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Accessing PMail POP from backup?

Pegasus Mail stores numerous paths (home mailbox directory ,new mailbox directory, programs directory)  in configuration files which are stored in a mailbox directory (eg: ...\MAIL\ADMIN).  In order for a copy from one machine to another to be successful the paths must be identical. 

I assume you can tell from the image what the path to the \PMAIL directory was when it was made.  If it was anywhere inside of a \PROGRAM FILES directory don't read an further because this procedure won't work.  Post back for an alternative approach.

If not inside of a \PROGRAM FILES directory here's what I suggest:

Rename the new C:\PMAIL take it of the picture for now (hopefully to be deleted).

Restore the backup to the same location.

Run  C:\PMAIL\PROGRAMS\WINPM-32.EXE.  This will start Pegasus Mail and create a registry entry of its path.  You should be able to see folders and any new messages that existed when the backup was made.  If you don't, something is wrong so stop here and post back, otherwise just close Pegasus Mail.

Run the installer.  It will use the registry key to identify this Pegasus Mail instance and offer to upgrade it, which you should do.  This will create shortcuts and other registry entries.  You don't mention what version is being used but I suggest upgrading to the latest version (4.73).

Note: while doing this I think you might need to do it as the Win10 user who will be using Pegasus Mail, with that users privileges elevated to Admin.  You should reduce them once the upgrade is complete.

Pegasus Mail should now function like it did when the image was made.  The next step will be to address whatever isn't working.  Let us know those details as you identify them and we'll help however we can.

<p>Pegasus Mail stores numerous paths (home mailbox directory ,new mailbox directory, programs directory)  in configuration files which are stored in a mailbox directory (eg: ...\MAIL\ADMIN).  In order for a copy from one machine to another to be successful the paths must be identical.  </p><p>I assume you can tell from the image what the path to the \PMAIL directory was when it was made.  If it was anywhere inside of a \PROGRAM FILES directory don't read an further because this procedure won't work.  Post back for an alternative approach. </p><p>If not inside of a \PROGRAM FILES directory here's what I suggest:</p><p>Rename the new C:\PMAIL take it of the picture for now (hopefully to be deleted).</p><p>Restore the backup to the same location.</p><p>Run  C:\PMAIL\PROGRAMS\WINPM-32.EXE.  This will start Pegasus Mail and create a registry entry of its path.  You should be able to see folders and any new messages that existed when the backup was made.  If you don't, something is wrong so stop here and post back, otherwise just close Pegasus Mail.</p><p>Run the installer.  It will use the registry key to identify this Pegasus Mail instance and offer to upgrade it, which you should do.  This will create shortcuts and other registry entries.  You don't mention what version is being used but I suggest upgrading to the latest version (4.73).</p><p>Note: while doing this I think you might need to do it as the Win10 user who will be using Pegasus Mail, with that users privileges elevated to Admin.  You should reduce them once the upgrade is complete.</p><p>Pegasus Mail should now function like it did when the image was made.  The next step will be to address whatever isn't working.  Let us know those details as you identify them and we'll help however we can. </p>

Hi all,

Bear with me here...I'm a computer repair tech and I had a woman give me her laptop with a non-functioning Windows 8 install. The repair on that install failed, so I backed up her hard drive by cloning it and installed Windows 10.

She has given me almost NO details on what and how she wants anything set up like on this laptop, so I am getting quite frustrated. Amidst this, she asked me to set Pegasus Mail back up...which was installed before the wipe of Windows. However, she told me it didn't WORK before the wipe of Windows as she couldn't access 'all her old emails' (presumably from the last 10 years or somewhere inbetween) on Pegasus. I know nothing about Pegasus and have never heard of it before, but am trying to figure out to access what I assume were old POP email files.

I installed the same version of Pmail she used to have before the wipe and then had read somewhere I could copy settings / email files from one machine to another by simply copying the PMAIL folder in C:/

I have done that and have her IMAP access set up, but am seeing empty folders in the top area of the mailbox list (the IMAP folders are listed at the bottom of the list) where I presume I SHOULD be seeing her emails? The C:/PMAIL/MAIL/ADMIN folder has like...24,000 files in it totalling like...5GB, if that helps, so SOMETHING is in there...? How do I get these to successfully be visible in PMail again...?

Thanks for any help!
 - Signed, a very frustrated tech.

Hi all, Bear with me here...I'm a computer repair tech and I had a woman give me her laptop with a non-functioning Windows 8 install. The repair on that install failed, so I backed up her hard drive by cloning it and installed Windows 10. She has given me almost NO details on what and how she wants anything set up like on this laptop, so I am getting quite frustrated. Amidst this, she asked me to set Pegasus Mail back up...which was installed before the wipe of Windows. However, she told me it didn't WORK before the wipe of Windows as she couldn't access 'all her old emails' (presumably from the last 10 years or somewhere inbetween) on Pegasus. I know nothing about Pegasus and have never heard of it before, but am trying to figure out to access what I assume were old POP email files. I installed the same version of Pmail she used to have before the wipe and then had read somewhere I could copy settings / email files from one machine to another by simply copying the PMAIL folder in C:/ I have done that and have her IMAP access set up, but am seeing empty folders in the top area of the mailbox list (the IMAP folders are listed at the bottom of the list) where I presume I SHOULD be seeing her emails? The C:/PMAIL/MAIL/ADMIN folder has like...24,000 files in it totalling like...5GB, if that helps, so SOMETHING is in there...? How do I get these to successfully be visible in PMail again...? Thanks for any help!  - Signed, a very frustrated tech.

With Pegasus closed, rename (keep copy) you will lose the folder structure

Also rename State.pmj (Pegasus will not look pretty for a while but will work)

Look for PMI / PMM folder pairs, they are (most of) your mail folders, CNM files are single messages (that will show in New Mail Folder)

re-run Pegasus

Also post this query to


That address should be in a help file with your fresh install

<p>With Pegasus closed, rename (keep copy) you will lose the folder structure</p><p>Also rename State.pmj (Pegasus will not look pretty for a while but will work) </p><p>Look for PMI / PMM folder pairs, they are (most of) your mail folders, CNM files are single messages (that will show in New Mail Folder)</p><p>re-run Pegasus </p><p>Also post this query to</p><p>PM-WIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU</p><p>That address should be in a help file with your fresh install </p>
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