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Malfunction of link in email

Greetings! I will be grateful if anybody can tell me what is happening, and how to remedy it.

I have Pegasus 4.73, running in Windows 7. I receive emails from for example supermarkets. These include links to webpages which advertise special offers et cetera.

Hitherto, when I clicked on one of these links, my browser retrieved and then displayed the webpage, which seemed appropriate.

However, on September 20, my click first brought up in a message to the effect that as administrator I must authorise my permanent access to "this folder". I clicked on the message and Windows Explorer then came up, i.e. a window on folder C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.

I am still able to retrieve the relevant web page by a right click on the link in Pegasus message reader, and then clicking on "Copy link target to clipboard", then pasting this into the address space in the browser. However this is of course less than ideal.

And I am wondering whether there is some deeper malfunction which can lead to a wider range of undesirable effects.

<div>Greetings! I will be grateful if anybody can tell me what is happening, and how to remedy it.</div><div> </div><div>I have Pegasus 4.73, running in Windows 7. I receive emails from for example supermarkets. These include links to webpages which advertise special offers et cetera.</div><div> </div><div>Hitherto, when I clicked on one of these links, my browser retrieved and then displayed the webpage, which seemed appropriate.</div><div> </div><div>However, on September 20, my click first brought up in a message to the effect that as administrator I must authorise my permanent access to "this folder". I clicked on the message and Windows Explorer then came up, i.e. a window on folder C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.</div><div> </div><div>I am still able to retrieve the relevant web page by a right click on the link in Pegasus message reader, and then clicking on "Copy link target to clipboard", then pasting this into the address space in the browser. However this is of course less than ideal.</div><div> </div><div>And I am wondering whether there is some deeper malfunction which can lead to a wider range of undesirable effects.</div><div> </div>

I don't know specifically what your problem is, though I would not be using Windows/Temp as my TEMP location. Open a DOS box and enter the command: SET  You should get a large number of lines displayed that list your SystemVariables. Among them should be two items:  Temp= and TMP=   These should point to directories on your hard drive, anywhere other than c:\windows. Typically you would have directories such as C:\TEMP and C:\TMP   These directories must be read/write protected. The Windows/Temp directory is used by Microsoft for work files while it is installing software and updates. On my Windows 10 machine I get "Unauthrized access attempted" messages for these Windows directories. I suspect that Windows is doing a final lockdown and update for Windows 7.


<p>I don't know specifically what your problem is, though I would not be using Windows/Temp as my TEMP location. Open a DOS box and enter the command: SET  You should get a large number of lines displayed that list your SystemVariables. Among them should be two items:  Temp= and TMP=   These should point to directories on your hard drive, anywhere other than c:\windows. Typically you would have directories such as C:\TEMP and C:\TMP   These directories must be read/write protected. The Windows/Temp directory is used by Microsoft for work files while it is installing software and updates. On my Windows 10 machine I get "Unauthrized access attempted" messages for these Windows directories. I suspect that Windows is doing a final lockdown and update for Windows 7.</p><p>Martin </p>

[quote user="irelam"]I suspect that Windows is doing a final lockdown and update for Windows 7.[/quote]

Whatever this is supposed to mean ...

Let's start with the easy things: Can you duplicate this? If you can, does it reoccur after restarting Pegasus Mail? If so, does it reoccur after restarting Windows? If it still occurs can we please get a screenshot of the error dialog or at least its text (this can in almost all cases be done by simply typing in Ctrl+C while the dialog is active in the foreground, no matter whether you can preselect the text or not). This would give us a hint about what part of the system or applications brings up this dialog. For making a screenshot please use the Alt + Print keys, it will copy the smallest possible screen part to cliboard which you can past into a simple image editor (like IrfanView, e.g.) for adjusting its size and writing to file (the maximium filesize to be attached here is 64 KB). To attach the file go to the top of this forum's editor (where you type in your text) and switch to the Options page, see elow.

