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Problems reading some messages with Pegasus v4.73

I am (and have been for some time now) experiencing problems reading some emails.  Here are some examples:-

1) Ebay alert emails (generated as a result of setting up a "save this search") - opening the messages causes Pegasus to crash and locks the mailbox. Other email from EBay are fine.

2) Emails from Amazon UK that confirm an order placed (starting "Subject: Your order of ......." have squashed lines and some placed over others. This applies to the Plain Text mode, whilst the HTML Text mode is OK.  Other emails from Amazon - eg Dispatch Confirmation are fine.

3)  I mentioned the EBay and Amazon above as I Expect most people will be familar with such messages.  However, I also regularly have issues with some other emails from organisations that use fancy styles. Fortunately in most cases they offer to read the messages online.

Over to you experts.. :)




<p>I am (and have been for some time now) experiencing problems reading some emails.  Here are some examples:-</p><p>1) Ebay alert emails (generated as a result of setting up a "save this search") - opening the messages causes Pegasus to crash and locks the mailbox. Other email from EBay are fine. </p><p>2) Emails from Amazon UK that confirm an order placed (starting "Subject: Your order of ......." have squashed lines and some placed over others. This applies to the Plain Text mode, whilst the HTML Text mode is OK.  Other emails from Amazon - eg Dispatch Confirmation are fine. </p><p>3)  I mentioned the EBay and Amazon above as I Expect most people will be familar with such messages.  However, I also regularly have issues with some other emails from organisations that use fancy styles. Fortunately in most cases they offer to read the messages online.</p><p>Over to you experts.. :) </p><p> </p><p>  </p><p>  </p>

I should add that all the examples read correctly when the messages are read using webmail

I should add that all the examples read correctly when the messages are read using webmail

I am seeing increasing numbers of problems with vendors generating mail-outs with software that is implementing both HTML V5 and CSS V3+. Of these two major changes, the one that is causing the most problems is CSS3+ that increasingly is controlling display layout problem.  I would suggest that when viewing a problem message you key in Shift + Ctrl + "R" which will disable CSS. Then close and re-open the message. You should see an improvement. Otherwise right click in the web page and choose "open the message in a browser".


<p>I am seeing increasing numbers of problems with vendors generating mail-outs with software that is implementing both HTML V5 and CSS V3+. Of these two major changes, the one that is causing the most problems is CSS3+ that increasingly is controlling display layout problem.  I would suggest that when viewing a problem message you key in Shift + Ctrl + "R" which will disable CSS. Then close and re-open the message. You should see an improvement. Otherwise right click in the web page and choose "open the message in a browser".</p><p>Martin </p>

Thanks for your help, Martin. Your suggestions work fine for messages that I am able to open, but does not solve how to read the ones that crash when you try - any ideas (other than going to webmail)?

 A few other points:-

1) Does the CSS3+ remain turned off and apply then to other messages without the need to keep doing this?

2) Are there any disadvantages having CSS3+ turned off?

3) Another example of messages crashing on opening is EBay notifications of "Relisted items"

* i am interested to know if anyone else is experiencing these issues....

<p>Thanks for your help, Martin. Your suggestions work fine for messages that I am able to open, but does not solve how to read the ones that crash when you try - any ideas (other than going to webmail)?</p><p> A few other points:-</p><p>1) Does the CSS3+ remain turned off and apply then to other messages without the need to keep doing this?</p><p>2) Are there any disadvantages having CSS3+ turned off?</p><p>3) Another example of messages crashing on opening is EBay notifications of "Relisted items"</p><p>* i am interested to know if anyone else is experiencing these issues.... </p>

Answers to your questions.


CSS stays turned off until Pegasus Mail shuts down. You can make it

permanent by editing the Bearhtml.ini line wantcss=yes to be wantcss=no.  If you want

to turn it on, all you have to do is type in Shift + Ctrl + "R"   The

Pegasus Mail status line will briefly show either "CSS enabled" or "CSS

disabled". After doing this you must close the message and re-open it.


No real disadvantages, as CSS is or was just an enhancement.

Unfortunately both CSS4 and CSS5 have been announced. Good news is that

most vendors will not implement these protocols for some time


Ebay messages and Yahoo are examples of major vendors implementing the

latest CSS. But they are also implementing HTML V5. This is a major

change, especially for user (IERenderer and Bearhtml). We have to keep

old functions alive because of back level users (all the way back to

Windows 95).

Both IERenderer and Bearhtml are trying to keep up with these latest implementations of CSS and HTML.

