\marsrv9\\pmail$\\programs\\pmical.exe %s" Always Highlight "16" Always Exit ""</p><p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------- </p><p>Unfortunately when testing with an old invitation mail (which worked with the old version), an empty PMICAL window opens followed by another popup form where an e-mail address should be entered. This popup is headlined with "MyEmailAddress missing in PMICAL.ini". </p><p>Typing any e-mail address into this popup leads to an error message "I/O error 104"</p><p>But finally there is no commented E-mail entry within pmical.ini which could be completed. What does this missing e-mail address mean?</p><p> </p><p>BTW: Your above stated link to: leads to " re-introduced" but not to PMICAL. </p><p> </p>

Hi Joerg,

You are experiencing exactly what I experienced before realizing that PMICAL 3.4 will not work for shared network installations like ours because it is dependent on \PMICAL being in every mailbox directory.  This issue which is what triggered the discussion between me and Martin that you got included in the middle of.  I apologize for not posting about it here.  I'm back to v2.50.  

<p>Hi Joerg,</p><p>You are experiencing exactly what I experienced before realizing that PMICAL 3.4 will not work for shared network installations like ours because it is dependent on \PMICAL being in every mailbox directory.  This issue which is what triggered the discussion between me and Martin that you got included in the middle of.  I apologize for not posting about it here.  I'm back to v2.50.   </p>

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your reply. Now I understand. Is Martin working on shared-network-working update? What are the issues of the v2.5 under W10? We presently in the process of upgrading all W7 machines to W10 as long as this is still possible for free. But until now we didn't experience any problems with PMICAL (but of course, we are receiving invitations and such stuff very rarely)

Now I'm back to v2.5 as well.

Greetings from Germany

<p>Hi Brian,</p><p>Thanks for your reply. Now I understand. Is Martin working on shared-network-working update? What are the issues of the v2.5 under W10? We presently in the process of upgrading all W7 machines to W10 as long as this is still possible for free. But until now we didn't experience any problems with PMICAL (but of course, we are receiving invitations and such stuff very rarely)</p><p>Now I'm back to v2.5 as well. </p><p>Greetings from Germany </p>

Yes, Martin is working on this.  I sense that consideration of a shared installation threw a wrench in his design.  I'm sure we'll be hearing from him soon.

I don't have any Win10 machines here yet so let me know how it goes.  [:D]

<p>Yes, Martin is working on this.  I sense that consideration of a shared installation threw a wrench in his design.  I'm sure we'll be hearing from him soon. </p><p>I don't have any Win10 machines here yet so let me know how it goes.  [:D] </p>

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I don't have any Win10 machines here yet so let me know how it goes.  [:D]
[/quote] Works fine so far. Keep in mind the retirement of W7 in January 2020! Using the MS MediaCreationTool upgrades our W7 machines with taking-over all installed programs and user settings. And still for free. Until now at all of my upgraded machines Windows has been activated automatically over the internet. I connect the upgrade with an installation of a SSD drive which accelerates the machine a lot. Users are happy. Of course, Pmail becomes a little bit slower when starting the first time a day. It seems the Defender or Windows Firewall is inspecting any network traffic (all Pmail folders reside at the server as yours) more deeply. This takes time, especially if you have many many mail folders as my users [:S]

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I don't have any Win10 machines here yet so let me know how it goes.  [:D] [/quote] Works fine so far. Keep in mind the retirement of W7 in January 2020! Using the MS MediaCreationTool upgrades our W7 machines with taking-over all installed programs and user settings. And still for free. Until now at all of my upgraded machines Windows has been activated automatically over the internet. I connect the upgrade with an installation of a SSD drive which accelerates the machine a lot. Users are happy. Of course, Pmail becomes a little bit slower when starting the first time a day. It seems the Defender or Windows Firewall is inspecting any network traffic (all Pmail folders reside at the server as yours) more deeply. This takes time, especially if you have many many mail folders as my users [:S]

Joerg and Brian et al,

   Just to let you know I am slowly working on the current update, from a suggestion from Brian, that I NOT keep work files or report files any longer.  This will mean that a recipient receiving a meeting request will have to keep the incoming event invitation in their Pegasus Mail folders, for any response to originator, recall or forwarding to others. I will update the program version number as this will be a major change to PMICAL process.  I will keep the existing PMICAL 3.4 on Community until I get the OK from you that it meets your requirements before I release the new version on Community

As far as I can see I have sorted out the latest Outlook attempts at creating meeting requests. I had to bite the bullet and buy a license for Microsoft Office to get the libraries etc.



