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Create Address Book from Recently-Used list

Yes indeed. I should have said "Filling blanks and trimming up." [:)]

Yes indeed. I should have said "Filling blanks and trimming up." [:)]

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
IERenderer: AttachMenu:
PMDebug: BearHTML

How does one create an Address Book
from the contents of the Recently-Used list?
<div><font size="4">How does one create an </font><font size="4" color="#974806"><b>Address Book</b></font><font size="4"></font></div><div><font size="4"> from the contents of the </font><font size="4" color="#6F3198"><b>Recently-Used list</b></font><font size="4">?</font></div>

The recently used list is simply a text listing of addresses.  It does not contain the data needed to populate the fields of an address book record.  Also, it will likely contain invalid entries, unless you've never sent to an invalid address.

Its file is a plain text file so could be used for reference in creating an address book but if you do this keep in mind the possibility of invalid entries.  Its filename is WINPMFUA.PM located in the home mailbox directory.

<p>The recently used list is simply a text listing of addresses.  It does not contain the data needed to populate the fields of an address book record.  Also, it will likely contain invalid entries, unless you've never sent to an invalid address. </p><p>Its file is a plain text file so could be used for reference in creating an address book but if you do this keep in mind the possibility of invalid entries.  Its filename is WINPMFUA.PM located in the home mailbox directory. </p>

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]Its filename is WINPMFUA.PM located in the home mailbox directory.[/quote]

Thanks Brian - that's all the info I need.

For reference, I found the file in \MAIL\NET


<p>[quote user="Brian Fluet"]Its filename is WINPMFUA.PM located in the home mailbox directory.[/quote]</p><p>Thanks Brian - that's all the info I need.</p><p>For reference, I found the file in \MAIL\NET </p><p> </p>

IIRC Recently-used list is on file. It contains only the e-mail address, either or "John Doe" <> or other valid form. You could save this file to a text file named say addresses.csv and open it in a plain text editor. Each line shall contain only a single address. Now you have to convert it in a tab delimited text file. If you're not familiar with regex try opening it with Excel or LibreOffice Calc. The .csv extension will help. Choose no-separator so it will import as a 1-column spreadsheet.

After that, insert a blank column before that of the addresses. This new column corresponds to the Alias. You may edit it on the spreadsheet or leave it blank. Once imported by Pmail it will appear as Unknown.

Now, export (Save As) the spreadsheet as a tab (tab, not comma, and no quotes) delimited text file and import it to a Pmail addressbook. This shall do.

&lt;p&gt;IIRC Recently-used list is on file. It contains only the e-mail address, either or &quot;John Doe&quot; &amp;lt;;gt; or other valid form. You could save this file to a text file named say addresses.csv and open it in a plain text editor. Each line shall contain only a single address. Now you have to convert it in a tab delimited text file. If you&#039;re not familiar with regex try opening it with Excel or LibreOffice Calc. The .csv extension will help. Choose no-separator so it will import as a 1-column spreadsheet.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;After that, insert a blank column before that of the addresses. This new column corresponds to the Alias. You may edit it on the spreadsheet or leave it blank. Once imported by Pmail it will appear as Unknown.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Now, export (Save As) the spreadsheet as a tab (tab, not comma, and no quotes) delimited text file and import it to a Pmail addressbook. This shall do. &lt;/p&gt;

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
IERenderer: AttachMenu:
PMDebug: BearHTML

YW. Remember to "fill the blanks" after importing data. Pmail works better with the alias field filled.[;)]

YW. Remember to &quot;fill the blanks&quot; after importing data. Pmail works better with the alias field filled.[;)]

-- Euler

Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 Windows 7 Ultimate
IERenderer: AttachMenu:
PMDebug: BearHTML

Also remember the recent list will contain not only "good" addresses but other forms like these

Pegasus Mail for Windows Discussion List <PM-WIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>

&lt;p&gt;Also remember the recent list will contain not only &quot;good&quot; addresses but other forms like these &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;@Temp.pml Pegasus Mail for Windows Discussion List &amp;lt;PM-WIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU&amp;gt; PegList news/ NB:Test NB:Test.Xmas &lt;/p&gt;
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