Community Discussions and Support
Email download issue

For starters select the Pegasus Mail File main menu and click on selective download.  You should get a list of messages being help at your ISP. Then if you get any items listed, select them and click Download If they really there, they should download. You should also complain to Telus and get them to explain their interpretation of the message lines: STAT and:  +OK 140 21331952  As far as I understand this says that there are 140 messages with a total size of 21,331,952 bytes (21 Mbs).

FYI, I am a Telus customer too, and I was without service for over a week, for both POP and SMTP, when their server pool collapsed.(I got a $50 gift card as a "sorry about that").   Plan 2, get a Telus Webmail account set up, and try to access your messages from it.

Good Luck,  I am back on the air again with no significant loss as far a I can tell.



<p>For starters select the Pegasus Mail File main menu and click on selective download.  You should get a list of messages being help at your ISP. Then if you get any items listed, select them and click Download If they really there, they should download. You should also complain to Telus and get them to explain their interpretation of the message lines: STAT and:  +OK 140 21331952  As far as I understand this says that there are 140 messages with a total size of 21,331,952 bytes (21 Mbs).</p><p>FYI, I am a Telus customer too, and I was without service for over a week, for both POP and SMTP, when their server pool collapsed.(I got a $50 gift card as a "sorry about that").   Plan 2, get a Telus Webmail account set up, and try to access your messages from it.</p><p>Good Luck,  I am back on the air again with no significant loss as far a I can tell. </p><p>Martin </p><p> </p>


I'm just new to the forum but have been a longtime Pegasus user. I have encountered an issue with my wife's email. My provider, Telus, here in Canada had a server go kerfluie and we were without email for about a month. Once they were done reconstucting the database I was able to use my Pegasus to download my email again but my wife has not been able to. She seems to be able to log in and it shows there are emails do download but it stops a 1 and gives the following error message;

 18:25:42.538: --- 25 Oct 2019, 18:25:42.538 ---

18:25:42.538: Connect to '', timeout 15 seconds.

18:25:43.594: >> +OK POP3 ready

18:25:43.594: << USER XXXXXX

18:25:43.703: >> +OK


18:25:43.778: >> +OK server ready

18:25:43.778: << STAT

18:25:43.840: >> +OK 140 21331952

18:25:43.840: << LIST

18:25:43.909: >> +OK 140 messages

18:25:43.923: << UIDL 1

18:25:43.988: >> +OK 1 125300.Q,pyh0zm3AYQPWN32GL0VI9pxtU1Yejn+fExKxr96kA=

18:25:43.988: << TOP 1 1

18:25:44.059: >> -ERR No such blob: mailbox=7580, item=125300, change=655300


Can any one here help me with decoding the error? Telus says it isn't them but we all expected that didn't we? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Best regarrds,

Don in Canada 

&lt;p&gt;Hello,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I&#039;m just new to the forum but have been a longtime Pegasus user. I have encountered an issue with my wife&#039;s email. My provider, Telus, here in Canada had a server go kerfluie and we were without email for about a month. Once they were done reconstucting the database I was able to use my Pegasus to download my email again but my wife has not been able to. She seems to be able to log in and it shows there are emails do download but it stops a 1 and gives the following error message;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;18:25:42.538: --- 25 Oct 2019, 18:25:42.538 ---&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:42.538: Connect to &#039;;, timeout 15 seconds.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.594: &amp;gt;&amp;gt; +OK POP3 ready&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.594: &amp;lt;&amp;lt; USER XXXXXX&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.703: &amp;gt;&amp;gt; +OK&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt; 0015 PASS XXXXXXXX&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.778: &amp;gt;&amp;gt; +OK server ready&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.778: &amp;lt;&amp;lt; STAT&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.840: &amp;gt;&amp;gt; +OK 140 21331952&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.840: &amp;lt;&amp;lt; LIST&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.909: &amp;gt;&amp;gt; +OK 140 messages&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.923: &amp;lt;&amp;lt; UIDL 1&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.988: &amp;gt;&amp;gt; +OK 1 125300.Q,pyh0zm3AYQPWN32GL0VI9pxtU1Yejn+fExKxr96kA=&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:43.988: &amp;lt;&amp;lt; TOP 1 1&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;18:25:44.059: &amp;gt;&amp;gt; -ERR No such blob: mailbox=7580, item=125300, change=655300&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Can any one here help me with decoding the error? Telus says it isn&#039;t them but we all expected that didn&#039;t we? Any help would be greatly appreciated.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Best regarrds,&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Don in Canada&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
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