<p>Joerg and Brian et al,</p><p>   Just to let you know I am slowly working on the current update, from a suggestion from Brian, that I NOT keep work files or report files any longer.  This will mean that a recipient receiving a meeting request will have to keep the incoming event invitation in their Pegasus Mail folders, for any response to originator, recall or forwarding to others. I will update the program version number as this will be a major change to PMICAL process.  I will keep the existing PMICAL 3.4 on Community until I get the OK from you that it meets your requirements before I release the new version on Community </p><p>As far as I can see I have sorted out the latest Outlook attempts at creating meeting requests. I had to bite the bullet and buy a license for Microsoft Office to get the libraries etc.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>       Martin </p>


Martin mentioned not keeping PMICAL work and report files which is the result of a concern I expressed about them being in %temp% which results in them being machine specific instead of user specific.  My vision was for these files to be in a \pmical subdirectory of the home mailbox and that the \pmical subdirectory be dynamically created if it didn't exist to save network admins from having to manually create each one.  This may be a non-issue if there aren't any shared installations out there where users login and run pmail from multiple machines.  Comments welcome on this please.

<p>All,</p><p>Martin mentioned not keeping PMICAL work and report files which is the result of a concern I expressed about them being in %temp% which results in them being machine specific instead of user specific.  My vision was for these files to be in a \pmical subdirectory of the home mailbox and that the \pmical subdirectory be dynamically created if it didn't exist to save network admins from having to manually create each one.  This may be a non-issue if there aren't any shared installations out there where users login and run pmail from multiple machines.  Comments welcome on this please. </p>


   I have slightly mis-understood your wishes for file locations. I will re-work what I was planning, and situate all the read-write files in the sub-directory of the user NewMail  The read-only files would go in the c:\pmail\programs (or equivalent shared network directory). I am creating the PMICAL sub-directory already. I just need to change its location. What location does the user see when accessing the NewMail directory in the Registry ?  How do I find out where their NewMail directory is?


<p>Brian,</p><p>   I have slightly mis-understood your wishes for file locations. I will re-work what I was planning, and situate all the read-write files in the sub-directory of the user NewMail  The read-only files would go in the c:\pmail\programs (or equivalent shared network directory). I am creating the PMICAL sub-directory already. I just need to change its location. What location does the user see when accessing the NewMail directory in the Registry ?  How do I find out where their NewMail directory is? </p><p> Martin </p>

[quote user="irelam"]   ... I am creating the PMICAL sub-directory already. I just need to change its location. What location does the user see when accessing the NewMail directory in the Registry ?  How do I find out where their NewMail directory is?[/quote]

Unfortunately I don't know. I took a look at the registry entries that I know of and don't see one that you could pull from.

I have a vision of where the read-write files should be, but whether that's feasible is another story.    My vision was for them to be in a subdirectory of the home mailbox directory but the newmail directory may be more appropriate since that is the more logical place when they're different.

Based on your question I assume you don't have a way to access that information directly for the invoking instance of pmail (like what is available in the About > Info button).

Sorry that I'm not much help with the hard stuff.

[quote user="irelam"]   ... I am creating the PMICAL sub-directory already. I just need to change its location. What location does the user see when accessing the NewMail directory in the Registry ?  How do I find out where their NewMail directory is?[/quote]<p>Unfortunately I don't know. I took a look at the registry entries that I know of and don't see one that you could pull from.</p><p> I have a vision of where the read-write files should be, but whether that's feasible is another story.    My vision was for them to be in a subdirectory of the home mailbox directory but the newmail directory may be more appropriate since that is the more logical place when they're different.</p><p>Based on your question I assume you don't have a way to access that information directly for the invoking instance of pmail (like what is available in the About > Info button).</p><p>Sorry that I'm not much help with the hard stuff. </p>

Brian,     I just checked my Registry, and NewMail and HomeMailbox are identical. So unless you can tell me a way to distinguish between them, I am left with defining the PMICALDIR in

PMICAL.INI  which I am locating with the program PMICAL.EXE   Seems it would be easy, but would need the user to specify it.


<p>Brian,     I just checked my Registry, and NewMail and HomeMailbox are identical. So unless you can tell me a way to distinguish between them, I am left with defining the PMICALDIR in</p><p>PMICAL.INI  which I am locating with the program PMICAL.EXE   Seems it would be easy, but would need the user to specify it.</p><p>Martin </p>

[quote user="irelam"]How do I find out where their NewMail directory is?[/quote]

Martin, you could start from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software\Pegasus Mail\Mailbox that points to the running mailbox path. If more than one (-ms command line option) you'll have only the last one opened at this Registry address.

Maybe you could only get Pmail root directory from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software\Pegasus Mail\BaseDir, add \MAIL to it where you can find Pmail.user with all Pmail users' NewMail directories (e.g. Admin, Martin, etc). It won't hurt if you create a \PMICAL sub-directory on each of them.

