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Download & Installation question RE Bearhtml 4.9.9.?

I have been a little remiss in not keeping the internal properties info for Bearhtml.dll in step with the zip files naming, that I have been creating. I have been creating new versions of Bearhtml on an almost monthly basis, to introduce Html V5 coding requirements, at the same time keeping Html V4 coding alive. As well I am trying to implement CSS V3 fully, and started on CSS V4 as well as the draft version of CSS V5.



<p>I have been a little remiss in not keeping the internal properties info for Bearhtml.dll in step with the zip files naming, that I have been creating. I have been creating new versions of Bearhtml on an almost monthly basis, to introduce Html V5 coding requirements, at the same time keeping Html V4 coding alive. As well I am trying to implement CSS V3 fully, and started on CSS V4 as well as the draft version of CSS V5.</p><p>Martin</p><p> </p>

Need clarification/help with the following please:

The discussion associated with the announcement of Bearhtml contained references to both and   The file I downloaded from this site is named but it contains v4.9.9.6.  Clarification is needed please.

The installation instructions contained in this download say to place Bearhtml.dll and Bearhtml.ini in the Pegasus Mail executables directory and the rest of the files in the new mail directory.  Will it work correctly if all files are placed in the Pegasus Mail executables directory like with previous versions?

<p>Need clarification/help with the following please: </p><p>The discussion associated with the announcement of Bearhtml contained references to both and   The file I downloaded from this site is named but it contains v4.9.9.6.  Clarification is needed please. </p><p>The installation instructions contained in this download say to place Bearhtml.dll and Bearhtml.ini in the Pegasus Mail executables directory and the rest of the files in the new mail directory.  Will it work correctly if all files are placed in the Pegasus Mail executables directory like with previous versions?</p>


   These two releases are almost identical.  The one that should be installed is  


<p>Brian,</p><p>   These two releases are almost identical.  The one that should be installed is  </p><p> Martin</p>

I installed the files from but Shift+F1 shows

I installed the files from but Shift+F1 shows

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I installed the files from but Shift+F1 shows[/quote]

So does the information derived from the properties sheet of the DLL file and its last file write time stamp is from 2018.

<p>[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I installed the files from but Shift+F1 shows[/quote]</p><p>So does the information derived from the properties sheet of the DLL file and its last file write time stamp is from 2018. </p>
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