<p>[quote user="irelam"]I suspect that Windows is doing a final lockdown and update for Windows 7.[/quote]</p><p>Whatever this is supposed to mean ...</p><p>Let's start with the easy things: Can you duplicate this? If you can, does it reoccur after restarting Pegasus Mail? If so, does it reoccur after restarting Windows? If it still occurs can we please get a screenshot of the error dialog or at least its text (this can in almost all cases be done by simply typing in Ctrl+C while the dialog is active in the foreground, no matter whether you can preselect the text or not). This would give us a hint about what part of the system or applications brings up this dialog. For making a screenshot please use the Alt + Print keys, it will copy the smallest possible screen part to cliboard which you can past into a simple image editor (like IrfanView, e.g.) for adjusting its size and writing to file (the maximium filesize to be attached here is 64 KB). To attach the file go to the top of this forum's editor (where you type in your text) and switch to the <i>Options</i> page, see elow. </p>
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Windows 7 support closes completely in October 2020 if you have bought into extended support, otherwise the end of life is January 14, 2020.  See Microsoft announcement: 

Windows 7 - KB4493132 -  will display notifications reminding

Windows 7 users to upgrade to Windows 10 before the End of Life date.



<p>Windows 7 support closes completely in October 2020 if you have bought into extended support, otherwise the end of life is January 14, 2020.  See Microsoft announcement:</p><p> </p><p>Windows 7 - KB4493132 -  will display notifications reminding Windows 7 users to upgrade to Windows 10 before the End of Life date.</p><p>Martin </p><p> </p>

HI, I encounter the very same problem - but only in Windows 10. For flexibility I decided to install W10 as a second OS on my laptop. Most applications (and hence also PM) are on H:, Windows 7 is on C (which becomes Q when I boot to Win10).

  • A click on an URL or link opens the File Explorer for the folder defined in FireFox as Download location.
  • Selecting with context menu “Open in Browser” opens the URL in Internet Exploer 11 (although I thought this is replaced by Edge..)
  • Even if I select for the whole message "Open Message in Web Browser" IE is used - although in Tools > Incoming mail > Hyperlinks "H:\Webbrowse\FireFox64\firefox.exe" is defined for the browser.
So for me it's clear that underlying Windows services or functions are cause of this nasty behaviour - not PM itself.
<p>HI, I encounter the very same problem - but only in Windows 10. For flexibility I decided to install W10 as a second OS on my laptop. Most applications (and hence also PM) are on H:, Windows 7 is on C (which becomes Q when I boot to Win10).</p><ul><li>A click on an URL or link opens the File Explorer for the folder defined in FireFox as Download location. </li><li>Selecting with context menu “Open in Browser” opens the URL in Internet Exploer 11 (although I thought this is replaced by Edge..)</li><li>Even if I select for the whole message "Open Message in Web Browser" IE is used - although in Tools > Incoming mail > Hyperlinks "H:\Webbrowse\FireFox64\firefox.exe" is defined for the browser. </li></ul><div>So for me it's clear that underlying Windows services or functions are cause of this nasty behaviour - not PM itself. </div>

[quote user="kdaube"]HI, I encounter the very same problem - but only in Windows 10. For flexibility I decided to install W10 as a second OS on my laptop. Most applications (and hence also PM) are on H:, Windows 7 is on C (which becomes Q when I boot to Win10).[/quote]

Windows 10 is different in several kinds, please go to the download page for IER and install its most recent version for getting around some of its obstacles.

<p>[quote user="kdaube"]HI, I encounter the very same problem - but only in Windows 10. For flexibility I decided to install W10 as a second OS on my laptop. Most applications (and hence also PM) are on H:, Windows 7 is on C (which becomes Q when I boot to Win10).[/quote]</p><p>Windows 10 is different in several kinds, please go to the <a mce_href="/files/folders/community_add-ons_for_pegasus_mail/entry24145.aspx" target="_blank" href="/files/folders/community_add-ons_for_pegasus_mail/entry24145.aspx">download page for IER</a> and install its most recent version for getting around some of its obstacles. </p>
IERenderer's Homepage
PGP Key ID (RSA 2048): 0xC45D831B
S/MIME Fingerprint: 94C6B471 0C623088 A5B27701 742B8666 3B7E657C
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