<p>[quote user="irelam"]How do I find out where their NewMail directory is?[/quote]</p><p>Martin, you could start from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software\Pegasus Mail\Mailbox that points to the running mailbox path. If more than one (-ms command line option) you'll have only the last one opened at this Registry address.</p><p>Maybe you could only get Pmail root directory from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software\Pegasus Mail\BaseDir, add \MAIL to it where you can find Pmail.user with all Pmail users' NewMail directories (e.g. Admin, Martin, etc). It won't hurt if you create a \PMICAL sub-directory on each of them. </p>

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
IERenderer: AttachMenu:
PMDebug: BearHTML


  Sorry for not replying to this sooner. The problem is that the Pmical.ini does need a line with MyEmailAddress=   It is needed to check if it is you the recipient is the same as the sender( AKA Originator) because then the sender doesn't have to send an invitation to you.


<p>Joerg,</p><p>  Sorry for not replying to this sooner. The problem is that the Pmical.ini does need a line with MyEmailAddress=   It is needed to check if it is you the recipient is the same as the sender( AKA Originator) because then the sender doesn't have to send an invitation to you.</p><p> Martin </p>

Thanks Euler,   this what I need to use, I think.  I would like to pass this info on to Grant Root, and Brian Fluet,  to see if their worlds would work with this



<p>Thanks Euler,   this what I need to use, I think.  I would like to pass this info on to Grant Root, and Brian Fluet,  to see if their worlds would work with this</p><p> Thanks</p><p>Martin </p>

What we're bumping into is the flexibility of Pegasus Mail makes standardizing this extremely difficult.  For instance, a current single user installation of Pegasus Mail uses \Mail as the home mailbox directory (no user subdirectory) and won't have a pmail.usr file.  Assuming either exists won't work in this instance.

Using the regkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software\Pegasus Mail\Mailbox sounded promising but it doesn't exist on my Win10 machine.  The only place I found the home mailbox path was in HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-804515620-797000893-1895900202-1001\Software\Pegasus Mail\Mailbox.

I think staying %temp% is fine if we can't find a reliable way of obtaining the path of the home or the new mailbox directory unless we get feedback from anyone else who has a concern about roaming users (anxious to hear from Joerg on this).

<p>What we're bumping into is the flexibility of Pegasus Mail makes standardizing this extremely difficult.  For instance, a current single user installation of Pegasus Mail uses \Mail as the home mailbox directory (no user subdirectory) and won't have a pmail.usr file.  Assuming either exists won't work in this instance.</p><p>Using the regkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software\Pegasus Mail\Mailbox sounded promising but it doesn't exist on my Win10 machine.  The only place I found the home mailbox path was in HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-804515620-797000893-1895900202-1001\Software\Pegasus Mail\Mailbox.</p><p>I think staying %temp% is fine if we can't find a reliable way of obtaining the path of the home or the new mailbox directory unless we get feedback from anyone else who has a concern about roaming users (anxious to hear from Joerg on this).</p>

Brian, with our Pmail network installation unfortunately we are the minority [:S], means for the majority of the Pmail single installations the discovery of the user mailbox directory via Registry Key should work.

I've checked some different machines here and found some machines with that RegKey and some without. I remember that sometimes I've firstly made a local installation of Pmail to make "Pmail" available in the Windows list of standard applications for mail (mailto: / sendto:). But in the meantime I only add a link to the server share where wsendto.exe resides within Firefox and additionally within folder C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\. That's why the availability of a RegKey to the user mailbox directory is not ensured in general.

In general I'm with Brian and would prefer the dropping of work and report files into user's mailbox directory. And for our minority shared network installation, we (Administrators) could manually check/adapt the path to user's mailboxes within pmical.ini subsequently, in case PMICAL neither found a local mailbox directory nor RegKey. But this would lead to only 1 mailbox directory path within the central pmical.ini! We've got up to 20 user mailboxes here. I think it doesn't work.

Further, here with us, we could start Pmail with different local users from each machine, means PMICAL should have to discover the choosen user (from Pmail) when it will be called by an incoming invitation mail. Don't know whether this is practical.

I think it's really the better way to avoid keeping of work and report files. From my point of view this is not really necessary. If I need such a work/report file again, I have simply to open the invitation mail again. And in this case we could still use %temp% for that files and directly delete them after closing the PMICAL window or invitation mail. There would be only one issue remaining (sorry for that Martin): In our great network installation [:D] we are also able to simultaneously open two Pmail instances, where each of them are connected to another user (means user mailbox). And in the rare case that both inboxes contain invitation mails, PMICAL would create its work files at %temp% for both users simultaneously as well. Maybe this could lead to conflicts.