<div>Answers to your questions. </div><div><br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div>1. CSS stays turned off until Pegasus Mail shuts down. You can make it permanent by editing the Bearhtml.ini line wantcss=yes to be wantcss=no.  If you want to turn it on, all you have to do is type in Shift + Ctrl + "R"   The Pegasus Mail status line will briefly show either "CSS enabled" or "CSS disabled". After doing this you must close the message and re-open it. </div><div><br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div> 2. No real disadvantages, as CSS is or was just an enhancement. Unfortunately both CSS4 and CSS5 have been announced. Good news is that most vendors will not implement these protocols for some time</div><div><br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div>3. Ebay messages and Yahoo are examples of major vendors implementing the latest CSS. But they are also implementing HTML V5. This is a major change, especially for user (IERenderer and Bearhtml). We have to keep old functions alive because of back level users (all the way back to Windows 95).<br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div><br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div>Both IERenderer and Bearhtml are trying to keep up with these latest implementations of CSS and HTML.<br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div><br data-mce-bogus="1"></div><div>Regards,<br data-mce-bogus="1"></div>      Martin

You have been most helpful. I can now report that I am able to read all the offending messages (so far) - including the ones that previously were crashing when attempting to open them.[:D]

You have been most helpful. I can now report that I am able to read all the offending messages (so far) - including the ones that previously were crashing when attempting to open them.[:D]

[quote user="Ambassador"]Over to you experts.. :)[/quote]

First thing to do in such cases is to take a look at the top of this forum where you will find this post giving some detailed advice about dealing with such issues like yours.

<p>[quote user="Ambassador"]Over to you experts.. :)[/quote]</p><p>First thing to do in such cases is to take a look at the top of this forum where you will find <a mce_href="/forums/thread/31478.aspx" target="_blank" href="/forums/thread/31478.aspx">this post giving some detailed advice</a> about dealing with such issues like yours. </p>
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[quote user="Ambassador"]You have been most helpful. I can now report that I am able to read all the offending messages (so far) - including the ones that previously were crashing when attempting to open them.[:D]

The Ctrl+Shift+R key combination only applies when Bearhtml is doing the rendering.  I didn't see any reference to which renderer was being used nor to renderer version so I'm curious how the conversation became specific to Bearhtml and CSS.  Is there a clue in the original post that I don't see?  Martin's ESP?

<p>[quote user="Ambassador"]You have been most helpful. I can now report that I am able to read all the offending messages (so far) - including the ones that previously were crashing when attempting to open them.[:D] [/quote]</p><p>The Ctrl+Shift+R key combination only applies when Bearhtml is doing the rendering.  I didn't see any reference to which renderer was being used nor to renderer version so I'm curious how the conversation became specific to Bearhtml and CSS.  Is there a clue in the original post that I don't see?  Martin's ESP? </p>


  It would seem to be a Bearhtml problem. The Ctrl + Shift + R is unique to Bearhtml as CSS support is built into Bearhtml. IERenderer has no such problem as it gets all the rendering from the browser it uses, ie Internet Explorer or MSEdge etc, and there is no disabling.   The problem with Bearhtml (a,k.a Htmlview) is that is open source (sourceforge), and is quite a long way from the latest levels of both HTML and CSS. The authoring team of Htmlview have stated that most of the latest changes will take up to to a year to implement. So I have to include ways of ignoring or bypassing these known missing features.

Most of the problematic issues are with CSS, which is taking over from HTML for text formatting and positioning. Bearhtml only has partial CSS3, and no CSS4 or CSS5 support. The major software implementors have huge teams of developers to move their migrations along. The future of Bearhtml is not all that bright right now, bu I am trying to code solutions to the most common problems.

My next update to Bearhtml will probably disable CSS processing either permanently or by request.


<p>Brian,</p><p>  It would seem to be a Bearhtml problem. The Ctrl + Shift + R is unique to Bearhtml as CSS support is built into Bearhtml. IERenderer has no such problem as it gets all the rendering from the browser it uses, ie Internet Explorer or MSEdge etc, and there is no disabling.   The problem with Bearhtml (a,k.a Htmlview) is that is open source (sourceforge), and is quite a long way from the latest levels of both HTML and CSS. The authoring team of Htmlview have stated that most of the latest changes will take up to to a year to implement. So I have to include ways of ignoring or bypassing these known missing features.</p><p>Most of the problematic issues are with CSS, which is taking over from HTML for text formatting and positioning. Bearhtml only has partial CSS3, and no CSS4 or CSS5 support. The major software implementors have huge teams of developers to move their migrations along. The future of Bearhtml is not all that bright right now, bu I am trying to code solutions to the most common problems.</p><p>My next update to Bearhtml will probably disable CSS processing either permanently or by request.</p><p>Martin </p>
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