Martin, I've received your mail with pmicalhelp.htm. It would be a pleasure for me to check it but at the moment I would wait until the final working directories and connected stuff are settled. Is this ok?

&lt;p&gt;Brian, with our Pmail network installation unfortunately we are the minority [:S], means for the majority of the Pmail single installations the discovery of the user mailbox directory via Registry Key should work.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I&#039;ve checked some different machines here and found some machines with that RegKey and some without. I remember that sometimes I&#039;ve firstly made a local installation of Pmail to make &quot;Pmail&quot; available in the Windows list of standard applications for mail (mailto: / sendto:). But in the meantime I only add a link to the server share where wsendto.exe resides within Firefox and additionally within folder C:\Users\&amp;lt;user&amp;gt;\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\. That&#039;s why the availability of a RegKey to the user mailbox directory is not ensured in general.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In general I&#039;m with Brian and would prefer the dropping of work and report files into user&#039;s mailbox directory. And for our minority shared network installation, we (Administrators) could manually check/adapt the path to user&#039;s mailboxes within pmical.ini subsequently, in case PMICAL neither found a local mailbox directory nor RegKey. But this would lead to only 1 mailbox directory path within the central pmical.ini! We&#039;ve got up to 20 user mailboxes here. I think it doesn&#039;t work. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; Further, here with us, we could start Pmail with different local users from each machine, means PMICAL should have to discover the choosen user (from Pmail) when it will be called by an incoming invitation mail. Don&#039;t know whether this is practical.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I think it&#039;s really the better way to avoid keeping of work and report files. From my point of view this is not really necessary. If I need such a work/report file again, I have simply to open the invitation mail again. And in this case we could still use %temp% for that files and directly delete them after closing the PMICAL window or invitation mail. There would be only one issue remaining (sorry for that Martin): In our great network installation [:D] we are also able to simultaneously open two Pmail instances, where each of them are connected to another user (means user mailbox). And in the rare case that both inboxes contain invitation mails, PMICAL would create its work files at %temp% for both users simultaneously as well. Maybe this could lead to conflicts.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;ps: &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Martin, I&#039;ve received your mail with pmicalhelp.htm. It would be a pleasure for me to check it but at the moment I would wait until the final working directories and connected stuff are settled. Is this ok? &lt;/p&gt;

Bill, Joerg and Euler,

I am halting the issue of this latest update and its associated Help file until this file location issue can be put to rest with everybody's agreement. In summary it would seem that for Network users there is a issue as to where the Pmical.ini (and thereby the Pmicaldir= value) is located, and how I can be expected to find it.


&lt;p&gt;Bill, Joerg and Euler,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I am halting the issue of this latest update and its associated Help file until this file location issue can be put to rest with everybody&#039;s agreement. In summary it would seem that for Network users there is a issue as to where the Pmical.ini (and thereby the Pmicaldir= value) is located, and how I can be expected to find it. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Martin &lt;/p&gt;



thanks for your reply. Pmical still asks me about my Email Address. Is there a special place where you have to place the line Are there quotes "" necessary?

 Moreover, in the messages I get the attachement has no name ("-" when I save it). Therefore, Pmical does nothing by its own. I have to save the file with a suitable name and drop it on Pmical. Any solution for that?


Best regards



&lt;p&gt;Martin,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;thanks for your reply. Pmical still asks me about my Email Address. Is there a special place where you have to place the line Are there quotes &quot;&quot; necessary?&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;Moreover, in the messages I get the attachement has no name (&quot;-&quot; when I save it). Therefore, Pmical does nothing by its own. I have to save the file with a suitable name and drop it on Pmical. Any solution for that?&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Best regards&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Edmund &lt;/p&gt;


My Pmical.ini contains the line with no quotes:

Second point, if you are looking at the attachments dialog display, and see the file being sent to you is showing a period "."  There is nothing that can be done. You will need to save the file with a name like temporary.ics. But I wonder if you have installed the NewMail filters for Pmical ?  The condition you are reporting is where the only way to process the as-is is to read the whole message  file, looking for BEGIN:VCALENDAR

Pmical does this automatically if you install the NewMail filtering ruleset.



&lt;p&gt;Hello,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;My Pmical.ini contains the line with no quotes:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Second point, if you are looking at the attachments dialog display, and see the file being sent to you is showing a period &quot;.&quot;&amp;nbsp; There is nothing that can be done. You will need to save the file with a name like temporary.ics. But I wonder if you have installed the NewMail filters for Pmical ?&amp;nbsp; The condition you are reporting is where the only way to process the as-is is to read the whole message&amp;nbsp; file, looking for BEGIN:VCALENDAR&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Pmical does this automatically if you install the NewMail filtering ruleset. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Martin &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
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